Guys, i can understand that you are getting annoyed by him asking the same questions over and over again. But take a step back for a second.
This Kid is 10 years of age... He is trying to code an insim application that he can use as some form of cruise server. Have you ever thought in your short tempered minds that he may be having issues understanding what you actually mean?
I cant think of ANY child that age that is writing a program in C#. I i much doubt that you can think of many. So guys, just think for a minute what he is actually trying to achieve... Something that you wouldn't expect your average 10 year old to be doing. I can only praise him for what he has done so far. He is proud of what he has got so far, and i think we all should be to. You guys are helping him a lot, i can see that, and i can also see that you may be getting frustrated like i said before with being asked the same questions over and over... but just think about what i've said before you start the flaming.
And yes, I am his brother. And i dont care what you have to think about that to be honest. You can flame me all you like, i couldnt really care less what you have to say in that respect, because i am aware of the immaturity in most of the people that post here. We should be helping each other create a friendly environment and a nice community to be a part of, also helping each other with projects that we may undertake. "Sun" comes into my room when i am gaming to show me what he has done so far, he can explain the source code to me and what each section does... and to be honest, that is beyond me.
I think some of you need to take a reality check....
However i must thank the people that have helped him so far, you are the types of people that is community should be full of, even if they don't have programming knowledge, still a little support wouldn't go a miss now would it. I must personally thank the_angry_angel for his patience too.