Trapping people a lap down is a legitimate tactic, although it obviously pisses people off, but the service glitching is shocking, and not the first time it's happened.
I'm just completely out of practice, haven't driven on RBR for years, I just happened to find the disc today at the bottom of a drawer. What kind of stages do you usually run? Just so I can get a little practice in so I don't embarrass myself
Sounds like fun, it's a pity I'm absolutely terrible at Rally driving. I'm fine on the tarmac, but throw it off the road every time I see a bit of gravel
Just got a quick couple of questions, just about to install all the RBRSR stuff, but I've downloaded the 1.02 patch for RBR, installed RBR to C:/RBR, but how do I get the patch to install in that directory?
Also, my pedals are reversed when I set up the controls, any way to change this?