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S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Baa, what a good little sheep...........

So all the video everywhere showing what is said in speechs is altered and they never said what their shown as saying.

Ok, so who is the conspiracy theorist. ?

Because I don't believe that a bunch of Jews control the world, I'm a sheep? You're the idiot here, you are seriously deluding yourself, think about what you're saying. Obviously there is plenty going on behind the scenes that nobody has a clue about, as proven by the wikileaks gate going on just now, but you really want to believe that a group of elite jews run the world? Give me proof, or a good reason why you think that it might be happening? Even give me a point to it, realistically, what would they gain by ruling the world?

Do you really believe, that in the video above the leaders, who have carefully written and choreographed speeches, would slip and mention this fucking idiotic theory?

I'm not expecting much, most consipracy nutjobs often just reply why "bahh you're a sheep" to anybody who doesn't believe the most outlandish theories instead of actually debating the point, hardly worth wasting my time.
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :No, it's all just a crazy conspiracy theory,

After all if it was real you'd have US Presidents, world leaders, etc always talking about it.

Actually, a bit like this video ............

It's actually the polititions who started bringing this phrase with regularity, so if Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Blair, etc, etc, etc use this phrase in their speeches all the time perhaps people should listen to what they're saying.

Pretty silly claiming it's just a conspiracy theory when it's stated policy from most world leaders.

Read that, Globalization is nothing to do with some jew conspiracy to take over the world, it is just a generic term for, basically, the world getting smaller through communication, trade and technology. In no way does it prove any of your NWO bullshit. Almost without exception the conspiracy theory videos on youtube with 'quotes' from world leaders are total bullshit, with clever editing you can make them say whatever you want them to say, for example, here's George W Bush saying we should all take drugs!!

RE the Zeitgeist films, both of them are very well made and watchable, and put some good points across, but they also contain a lot of bullshit. People need to start using their brains, listening to different opinions and thinking them through is all very well, and is essential, but ffs don't believe everything you see or hear just because somebody made it into a film.

With regards to NWO stuff, I really do have to ask, what's the point? Why has nobody ever spilled the beans on it? The amount of people that would have to know about it, 1 of them would be offered enough money to tell the world. And even if it is actually going on, what are they achieving by doing it? Money? If they control countries, money isn't an issue. What other reason would they have for wanting to control the world, other than for the fuck of it?
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
No doubt there are many things going on in the background which we don't know about, but a bunch of Jews running the full thing isn't one of them.
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Probably the most pathetic season end of the DTM history.

They must have thought that both cars had stalled, and if they had, they were in far too dangerous a position to clean up under yellows. It wouldn't have been worth restarting the race either, by the time they got organised again they would have ran out of daylight.

Pleased that Di Resta won
S2 licensed
Car looks awesome, should make for some close racing, hopefully it can handle a bit of contact/rubbing aswell.
S2 licensed
- Improved contact response in car to car collisions
- Cars have more resistence to impacts

Those sound the most promising to me, hopefully you can now slightly kiss the back of a car with your nose and both sets of suspension don't snap like they were made out of glass. Nice to see it's actually being updated though, I keep half expecting them to start enforcing the '1 year of updates' that was advertised when it was released.
S2 licensed
Ren & Stimpy is fucking awesome, them and their creators were blatantly taking a cocktail of psychedelics.
S2 licensed
Big solid flashlight beside your bed, no way can that be said to be a weapon.
S2 licensed
The first few notes sound exactly the same as the Take That song from a while ago, when it was on TV I muted it when I heard the very start of it assuming it was Take That.
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :

It's true, take a look at this, it is only from the Japanese GP, can't find the updated table, but it won't be much different.

Group B Drivers Championship

Heikki Kovalainen - 229
Lucas di Grassi - 153
Timo Glock - 153
Jarno Trulli - 150
Karun Chandhok - 131
Bruno Senna - 78
Sakon Yamamoto - 42

This is what the table would have looked like if the bottom 3 teams were the only teams running. As you can see, Chandhok was comfortably beating Senna, even though he had raced in a few less GPs.
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
You can't really compare the times from this test to Qual on saturday, the track has a full race of rubber on it, which Karun Chandhok reckons is worth nearly 1.5 seconds.

So saying that the track is worth that amount, Ricciardo wouldn't have gotten into Q3. You also have to consider that Q3 is basically ran at night, when the track has cooled down a massive amount (7 degrees I heard over the weekend), which accounts for a massive amount of pace aswell, whereas the young drivers test was ran during the day, when it's much warmer.
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
The damage model when playing online is really getting to me, the tiniest bit of contact and both drivers are out of the race. The suspension is made of chocolate and egg shells, it's a joke.
S2 licensed
Just after I posted about BSODs, I downloaded that update and have been playing since with no crashes at all. KS2 does feel a little better aswell.
S2 licensed
Hmm, ever since installing 1.2 I keep getting BSODs, never had the issue before and its just since 1.2. Totally clean install, tried everything I can think of. Anybody else having an issue like this?
S2 licensed
Wow, I hope so, the rest of the tracks are about 30 meg, Mugello is nearly 200. It's not a conversion of the FVA Mugello is it?
S2 licensed
Quote from troy : direct download is usually pretty fast for me, otherwise just wait until it mirrored the file to some other hosts.

Magic, cheers.

Really like the KS2, once the understeer is dialled out a little it's a fantastic thing to drive. Liking the influx of new tracks aswell, all we need now are people to race pick up races with (I'm aware of the leagues etc, would be good to be able to just jump online for a quick race).
S2 licensed
Does anybody have a link to the Interlagos track? Could only find a Megaupload link ( but that's just throwing up errors for me. Thanks.
S2 licensed
Quote from gezmoor :Firstly, the BBC's actual title was "Jenson Button unhurt after armed men threaten him", which seems pretty un sensationalist to me.

No it wasn't, at the time the headline was "Jenson Button Carjacked", the headline has now obviously been changed.
S2 licensed
Klutch, you would love Human Traffic.
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
I could never bring myself to spending 80 quid on a keyboard, thats madness.

An 850W PSU is complete overkill aswell, unless you're running dual xeons with 4 cards in SLI/Crossfire, you do not need that much, or anywhere near it.
S2 licensed
Quote from hiroshima guy :Hi I'd like to ask if any of you guys used to boot this from USB? I followed all instructions from Hexxeh's site but couldn't boot into it from my USB though nothing's wrong with it.

I'm half-guessing it's with my processor. After loading with the screen with blinking cursor, all I see afterwards is a black screen and no keys react but my ethernet and wireless seem connected. Any ideas what's incompatible?

I think it's your flux capacitor.

Seriously, you need to post a bit more information, we can't guess what hardware your system has.
Last edited by DeKo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Yeah big whoop that guys with guns tried to steal his car OR make an attempt at his life. Not even news worthy!

Of course it's newsworthy, but not under a 'OMG JENSON BUTTON CARJACKED, NEARLY KILLED DEAD' headline that isn't at all factually correct.
S2 licensed
Quote from FPVaaron :There's some one around here who just walks the streets all the time supposedly took LSD 30 years ago and never fully recovered.

I've taken LSD 15 times, with one bad trip that was pretty terrifying, I felt a bit weird after wards too, until finally coming to the conclusion that the only way to get peace of mind with it was to take it again.

It's a very interesting thing LSD, to describe it would be to philosophically describe life it self.

It's impossible to describe LSD to somebody that hasn't taken it, it really is a fantastic experience, and not just the straight up tripping, the way your mind works is unexplainable.

By the way, if anybody's never seen Limmys show: