iRacing, basically. NKPs netcode is too terrible to race online, and rFactor is pish.
Dave, iRacing is basically cheap, $12 every 3 months, and around $50 in content for a 12 week season, which you don't have to pay again the next season. Not exactly dear. If you bought all of the content it runs to maybe $500. If you can do a full racing season for $500, I want to find it.
I don't like what Anon are doing, but they are not doing it because of the OtherOS feature, it's all about the way Sony are chasing Graf_Choko and Geohot for modifying a console that they own.
What next, are Intel going to start sueing people for overclocking?
Just because someone is good in Indycar, doesn't mean he is better than the F1 backmarkers. Buemi isn't exactly a top flight driver, and he destroyed Bourdais. Power could be good, but he could be shite aswell.
Bourdais is a fantastic driver and a multiple champion in Champ/Indy, and he was absolutely nowhere in F1, Vettel and Buemi made him look like he couldn't drive.
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about, Mason. A very small percentage of people who download a CFW use it to cheat in games, and a small percentage of others use it to pirate games.
The rest of us use it to get OtherOS back, MKV support, playing perfectly legal emulators and basically a legal and moral right to modify the system which we have bought and paid for.
If you want the background, both Geohot and Graf_Choko have been working to get OtherOS back onto the PS3s, and both have deliberately put in blocks to piracy in their CFWs, but those are the 2 that Sony went after, simply for reintroducing a feature which Sony removed. That is why Anonymous targeted Sony.
Truck race is starting just now, just a reminder. Track looks very interesting, I've never heard of it before but it's concrete and 1 1/3rd miles long, which is at least something different from the usual 1.5 milers that are all copies of each other. Should be a good race.
It's coming on the Nationwide COT next week, then the rest of the cars in August. I doubt they would release it mid-season, would screw up championships.
It's a bug, every OS (android, Phone 7 included) store recent location data, the iOS just doesn't delete it. It will after the next update. Who leaves location services on in IOS anyway?
Anyway, who gives a ****. Apple might know that I went to the pub when I was supposed to be in Uni, how dare they?
Tony Gardner has said there is no NTM on a road car, but the Nationwide should give us a great idea of what it's like. The Nationwide car is also running at Road America next season, which will be immense.
I can't decide whether I'm more excited about the NW with the tyre model or night racing! Hopefully we can flash headlights even during the day, that would be immense. Only one thing, anyone noticed the Radical is missing from the night racing?