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S3 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :and right there, anyone who picked Kyle, Carl, Marcos or Kasey are screwed (LOL CORNYS )

also A.J is showing -25 points for me :| (EDIT: fixed now)


Why did I keep Kyle and Marcos?
S3 licensed
I'll just be going backwards. Though I got the same five as last time, I got a confident feeling about today...the only way is forwards.
S3 licensed
Wouldn't a SAFER barrier actually narrow down the usable track by a few inches though and (as seen in NASCAR) cause cars to still catapult back across the track?
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :I understand what you're saying, but the moment you back off for another driver then you are beaten phsycologically.

So which is it, drive to not be defeated psychologically and cause a crash (as Hamilton gets criticised for a lot), or lift off, get beaten psychologically, and stay in the race and have another chance to pass?

You simply can't drive flat out and not back off at all however, not in karts, not in F1, not in BTCC or any form of motorsports when there's other people on the track, you may trot out the 'Oh but I'm still unbeaten pyschologically' line when the stewards want to talk to you but I thinkt hey'd take a very dim view of it if you caused a crash while not backing off. (Or conversely, by divebombing and expecting the other driver to back off)

EDIT: I was impressed by Kimi today, especially his radio.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :He has the right to hold the outside, and he left enough room. Losing the inside line doesn't mean you have to concede the outside line.

Brian Barnhart would disagree though, just ask Helio about that.

Surely if you've lost the inside line and you can see somebody going up the inside, the smart thing to do is to back off? Yes, he did appear to divebomb into the corner, but by the same token Grosjean was putting the car where it shouldn't have been, so they're both at fault.
S3 licensed
Dover race is on Youtube though, it wasn't actually that good, the track wasn't suited for Indy.
S3 licensed

What track. I want that track RIGHT NOW

And need to reinstall and try it again
S3 licensed
RIP Joe, somehow looking back over the threads I posted in with him makes me feel like shit.
S3 licensed
Smoke just earned a spot in my lineup.

I can usually get a feel for these things. Not today


I'm 9.5 points out of 5th for now. Where'd the .5 come from? I got told on SRD I had sure picks for Kyle, Ambrose, Reutimann and Jr.

JPM....odd one out but my CART/F1 inner fanboy won't let me drop him. Ambrose, yes, I'll try to pick up Smoke if I can and somebody cheap, the joys of having $1 cap space.
Last edited by DieKolkrabe, .
S3 licensed
I'm pretty mad at my picks.

Jr, y u finish 14th?

Kahne, y u suck?
S3 licensed
How's the UI? Is it intuitiev and easy to get into or something you have to sit and chip away at?
S3 licensed
Picking drivers is hard. I'm 4th in the league :O
S3 licensed
There's talk of a driver boycott at Texas (according to Wind Tunnel at least)
S3 licensed
We all know how accurate weather forecasts are, though it's meant to be okay like you said.
S3 licensed
I will laugh so hard if it rains at 7pm tonight
S3 licensed
Going against the Oscars? NASCAR's gonna lose
S3 licensed
ESPN was godawful about it though, that and the #3 'feature' really, really grated with me to be honest as I said

EDIT: This comment irked me

Quote from 10andJoe :
"I think it's stupid when franchises "retire" numbers as if one man was bigger than the team and/or the franchise."

Last edited by DieKolkrabe, .
S3 licensed


Quote from Ferrit :
DSFF, Cooper

EXACTLY! I had to turn off the pre-race on the TV as I actually felt sorry for the BS the Dillon guys were going on about, yes I get they're related to Childress, and Austin drives a #3 (which to me is a number), if Sterling had died at Daytona instead of Dale, would there be a similar 'mistyque' around the #40? Being very, very blunt I find some NASCAR fans hypocritical with their 'OMG NOBODY SHOULD DRIVE TEH THAT WAS DALE'S NUMBER' attitude, when nobody bats an eyelid to AJ or Amirola or Rick Wilson or John Andretti running in the 43. I'll admit to pulling for the 3, but simply out of him having talent, I forgot what Austin's car number was and didn't immediately look for him.

WHen they both (Austin and Danica) get to Cup, it'll be a TV network's dream come true, think about it, they'll play the 'The #3 is baaaaaaaaaaack' angle, and the Danica angle constantly, I think the way races are covered is a joke personally.

As for ESPN, they need to get the F--K OVER DANICA. Does everything for them revolve around her or the big stars (Kyle, Tony for instance)? No, it does not. The Nationwide series is a second tier series, it's like having Jeter, A-Rod and Posada show up at a Yankees AAA game and the media focus on them for 8 1/2 innings, it is absolute BS. The pre-race intro also total BS with Brad getting argumentative, I wondered how staged it was and if Brad was going to say something he'd regret.

Post...84 there, thought I'd share my musings
Last edited by DieKolkrabe, .
S3 licensed
It's Kurt. Don't even try to understand him.

Having said that, I think it was a racing deal, he wanted to move up to protect his position.
S3 licensed
Sweet, runs on a netbook, so chances are I'd race in bed on my netbook, sadly.
S3 licensed
Now you mention it I couldn't sleep at all last night, I had this feeling that Speedweeks isn't going to get off without any injuries, the Trucks were lucky, but no race car (or truck) is 100% safe at all.

Just hoping nothing happens today or tomorrow
S3 licensed
Flawed analgoy. Both places serve fries, okay, one may cost 10 Euros as opposed to 2.99, but they are both fries at the end of the day.
S3 licensed
Midnight for me, liable to run out of caffeine for....what, a 2-3hr race?
S3 licensed
If any of those three (Shawna Robinson, Patty Moise or Tina Gordon) were still running, and won a (or in Shawna's case, another) pole, the media wouldn't go nuts over it like they do with Danica now. A Daytona pole is good, but its down to the car and engine more than the driver's raw talent.

I feel it'd be a 'Shawna/Patty/Tina is on pole' kind of deal and they'd move on to the next thing in prerace, IIRC, Shawna when she ran in ARCA didn't get any hype on the pre race show on the grid, she got exactly the same treatment as the other drivers, a brief mention. Does that come down to them not being attractive (physically and actually marketable?), or is it just times have changed a lot. Even Jennifer Jo Cobb (who I think has done as much in NASCAR as Danica has), doesn't get the coverage after her year last year, it's Danica this, Danica that every five seconds.

IMO, she's being treated as something she isn't, not a good driver, but she's being treated as somebody who can and will come into the sport and have the fans drooling over everything, the hype simply won't last forever. I think when it does she'll struggle and go back to how she was with Andretti.
S3 licensed
Quote from acp___(pl) :What is the point in playing using keyboard in simulator game?
It is better to use this time to play TDU and NFS...:heyjoe67_ferrari:

Except TDU (two) is broken with a wheel, and just as bad with a keyboard, NFS is plain awful with both. Keyboard racers don't affect everyone now, do they? When's the last time you raced against somebody online with a keyboard?