im usually always around because i have no life. i live for speed . however this week is a no-go because my girlfriend has come to stay for a week soo woohoo .
hi guys... i have currently aquired a new system which is a significant upgrade from my old computer.
Old comp specs:
AMD Athlon XP 1800+ CPU
Asus A7V33 Motherboard - AGP 4
512mb RAM
Nvidia Geforce XFX 6200 256mb RAM (AGP 8 but system only takes 4)
On-boardsound (sounds great)
(and other things that are irrelivent to this)
New system specs:
Intel Pentium D 2.8ghz Dual-Core
ASrock Motherboard - AGP 8 + PCI E
Nvidia Geforce XFX 6200 256mb RAM (same card)
on-board HD sound
now the problem is that my frame rate in LFS quit frankly sucks. average around 10-30 FPS (with old and new pc). This however only came about in Patch V. where in patch U my frame rate was around 40-50 (with old pc).
i have all the recent graphics drivers, directx ect... however the problem is still there.
i am at the moment unable to buy a new card due to funding issues.
i have made the grahpics in LFS as "least" as possible without it looking stupid. and i still get the same frame rate.
anyone have any ideas on how i can opitimize my Nvidia Geforce XFX 6200 as i only bought it about 2 months ago.
anyone at all is welcome to apply to join the team using either the methods described above, or by replying to this thread. i hope to hear from you soon!
Zwarte Wind Racing Team is looking for new members, who are willing to participate in leagues such as Masters of Endurance.
We require a few drivers who are fast in the GTR class (mainly FXR). We are faced with the toughest challenge yet, the 24h Masters of endurance race. I understand that some drivers want to race the MOE, but cant becuase they are not part of a team. This is your chance!
We want drivers who are fairly active on LFS and are able to come to a ventrilo server on regular occasions. want to find out more?
are need more members in the team who are willing to race the MOE and other leagues that the team decides to enter. our main focus at the moment is for GTR drivers, however if you arnt much of a GTR racer, you can still apply as we aim to enter a wide range of leagues covering most the the car classes within LFS.
If you are interested in joining the team, please contact us via the ventrilo server above, or e-mail the team mail-box with your request. - [url="mailto:[email protected]"]ZWR Mail Box[/url]. Also you can PM me in these forums.
Zwarte Wind Racing Team - ZWR|O.Atkin ZWR|T.Laas ZWR|R.Hoiting ZWR|M.Morris ZWR|B.Gossler ZWR|Butz and me.. ZWR|D.Ashurst - Site Coming Soon.
ok guys. all this looks really interesting, however i am not one for writing scripts. if anyone has a template script i could use i would be ever so greatfull. i hope someone can help.
Hi guys, just posting here for anyone who is interested in the zwarte wind racing team. this is mainly a note to check out the site. Also anyone have any questions or need to contact the team, then please post in the forums on our site.
we have some cool infomation on the events that we are currently taking part in, a veriety of music to listen to and some cool LFS vids. the site is still under development, and the current additions that are being constructed at the moment are: Full Car Specs, Full LFS track specs, and our own setup feild.
if you want access to the areas above, you are required to sign up, which will not take long at all. any personal infomation you put on the site, can be hidden on request and is stored as encypted files so it is secure at a level of 64-bit.
if you want to add things to the website (via FTP) please contact the webmaster (me) on the fragmaster ventrilo server, or use either msn or skype which are to the left of this post.
sorry about the post above... i am fairly new to hosting dedicated servers. if anybody is stuck like i was, all you do is press ctrl and 1 and then a character. this would give for example : Dans Barmy Server
if you want to use other colors, the color codes are exactly the same as before, but instead of doing ^1, for red, you do as explained above.
i am haveing that same problem... i look in my logs in LFS:AM after i tried to connect and it says could not connect. i did all the steps in the README file any 1 care to help us?
hi guys i need your help. i am running a dedicated server on my home machine. everything works fine and no lags. but, for some reason i cant get the color in the name of the server to change. i cant hold down the ctrl key like in normal LFS as it is run off command line.
if i try to put the colors in like the manunal says... eg:
^7[^1SR^7]Racing server
i get something like this in the master server menu:
7[1SR7]Racing server.
no color seems to be applied, yet the little ^ has disappeared.
i would appreciate any help and advice you can give..