Eddie Jordan mainly, Brundle and Croft should be great, practice sessions in HD and I think Sky do a great job of showing sports (Football mainly, their football coverage is great), so if the F1 is similar I won't bother with the BBC at all. If Sky don't do a forum I will probably watch the BBC forum if it even exists next year though. Jake is a good presenter of F1, but I never really watch pre-race at all apart from the grid walk.
Empty threats because you got caught fair and square, probably because iRacing saw you referring yourself however many times you did it. You're not exactly the smartest, are you?
Just purely out of interest, what trouble are they saving themselves by coming forward? I would love to know.
SS drafting updates sound good, it's been good fun racing them the past couple of weeks with the faster speeds, sounds like they've made it even faster again.
Racer, you would have better luck getting through to people if you didn't come across as a scum of the earth condescending c**t. Can't this pr**k just get banned?
I can't even put into words how much of a ****ing idiot Racer is. He keeps going on about how we're all sheep, we watch the X factor (who watches the ****ing Xfactor anyway, thats the biggest insult to me), we believe everything the government/media spoon feed us, and we can't think for ourselves. Of course, we all know this is bullshit, I can think for myself, I don't believe everything I hear, I don't watch the ****ing X Factor. Yes, there are people who blindly accept what they're told, but I definitely don't.
Racer, on the other hand, is the biggest sheep. If something is on the news, he immediately dismisses it as bullshit. He happily swallows up everything the conspiracy websites spoon feed him, without thinking it through for himself, without actually looking at both sides of the argument, without engaging his ****ing brain. Then, he comes on here and acts like everyone else is the idiot. You're ****ing braindead Racer. You call us idiots for not believing your conspiracy theorist bullshit, yet you're the real ****ing idiot for mindlessly believing everything some 13 year old writes on his conspiracy website.
F**k off Racer, you're nothing but a pollution. If this is what you're like in real life, I pity you.
Last edited by Flame CZE, .
Reason : inappropriate language
On the GP Bikes forums, the guy that makes GP bikes has been promising a release for about the last 6 months, and hasn't released anything yet. He's the worst **** ever for "I'l release it next weekend" and then having some excuse, over and over again.
The Lotus 79 is at Oulton next week and it's probably the most fun combo I've ever tried on iRacing. The 79 feels great after it's update, I'm glad it's not on the NTM.
Plenty of people have ridiculous shit in their EULA, EA aren't the only one. Anyway, EA can scan my computer all they want for pirate software, it's not illegal for me to NO-CD patch legal games, and they aren't going to ban my Origin account for it.
Who cares? BF3 is good enough that I would happily live with brilliant viruses on my PC if I had to. Origin collects a little information and uses it for advertising, it's not the end of the ****ing world.
Of course not every flaw is a bug, it just so happens that that one actually is a bug.
I'm playing the single player right now, there is no recoil whatsoever. I think that helps me judge a little more than watching a video.
Anyway, why the **** did they take lean back out of the PC version? Not being able to lean around corners makes the SP ****ing terrible on anything above easy. Step out, get shot, die, repeat. It's a joke.
Why does every thread with multi-platform games turn into a retard shit throwing match? PC's are better for graphics and gameplay, but many times more expensive than consoles. Why do you feel the need to defend whatever choice you made like a ****ing schoolgirl?
No-one said SA was the last to use the previous gen engine, GTA4 was the first game on the new engine. Think of GTA4 being the same as GTA3, a rough test of what the engine is capable of.