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S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Sorry but how did The Rangers do against Annan Athletic again?

Who mentioned rangers? The old joke, rangers fans and every other fan have something in common, being obsessed with rangers.

My team drew against Annan, doesn't stop me laughing at Celtic ****ing up.
S2 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :I'm shocked by what Celtic did... loosing against St. Johnstone

S2 licensed
I came to Half Life late, when HL2 came out. Loved HL2 and episodes but just couldn't go back to 1 after playing 2, felt like a massive step backwards. This mod has been vapour ware for years, I'm so glad it's finally out.
S2 licensed
Can't even be arsed downloading the demo. Last years game was OK for when I just wanted to sit back with a controller and run a few races, but that was about it. From the reviews of this demo, this years game is barely worth a torrent.
S2 licensed
Origin just told me I need to download 3GB of shit to repair my BF3 installation, even though it worked perfectly the other day. Anyone had this? Bit of a pain in the arse.
S2 licensed
Honestly, not being over dramatic, but this is maybe the 10th time that the iracing service has completely collapsed in the last few weeks. Can anyone beat their terrible uptime record?
S2 licensed
Seriously? that sucks, it's completely down for me and a lot of other people who have been posting on their facebook and twitter. Happily I signed up for a race right before the site went down, which now some people will be able to race, and some won't. Brilliant.
S2 licensed
Anyone know what's going on? membersite is down, forums are down, even is down. It's not just me, My shitty website from 10 years ago running on a pentium 2 in my own house has more uptime than iracing.
S2 licensed
Only one I can really find for existing accounts is 2 years for 1, but that's a bit too long probably.
S2 licensed
The Carb Cup still runs, which is the Nascar COT car on Charlotte, Daytona and Talladega. They are always busy.

It should be easy enough to get a race UK time in quite a lot of series. The Star Mazda is still very popular, the fixed HPD/Ford GT/C6R series is still very busy, and you can always get a race in the Indycar, either road or oval. The Aussie V8's got the NTM not long ago, and there is a European race organised, I think it's Sunday nights but you would have to check the forums.
S2 licensed
This teaser is locked into an Arcade driving mode, with full aids on. Don't judge the driving based on this.
S2 licensed
Anyone who is full on creationist, earth is 6000 years old and dinosaur fossils are a test of your faith style should never be allowed any power. All religions are bad TFalke, but Mormons are at the top of the crazy scale. Extremist Christians are 100x more mental than the extremist Muslims that Mike seems to be terrified of.

Has Romney released his tax returns yet? I really do wonder what they show that he doesn't want anyone to see, massive avoidance of tax?
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
Definitely getting the PC version, no reason to avoid, it's cheaper, has better graphics and has exactly the same gameplay as the consoles, unlike a few years ago. Should be able to get it for £20 - £25, **** paying 40 quid.
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :I'm perfectly happy to be wrong, but again you calling me brain dead is very amusing zombie orc.

Excuse me while I hang myself, I can't believe you called me a Zombie Orc! What the **** kind of insult is that? A zombie I can understand, but an orc? You ****ing geek, get some real insults, you call yourself Scottish and you can't even think up a better insult than that?
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :Pressing the brake usually helps.

With your front wheels up in the air, will do absolutely **** all. You're trying to be smart and making yourself look like a cock, the back wheels will do nothing to slow down a car with the front up in the air.

Also, I'm sure you have a full telemetry trace that shows his pedal inputs. You don't know whether he was braking or not, you're just ****ing braindead.

Blame Hamilton for everything, it had to be his fault for not magically stopping a car in mid-air!
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :The initial incident wasn't his fault at all, but he didn't try to slow down at all. lololol you calling me an idiot. The irony.

So, how do you propose he slows down? Calling you an idiot is perfectly accurate.
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :Grosjean derp, but... Lewis doesn't even try to brake......

His car was completely off the ground riding along on Crashjeans cars, what the hell was he meant to do? When an incident is 100% clearly not Hamiltons fault, idiots still find a way to put the blame on him for it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Yeah it's great, in my country you can't even defend yourself if a burgler walks in your house, you have to be like 'oh hello sir take whatever you want', if i stab him or shoot him I go to jail, i can't even defend myself in my own home.
I'll take the US "shoot anyone in your front yard in the face" law any day over that..

It's all about reasonable force. If there's a burglar in your house, pulling a knife or a gun on him will 99% of the time make him shit himself and run away, so if you do actually stab/shoot you are using well beyond reasonable force.
S2 licensed
Ron Paul is just as much of a tool as the rest of them and some of his ideas are ****ing mental, where are you getting this idea that he's the messiah?
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :He played the balls before he played the man, not a foul.

It should be as simple as that but not anymore, too many refs giving free-kicks even when he clearly got the ball, just because he caught the player after.

Just realised you said balls and were talking about something else .
S2 licensed
So that's Wheelgate over, what's the next massive crisis going to be?
S2 licensed
Quote from Kid222 :
E: FU DeKo.. :P

I think of GTA4 as them exploring this generation of hardware, in the same way GTA3 did. 3 kept it simple, then VC and SA went crazy. I suspect the same is happening here. They also have lots and lots of experience now working with the rage engine with RDR and Max Payne, so it should run far better than 4 did. Max payne runs great on the PC for example.
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
To be honest, it just sounds like GTA isn't for you. I loved every GTA, from 3 to IV and everything in between. The freedom, scale, the details, the NPC interactions, the story, going on a rampage in a tank, flying a jet about. If it lives up to it's reputation this will be the ultimate GTA, bringing back all the eccentric and fun elements of VC/SA with the graphics and brilliant physics engine from 4. I honestly can't wait for this game. I agree that VC (maybe SA) was the peak, GTA4 had a lot of potential that it didn't live up to, but this will hopefully. Anyway, for me the story was a side show in IV, the real fun was getting a group of 5 - 10 mates and causing havoc online, doing every mad thing that we could think of. That's where the fun was. Thinking about it, anyone here who has IV on the PC and up for playing some MP? I haven't done it in too long.

About the cars being the same, it has been that way in GTA since 3, and it's the limitations of the platforms they're working on. It's much easier to inject a few cars which are already in use, rather than 20 random ones. Sure, they could scale back all the car models, make them all look worse so you can have a bit (more) of variation, but I have never found that constricting, at all. I really don't think the screenshots are what sell GTA games either, screenshots (even those beautiful ones up there) do not do GTA justice in the slightest.
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
Been catching up on this years Pikes Peak, had no idea they laid tarmac down for the full course. What the ****?

Forbin, don't forget John Surtees.
S2 licensed
I was under the impression that Obama is being strangled by the republican congress/senate (one of the 2) which means he can do pretty much **** all. Am I well off the mark?