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S2 licensed
Shift + F8 is a network debug mode in LFS.... just incase you where wondering what the heck it was
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Really?

why not try it
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
nice work arrow

1 thing:
UK Computing Team
- [bott]uktc[/bott << should be UKCT not UKTC
Last edited by DANDAMAN05, .
Kyoto AUTOX bug.
S2 licensed
Hi, Devs. Just been making a layout for kyoto National, and i noticed a very odd bug.

It appears that when you want to draw a chalk line near the concrete barriers, at the start of the pitlane, the line raises on top of the barrier, and each end FLOATS in mid air. At first i didnt notice it because it cannot been seen if your camera is lower than the line, but when it was higher, it was visible.

I have 3 screenshots

One is in SHIFT+U Mode, (2nd pic) and the other 2 are in normal driving mode. Both in which the line can be seen. Really weird stuff.

S2 licensed
i think so because s1 = £12, and then you buy "another" S1 Lisence for £12 to get S2. (on the same account). I have never upgraded before, i was a demo user, then bought S2 straight away when i was advised that there wasnt that many s1 hosts/racers around as much as S2. so i could be wrong....
S2 licensed
you tell LFSn00b dustin :P ..... why is this a point of discussion? the question was answered 13th May 2007, 16:28. its now 21st June ffs.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :....

Yet another feature from Scawen wasted

i agree... BUT /canrest=no < should be taken out of the game, and hard coded in, so that the rest option..... isnt an option. If you roll, crash or end up in the gravel, then thats your mistake and therefore you should retire...

whens the last time you saw Robert Kubica reset his BMW-Sauber in Formula 1??? I say that because LFS is supposed to be a simulator, to be close to the real thing as i gets (so far so good i may add)... so why add a reset function?

I think the reset function should be kept to Single Player only for offline practising... but thats my personaly view. and ive gone off topic here slightly but i needed to mention that. Sorry.
S2 licensed
Welcome aboard chris and congratz on joining us
S2 licensed
auh reintjan ftw!

it has taken alot of effort to get ZWR where it is... something im proud of assisting with............ back in the day
S2 licensed
i agree with failure here... a command such as /maxping would be a great idea in the combat of lag
S2 licensed
Battle Of The Teams Information for UK Computing Team

Team Manager:
UKCT..do0f (do0f)

Team Logo:

Render team skin:

Team history:
UKCT plays host to the CTRA - Computeam Race Authority (previously known as STCC - Sim Touring Car Cup). We maintain the CTRA servers and the management software for the LFS community to enjoy. As well as playing host to this system UKCT has also participated in the following...
STCC - Sim Touring Car Cup
Stock Hatch

I personally have driving experience in the Masters of Endurance, SimFIA F1 and SimFIA DTM.

Number of drivers:
15 Current Live For Speed Drivers.

List of drivers:
UKCT..CdSupplier1000 (cdsupplier1000)
UKCT..John (johnuk89)
UKCT..Samh (samh)
UKCT..Jakg (jakg)
UKCT..Miss Piggy (becky rose)
UKCT..Dustin (dawesdust_12)
UKCT..Chris (Viper93)
UKCT..Eddy (EdwardMillen)
UKCT..SteveD (stevedbentley)
UKCT..Christofire (Christofire)
UKCT..Mike (MKServe)
UKCT..Ade (ademvaughan)
UKCT..Gizmo (djgizmo)
UKCT..Chris (cpuddy)
Last edited by DANDAMAN05, . Reason : Team manager
S2 licensed
it may be useless... but at least its offtopic
S2 licensed
Quote :Wanted useless thread of the week award I'm guessing?

whats with the sarcasm?

its in off topic? the person involved has no complaints? i dont see any issue
S2 licensed
Sweet! ROFL
S2 licensed
any servers with the UKCT tag infront of them are NOT CTRA servers .

however that public session i hosted today was a HUUUUUUUGE success. i will host it again soon. however i had to personally manage the server to make sure people had the correct restrictions, which was a complete pain in the backside. But then the UKCT ARMY came to the rescue and that was that.

however there where several people who thought it would be a good idea to knock it back a few % ie 36 or 30 when it should be 39%. grrr wound me up really.... i mean.. why cheat? i specifically said 39% in the chat with an /msg command several times.

anyway some software to manage this server would be a treat!

p.s glad you liked it
S2 licensed
who renamed the thread with that poor english? "breaked" should be "broken"
Patch X - broke most active users here :-)
S2 licensed
at 21:33 729 users where online on the forums.. that beats the previous record of the users during the april update!

nice one LFS

with alot more coming!
Last edited by DANDAMAN05, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :You even can find out how to crash scawen (hi laudi!)

LOL! i saw a video of that.. well play laudi
S2 licensed
its classed at a Play Station 2 wheel, however like jack sadid, if you install the logitech drivers onto your PC, then it works great!

I personally own one and i think its a superb wheel! and at a great price too
S2 licensed
Quote from DiSCiPuLo :Hello, today I raced in the UKCT BumperZ server of the patch W47 test and with air restriction to 39% (117hp), have amused myself very much and here I put a few pics, thanks guys of UKCT (Jakg, John, Dan and other racers of the server)

As always I hope you like the pics guys!

so pleased you liked the public races! i too had a good time..

with the heads of ZWR and UKCT put together = ALOT OF FUN

the idea of the 39% restriction is that it reduces the BHP of the XFR to the standard of the XFG. However with slick tyres and other differences, it causes VERY CLOSE racing indeed!

also i love those pics! anychance of higher-res versions?
S2 licensed
congrats moose!

i was a member of ZWR back in the day.. a superb racing team i must say!!!

you will definatly have a great time in this wonderful team! i guarantee it
S2 licensed
WOW! count me in!
S2 licensed
Driver name: UKCT..Dan
username: dandaman05
team: UKCT - United Kingdom Computing Team
car: RB4
S2 licensed
what the! can this thread be closed please...
