Already in if you got S2, hit Shift+U, move the camera to where you want (by your desired corner), and press S to add a start point. Then, when you shift+R, you'll start at that point.
Horn of Jurgen Windcaller? Minor spoiler ahead, you can't actually do that quest as somebody's stolen it. Also the quest to find Esbern may very well glitch out.
Oh and The lycanthropy from the Companions questline makes clearing a lot of places out easy. Downside is most people hate it if you shift in a town, you get 1k bounty on you, so vampires can suck it this time. To me, Morrowind's vamps had the best implementation (or a better vampires Oblivion mod).
I'm currently running around with Aela and trying to find the Imperial general....
Yep TVE, after the Kynesgrove bit Alduin will start resurrecting dragons. Good job breaking it then. I'm not sure if after you complete it, they go away for good.
Oh ****.....loaded my save, elder dragon, in the Winterhold college courtyard. NOOOOO
Casting fury in a crowd. Epic lulz. That, and Aela's a lethal killing machine, given her a hunting bow and a ton of arrows, DB starting gear (I got the enhanced stuff), got two daggers for close range. I also got Shadowmere who goes around kicking the hell out of anything.
I hate, hate, HATE the Winterhold college now, bunch of idiots...
EDIT: Werewolf rampaging in Falkreath/Markarth. LMAO.
The whole quest is just so, SO well done. In my save I apparently sold some lady's sheep to the Jarl of Solitude (LMAO??), it changes every time. I redid it from an earlier save and sold the Spriggen a goat, then sold a cow to the Shrine of Azura (Oooooooooooooookay.....). I think (but I honestly can't remember) Lydia or Aela saying the drinking contest was a bad idea.
I still wanna know just the hell I wound up at the temple from Riften. Who carried me there?
EDIT: Embassy quest is great too. I stashed everything in the secret room at Riverwood and went nearly naked. Nobody cared. I guess the Thalmer were too busy partying
EDIT 2: Well that stealth lasted all of five seconds, that embassy now has a lot of corpses.
Gets better if you know who Sam really is though (which IIRc is at the end of it, you soeem like you aren't at the very, very end). Did you get to the bit about the sheep yet? That bit is so well written.
I'll admit, I took Lydia into Ustengrav with the idea of killing her off. She survived unscathed -.- Aela nearly died in there, Lydia escapes unharmed? Damn I married the wrong one (but hey, I get to be a wolf....which I'm using to clear out the barrows and mines. I got the ring of Hircine which helps.
Somehow, I managed to get the Graybeards angry at me, I was testing my shout as told to do, then the guy that teaches you the second word started attacking me. Great...
Elder Dragons are just a complete and utter bitch. Level 12 here after restarting my playthrough, I'm getting destroyed despite using the Blade of Woe, Ebony Dagger, a few hammers and a mace.
I'm now deathly afraid of stepping outside of a city, everywhere I go I always tend to run into dragons, some of whom ignore me, a lot go for me. It's scary though, escorting somebody back to a place and this dragon shows up to follow me.
Close enough :P I'm taking issue with the Jarl assigning me a housecarl. I'm a werewolf Harbinger tyvm, I've yet to figure out a good way to kick her out of my home. I don't wanna kick her out TOO bad though. Anyone know if I can have a housecarl, spouse and myself sharing a house (given that I'm barely in it)
Okay, I broke it. I married Aela and as I didn't have a home at the time said I'd use hers. Yet, I can't find her anywhere at all on the map, I've been around Whiterun, no luck.
Anyone help me out here?
Companions has quite a few twists and turns.
EDIT Beast form is a baaaaaaaaaad idea for quests. Hilarious to screw around with
EDIT 2: Duh, I didn't check the most obvious place at all. Now I'm roaming around in beast mode.
It's funny to see Shadowmere knocking out guards for me while I'm going round looting. Useful distraction...
20k gold is nothing really, I'm grabbing everything I can get to loot. Though, I've a nasty feeling Lydia bit the dust, is there a way to check if I'm still married to her? I got the band of matrimony in my inventory. I feel like being cruel and offing my housecarl since the Jarl isn't keen on me.
****ING HAGRAVENS!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and traps, giant spiders, undead things, more traps.....
I may be imagining it, but...Does Shadowmere/other horses attack for you? I've seen Shadowmere beating on people with its hooves, not checked with any others yet, repairing Dawnstar cost me 20,000 gold >.> There went all the gold I'd earned....Still, I got the Brotherhood back, next up is the main quest.
I've detoured from the main story after passing the Greybeards trialsand am focusing on DB questline currently, I'm already disliking Cicero. I fot a bad feeling about him....
Questline's great so far, the writing as a whole has been awesome.