That would work too (I suggested the brake pedal earlier in the thread). It just seems like requiring a click is not too much. It would be similar to clicking "Join Race", after the track changes. I think a click is the same method that nKP uses as well, though I don't own it, so I'm not sure.
Agreed. The handbrake isn't the cause, but it's just one more little thing on the road to realism. Better to take care of it now so that users will be used to it by the time stalling is implemented.
Again, I'm in total agreement. Even if the auto handbrake is removed, starts still require very little skill. Baby steps.
Formation laps would be a nice addition. I think MoE is the only league that does any sort of formation lap right now. I'm curious though, why would you oppose clicking an "OK" button or a "Go to Grid" button? It seems like the perfect solution to me. That way you ensure that all drivers are actually ready to race before they go to the starting line. This would solve the problem of suddenly appearing on the grid and rolling, as well as solving the issue of people who have stepped away from their machines but still been placed on the grid.
I think that the more realistic LFS is, the more I will enjoy it. I want to feel like I'm driving a car, not playing a game. LFS feels like that except for a few things which can ruin the immersion. I also love LFS because it makes joining a game or hosting a game so dead simple. Doing the same thing in GTR is a giant pain. The physics and excellent connectivity are what make LFS the sim that it is. Making it even more realistic can only improve the experience.
I agree that some concessions must be made because it's not possible to 100% recreate the act of driving a real car. However; I think that things like auto-clutch, auto-handbrake, etc. are going too far in the wrong direction. It's one thing to put something into a sim to compensate for what you lose by not being in the car (increased skid sounds, for instance), but to make the car control itself is the wrong way to go about it.
The bottom line is that auto-handbrake doesn't solve any problem that couldn't be solved in another, more realistic, more effective way.
We've already discussed a very simple method for addressing that issue.
You're right. Auto-handbrake does nothing, and therefore, should be removed.
That's the whole point! In real life, race cars don't use the handbrake to prevent rolling on the start. So, it stands to reason that if we want a realistic sim we should not use the handbrake (especially a computer controlled, automagic one) either.
Re-read the posts. We're not saying that the driver should have to let go of the handbrake. We're saying that the handbrake should never be engaged in the first place.
It's still possible to drive without auto-clutch, but that's a discussion for a different thread.
If you're using auto-clutch and mouse, the auto-handbrake discussion is really a moot point because you can easily hold the brakes with one finger while flooring the gas with the other. All you need to do is release the brake finger while shifting into first. So, not having auto-handbrake really shouldn't be difficult at all for you. When dealing with three pedals, a shifter, and a handbrake, it's a different story.
That is the important part. There are already some tools that will let someone watch the car, but being able to work as a pit boss and adjust what is done during pit stops is the big step. If my friend is watching with one of these tools he can tell me that I'll need new rear tires at the next stop, but it would be even better if he could use some sort of InSim command to make sure they got changed when I pit, without me having to mess with the F12 menu.
Awesome! I'll have to give this a try this weekend. I requested new InSim packets for shifter type and clutch type (button/axis/auto), so hopefully those will make it in for patch X. If they do, I think your tool, combined with those new packets, would be the solution to the "hardcore" mode so many of us have wanted.
Unfortunately, that means I'll have to get off my ass and finally organize a hardcore racing league.
I think this is the perfect solution. Another option is that you are not joined to the grid unless you have your foot on the brakes. In either case, you prevent people from being put on the grid when they've gone AFK and you let them know "you're about to go to grid, don't let your car roll".
The other thread in the main forum got closed while I was typing this, so I'll just post it here:
Because now you can false start, but you still can't have a "bad" start. All that's needed is to rev the car to redline and then drop it in first gear when the lights turn green. Because of the auto-handbrake, drivers don't have to worry about holding the car with the brake and have zero risk of rolling on the start. Before there was no skill involved in getting a good start - you would simply hold the gas to the floor. All that's changed now is that you are required to shift into first once the lights turn green.
I'm not trying to wind you up. I think you misunderstand my position. Right now in LFS starts are all the same and there is really no skill involved other than putting the car into gear when the lights turn green. There's no chance of rolling on the start line, no chance of stalling, no real chance of overcooking the tires, no chance of damaging the transmission, etc. Having the ability to perform a false start is a good step in the right direction, but it just magnifies the other things that separate starts in LFS from starts in real life. I think the auto-handbrake is one of those things. The next small step towards realism would be to remove it.
This is not what I'm suggesting at all. I think that the handbrake should not be engaged unless the user engages it (using a button, key, etc.). If the driver wants to use the handbrake on the start line, they can do so using a button on their controller or a key on the keyboard. I, personally, would probably not bother as it would be simpler to just heel/toe away from the start line. Some people have suggested that the handbrake should be turned on at the start of the race and that the driver needs to press a button to turn it off before they can leave the start line. I think this is the wrong approach. The handbrake should never be engaged unless I specifically engage it, just like the clutch should never engage unless I specifically engage it. When the car starts out on the grid it should be in neutral, no handbrake. From there it's a simple matter for users to learn that they need to have their foot on the brake when they join the grid to prevent rolling. It might be confusing at first, simply because it's different than it was in the past, but people will adjust very quickly because they know if they do not, it will cost them a drive-through.
Sorry. I didn't mean to turn this thread into the auto-handbrake thread. But, I do think this is an important point not only from a realism standpoint, but because the auto-handbrake removes a bit of skill from getting a good start.
I said this in the other thread and I'll say it again here:
I do not want auto-handbrake AT ALL. I don't want auto anything! I want to do the driving myself, not have the computer control it all for me. I don't want the handbrake engaged unless *I* engage it.
I think the "BL start line carnage" excuse is, frankly, a bunch of BS. It might happen when the change is first implemented, but people will quickly realize that they need to have their foot on the brake before they go to grid.
I really love LFS and think it's by far the best sim out there, but little things like the auto-clutch, auto-handbrake, almost non-existant damage, etc. really ruin the immersion of the sim. The sooner these things are removed, the better.
This is true, but I think it was inevitable that the discussion would turn to these things. I, myself, posted in the thread a few times about the handbrake issue. I think it's natural (and acceptable) to discuss things like this which are directly affected by the new patch. I realize that Scawen is basically looking for bugs, but when you implement a new feature like false starts, it really highlights other issues that affect the game.
Personally, I don't think false starts are really all that worthwhile as long as the auto-handbrake exists and as long as there's no damage to the engine/transmission from redline drops into first gear. While it might add a little noise to the thread to discuss such things, I believe it's important. If these things are not mentioned then there is a chance we'll be stuck with them for the duration of the next incompatible patch. If players mention these things and let Scawen know how important they are to us, there's a good chance he'll listen and address them before releasing a patch that we'll have to live with for months on end. And that is what really separates LFS from the rest: Scawen listens and implements not only the things that he thinks are important, but the things that his customers think is important.
The problem is that the handbrake directly affects the racing. We've now got jump starts and the handbrake is, frankly, ruining the realism and immersion of it, not to mention that it gives people using autoclutch one more advantage, on top of what they already had.
Let's not forget also that eventually LFS will have to remove the autoclutch and implement stalling. Once that happens, the handbrake will have to be removed anyway. Might as well do it now since it's having a negative effect on starts.
That's what I'm concerned about. I don't think the restrictions/ballast should be removed in the future, because they're very helpful for handicapping, if nothing else. I just think it's very likely that the community will figure out how to make the cars even, then we'll get another patch which gives the FXO narrower tires and puts us back to square one. Perhaps we need a patch with the new, skinnier tires on the FXO before we put too much effort into trying to balance the class?
I have one question in regards to the car balancing:
Scawen has stated that the FXO will likely get a bit heavier and have narrower tires in the next big patch. However; since everyone is doing their balancing testing using the current (larger) tires, will all of this balancing be for naught once the tires are changed? If we eventually determine that the TBO class is "balanced" pretty well by adding X number of pounds to the FXO, what will happen when the next patch comes out and the FXO suddenly has tires that are 10% narrower? Won't we have to start this balancing act all over again?
It wouldn't be inaccessible at all. Drivers would simply have to use the brake on the starting line, just like drivers in real life have to.
Where's the realism of having an automatic handbrake? Where's the realism of dropping the car into first gear while at redline?
I personally feel that auto-handbrake needs to be turned off completely. If you don't want your car to roll on the start line, use your brakes. That's what they're for. If you really want to use the handbrake, you can easily map it to a button or key.
I think this is quite a good idea. Though, I don't think it really even needs to be an option. Just make this the default behavior:
1) All lights off (get ready to race)
2) All red lights on (race will start in 3-7 seconds)
3) Red lights off, green lights on (go!)
This will prevent people trying to anticipate the lights, and will also be quite obvious that the race is about to start (once the red lights turn on). I believe this is how most race series do it in real life.
Personally, I think we need to be shown fuel in pounds or gallons, not percentages. And we should only be shown how much fuel is in the tank, not how much is being used per lap. That is up to the driver/team to determine. It should work like it does in real life:
Put in X lbs/gal of fuel.
Drive Y number of laps.
Pit and see how many lbs/gal of fuel are left.
Y laps / X lbs/gal of fuel = Z lbs/gal of fuel needed per lap.
So, you're saying that a 4 cylinder turbo, lightweight car, on street tires felt like a a NASCAR before!?
This sim is still in alpha. LOTS of things are going to get changed. Some cars may get faster, some may get slower. This is something you just have to deal with as the game is developed and the cars are balanced. And just remember that this is a test patch. The XRT may not have the same weight penalty by the time the next official patch is released. And if it does still have the weight, everyone else will have it too so it's an even playing field.
What about on something other than the friggin' oval? The idea of balancing the cars is that one will be faster on some tracks and one will be faster on others.
In real life those drivers would not be limping back to the pits at all. Either their car would be towed off track, or they'd be taken to the hospital by helicopter. Right now you can wreck your car quite badly and still limp back to the pits. In the real world this is not an option. Not to mention the fact that many of the people nursing their cars back to the pits ruin others' races by going slowly down the track, often on the racing line. Frankly, I would rather see these people fix their car and get on with it rather than trying to drive 3/4 of a lap with two broken springs and the front tires turned opposite directions.
In addition to the new "no reset" option, we need increased suspension and engine damage. Once that is implemented, realism should take a drastic turn for the better.
If it's a beginner or pick-up race, resetting can be left turned on with the car being repaired. If it's a league or serious race resetting can be turned off and mid-race join can be turned off. We need better damage, but I think "can fix car" and "can't fix car" are enough options.
If someone does a Shift+S and then tries to wreck other racers, they get banned. Nothing about that will change with this new option.
Firstly, there are 48 connections, but not 48 racers. Big difference. Secondly, what's the problem with having to restart from the pits? In the real world you wouldn't get to restart AT ALL. Getting to restart from the pits doesn't seem so bad. If it's not a serious race either leave resetting on or don't sweat starting back from the pits since you lose nothing by not coming in first.
Check out the improvements section for some nice, long discussions about that very topic.
Install LFS S2 W (full install)
Install patch W9
Open LFS
Press Alt+F4 to exit the game while the replay is playing.
The machine will hang at a light blue screen. Your only option is to end task on LFS. It looks like the game is expecting to go to the first time setup where you pick your driver, mph/kph, etc., and that it can't handle doing the Alt+F4 exit at that time. Hitting ESC, then clicking exit works fine. I haven't tested this without patch W9, but I'm sure that a clean install of W will reproduce the bug as well.
I didn't even bother watching the replays because you're using keyboard. If you really want to get good and experience something that feels like driving a real car, you need a wheel. It's as simple as that.
That is such a bogus argument. If a person can't handle the RACE_S set, they should go play Need For Speed. If two guys take stock Porsche 911s out on the track and one guy wins, it's not because the stock setup "favored his driving style", it's because he is the better driver.