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S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :It's finally official!!

Monster Energy Drink Europe sponsors Team Rock Racing for the Team Meeting in 2010 and for 2011 for events!

For the Team Meeting they have sponsored multiple drinks, and for 2011 they will multiple times, supply our events.

Thanks to Martijn Vroemen from Monster Energy Drink, for already having a very good partnership for 1 year (with every event I organise).

Implies contracts Paws
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :It's finally official!!

Monster Energy Drink Europe sponsors Team Rock Racing for the Team Meeting in 2010 and for 2011 for events!

For the Team Meeting they have sponsored multiple drinks, and for 2011 they will multiple times, supply our events.

Thanks to Martijn Vroemen from Monster Energy Drink, for already having a very good partnership for 1 year (with every event I organise).

Would you post a pic of the contracts please?
S3 licensed
I'll add my 0.02

IMHO, systems like Cargame are flawed. I can say that, I've been there.

Not due to the idea which is good, but the way its run. Cargame I'm not out to get you personally but I feel gets too crowded with people who only care about rank.

For instance I take XFG and start at the back and spin avoiding a T1 melee, my LFS SR takes a nosedive. when I was avoiding a wreck.
S3 licensed
I don't like the suppressor, it kills the range

I can usually get 5-10 spy planes a round
S3 licensed

Connection interrrupted is driving me nuts. Every other game I get it or disconnected due to transmission error or steam connect failed
S3 licensed
Quote from Zay :For me its:
AK74u/red dot(custom)/Rapid Fire
Python Speed reloder
Warlord pro, hacker, hardline

FAMAS (reflex)
Ballistic knife
Warlard, Tactical Mask, Hardline
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :C2D E8400, 6GB RAM, GTX480, Win7 64-bit

Even with everything turned off/down, including shadows, it still runs like crap. The recent patches did nothing to fix it for me.

Basically looks like this: ... YdrLc&feature=related

Athlon X2 3800, 7600GT, plays at a steady 60fps on high tyvm :P
S3 licensed
Ballistic knife is way too much fun
S3 licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Adjust your arm. As simple as it sounds, it works for me when quickscoping in COD4

How so? I got it on my mouse usually.

It's odd, I can go for most of a match without a kill then get a killstreak near the end.
S3 licensed
I got it and love it

You take PayPal?
S3 licensed
I get BO locking up for about ten seconds whenever a sound plays for the first time

And agreed about spawns
S3 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :Interesting situation on Sunday for all non-Amecricans without Live NASCAR races: Should ABC decide to give their American Time Warner Cable online costumers a live stream, then there will most likely be an official NASCAR Live Stream on! That happened already for the Chase races of Talladega and Phoenix. While Time Warner ( owns the exclusive rights for any internet coverage, Disney (ABC) owns the rights for the footage of the race. Should Disney make this accesable for the Time Warner Cable online costumers there is a juristical loophole which allows Time Warner to launch the Live Stream. NASCAR answered the question of and said that they expect the Live Stream but they don't know if it happens.

So fingers crossed for a Live Stream at 18:15UTC.

That or jtv?

S3 licensed
And now I read changing your cfg can trigger a VAC ban as per Steam forums

Way to go Treyarch
S3 licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Well i'm rank 45 atm and the BEST combo for me is AUG/Marathon/Steady Aim/Hardline/Extended mag. That way you can wipe out people with ease on nuketown and get easy killstreaks, AND get away quickly out of their spawn. I would suggest you go after that setup once you've gotten your challenges finished for destroying air support and unlock the aug.

Stay away from your team unless your on a small map. Then just park in a corner and wait it out. I only had dogs called on me twice and only gotten killed once. They dont take much hits to go down.

Nuketown is best for leveling up btw. You can get level 50 in a couple of days easily on Nuketown Domination. Given that you tend to have about 40+ Kills each game and several challenges and such here and there every once and a while

Napalming spawn says otherwise :P I currently use M16 extended mags with 1911 extended mags, saving for RDS

COD points make no sense. I go 10-8 and get 40, I go 0-21 on demolition with one defuse and get 1500? Anyone wanna explain?

And a way to sharpen my reaction times?

Also I've noticed the game pausing usually when I get shot or randmly during a round, any way to fix that?
S3 licensed
Quote :
a short story by H.P Lovecraft

Which one? I'll give it a go, but I expect eldritch abominations and twists and mind screws
S3 licensed
I got it and love it. Just one problem

****ing Nuketown >.< I'm fine with being level 5-6, but honestly, who thought that map would be a good map?

I'm already working out my emblem though, same as my avatar.

Question to those who got rank 50, can you suggest the best custom classes/killstreaks for a rambo type? I mainly run and gun and rack up air support kills (i.e. wiping out choppers/spy planes/etc) as well as lurking near the objectives. I wanna know how I got a triple kill in WMD with an LMG while flashed. I turned 360 and didn't let go of the trigger. Somehow I wound up with a spy plane.

And dogs, best way to deal with them? I run away whenever they are used.
Last edited by DieKolkrabe, .
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :For jocularity's sake: I would ****ing own you Dustin.

Selling tickets or streaming it?
S3 licensed

Would anyone, if it came to it and it got into a fight, be prepared to beat a burglar unconscious or worse to protect their home/family?

I'm not outing myself as a crazy psycho, but if it got that bad (i.e. guns/knives, fights etc) I'd do what I could then run
S3 licensed
That's your viewpoint but IF it happens I'd rather have something handy to defend myself with
S3 licensed
Not according to Eats, Shoots and Leaves :P
S3 licensed
I carry two blades on me at all times to defend myself with

Doesn't hurt I collect 'em though, and keep them within reach in case of trouble. At last count I had about 20 swords (yes, 20) laying about.

Paranoia? No I call it preparedness. And what I don't use I can sell
S3 licensed
Console games*

Name me one where you don't get whiny 12 yos?
S3 licensed
What IS a 12 year old doing playing COD anyway?
S3 licensed
I'm gonna nitpick

You titled it Paws's life. Which means it's about your life, but grammatically incorrect

If you'd titled it Paws' life, it'd be about you, Paws AND grammaticall correct
S3 licensed
Prologue wasn't IIRC and previous GTs weren't

Wonder why 5 is