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S2 licensed
yeah mine is buffering almost constantly, it's unwatchable.
S2 licensed
Video and Audio are both shitty quality, what a shame.

Blueflame, you're a fucking idiot.
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
I hadn't heard of Forgotten hope, I'l look into it. I only just re-installed BF2 this week after trying the pretty awful Free2play bullshit, and have been quite enjoying vanilla so far but was looking into Project Reality, but I'l definitely have a look at that, thanks.
S2 licensed
Battlefield 2 is so cheap you might aswell play that.
S2 licensed
I can't wait for Walter Smith to fuck off, he's completely losing it. Everyone can read him like a book, all teams have to do is watch a couple of tapes and they know exactly how rangers are going to play, there formations, what changes they make, what subs they make, it's ****ing ridiculous.

Obviously it wasn't helped by a blatant handball stopping a goal and a stonewaller penalty, but Rangers were shite.

On the bright side, Lafferty is injured. I ****ing can't stand him, he's a terrible football player and a total cheating wanker. **** off.
S2 licensed
Ah, I finally know who you are now, was wondering for a while . Spa is a pretty tough place to do an endurance race, I almost collapsed after doing the 2.4hr (that ended up being 3+ hours) a few weeks ago, so good going, especially with the low incidents, I think I finished with about 50 or something.
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Mclaren just need to get their act together. They should be leading the way after last seasons developments and their knowledge of KERS. It's like a completely different team of people designed this car, with no access to last years data. Hamilton should stay at Mclaren, and probably will. It's worth noting that he has a new manager, so they might be trying to create rumours for his next contract negotiations.

Yeah I agree, they really should. Mclaren are always on a bit of a cycle, for the past few years they've had a great year then a shite year. I once read somewhere that Mclaren essentially have 2 teams working alternate years, but almost certainly that would have been fixed by now if that was the issue.

I also do agree that Hamilton should stay with Mclaren, through loyalty more than anything else. I mean, they supported him ever since he was a little kid, and without them there is a big possibility that he would be nowhere by now. Anyway, Mclaren are always going to be a top team, he could go to Red Bull and they turn into absolute shit, I mean Newey has a sort of reputation for getting bored and going off to design boats or something. There is also the possibility of Ferrari, but I kinda get the impression that Hamilton thrives from having a competitive team-mate, so I'm not sure the Ferrari 1 driver mentality would suit him very much.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :. Maybe I am more realistic, if I am to die, I will die,

Please fucking do, as quickly as possible.
S2 licensed
No.2 reactor seems to have blown up in a big way, radiation is getting higher, and the Japanese PM is giving an interview right now, in which the first thing he said was "Please listen to what I have to say calmly."
S2 licensed
You're right, it doesn't represent Americans as a whole, but all these bullshit facebook and twitter posts make everyone look like ****s, rightly or wrongly.

Anyway, the headlines will soon be "Radiation!!! In 1 hour at the Fukashima plant, you will be exposed to 8 times what you would naturally pick up over a year!!!!!!!!! Apocalypse!!!!". Of course, what they won't mention is that the amount of background radiation you recieve over a year is roughly 2.5 mSv, so the amount you get from standing right beside the reactor is 25mSv, which is 0.025 Sv. Now, to start feeling slightly sick you need to get 1 Sv in the space of about an hour, and 5 Sv gets you really ill. So realistically, you would have to stand beside the reactor for the next 40 hours, and even then you wouldn't even get sick.

Of course, there is quite a big threat that it's going to go tits up, fast, but sensationalist bullshit does my head in. Also the fact that BBC news have been speaking to bullshitting 'greenpeace' members as if they are ****ing experts on nuclear physics does my head in.
S2 licensed
Just a little bit of information, obviously this is while they were at war, but it's horrific.

"During the war "annihilationist and exterminationalist rhetoric" was tolerated at all levels of U.S. society; according to the UK embassy in Washington the Americans regarded the Japanese as "a nameless mass of vermin". Caricatures depicting Japanese as less than human, e.g. monkeys, were common. A 1944 opinion poll that asked what should be done with Japan found that 13% of the U.S. public were in favor of the extermination of all Japanese: men, women, and children."
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from skywatcher122 :oh well lets hope japan won't look like chernobyl...

It's really unlikely, Chernobyl went so bad so quickly because the reactor was at high power, it didn't have a containment vessel and it went bang, blowing the radioactive stuff into the atmosphere. Worst case scenario in Japan won't be anywhere near the scale of Chernobyl.
S2 licensed
10 O'clock Live is currently the best program on TV, by far, followed by Charlie Brookers TV ruined the world program. RudeTube is pretty good, even though the presenter is a wank.
S2 licensed
You get 42.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :USA might end, but the rest of world might be pretty well off.

You don't quite have a big enough idea of how big a lunatic Sarah Palin really is. She really is a danger to the world if she has any element of control over Nuclear weapons.
S2 licensed
This is the biggest Earthquake ever recorded for Japan, and 8.9 is absolutely massive. The Richter scale is misleading, 8.9 is a very very big deal, if that had been somewhere where they don't usually get big earthquakes, like Europe, that quake would easily have ripped down almost every building.
S2 licensed
Perez cut the chicane on his fast lap.

Don't forget, Sauber did exactly the same thing in testing last year. They're severely lacking sponsors, so it somewhat makes sense to get fastest times in practice via various tricks just to attract sponsors.
S2 licensed
Quote from reason0809 :the copyright belongs to master skinnzers "Bunta" and this skin was made in 2005 and also has been posted here some ages ago, i just dont think this skin was made by yourself

Being a detective isn't really working out for you. He's using the Master Skinnerz template, which was made by Bunta, around 2005, which can be downloaded here.
S2 licensed
Hopefully with Fmod cars will start to sound like that, so it's probably not far off.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Well, you are correct, but from what you see, the gravity 'speed' is reduced by the electro magnetism. An object suspended by electro magnetism will appear to be immune to the effects of gravity.

It would be somewhat of an inconvenience having a massive magnet travelling along the ground at mach 57 just to keep a saucer in the air.
S2 licensed
Any insider information on what firmware this will need on the PS3?
S2 licensed
Obviously militaries aren't going to show off there new inventions straight away, otherwise everyone else would copy it.
S2 licensed
Even cuter, the retard couldn't think of anything else to say.

Anyway, I can't help find all the nutjobs hilarious. As said above, the chances of us being the only life in the entire universe and beyond are incredibly slim, but the idea of aliens coming here, hovering about and only being visible to schizophrenics, rednecks and people on acid, and all of this being covered up by all the governments and media in the world is laughable.
S2 licensed
There have been plenty of stories almost exactly the same as this, and all of them have been proven false. If it's true it would be fantastic, but I'm not holding my breath.
S2 licensed
I'm doing great this week, Stewart and Jr are making me tons of points, so is Jaun even. Jimmie is losing me a little just now, but I bet he'll come back strong towards the end, and Bayne as my filler is doing not bad aswell.