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That it, why can't they race it in a special event with a Toyota driver?
S3 licensed
DayZ is amazing, now why aren't more games this good?
S3 licensed
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :Let's play this game and choose the best Ganassi driver ever, alright?!/EGRTeam ... 01303639648763904/photo/1

For the left bracket, I see Vasser beating Pruett and Dixon for a place on the semi-finals, against Montoya - if IndyCar fans have any common sense, they'll remember how crap Wheldon was when with CGR. Montoya has a much larger fanbase do to NASCAR, and is a way better driver, so I think he makes it to the finals against Zanardi, wjo obviously will beat Rahal, McMurray and Franchitti on the other side of the bracket.

Regarding the 500, Alesi seems to be slowly getting the hang of the car. During Practice 1 he was 'only' 11 mph slower than Newgarden, and ahead of Simona, who played the *crappy Lotus engine of the day* card today. Both Rubens and Michel Jourdain Jr. were faster than many veterans, with Rubens staying only 0.0007 seconds behind last year polesitter, Tagliani.

Left bracket?

Vasser beats Pruett and Dixon. Andretti beats Wheldon (despite Wheldon getting a lot of support though, he's both more recent and more in the public's memory and Mikey's remembered for his Newman/Haas days) and JPM beats Arie, JPM advances, as does Mikey, JPM to final

Right bracket?

Dario beats Diaz, Marlin beats Rojas (consider this, Sterling was a consistent 2002 Cup contender till his injury), Jamie Mac beats Kimball, Zanardi obliterates Rahal, Zanardi advances past Jamie Mac to semis and final beating out Marlin
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Yeah but pCARS is a game and can be made to look like a perfect world, this is not the UK.

Reading the marshall character thread it seems quite a lot of UK marshalls have been used as reference
S3 licensed
I was just about to post that....instead I went to tell somebody about it.

Either way those cars look sweeeet
S3 licensed

Now I'm curious how the FA and FB will go...and secretly hoping they include a car based off of a late 80s/early 90s Indycar
S3 licensed
I'll throw in ANOTHER vote for Wisconsin, it's pretty much an amazing track with any car.
S3 licensed
Quote from senn :
Stockcar is boatloads of fun, live rear axle and FR layout for slidey slidey goodness.

Yes it is.

Stock car at Derby down the hill....Ohhhhhhhh yeah!
S3 licensed
Not a changelog, but the Caper stock car at Conn great
S3 licensed
Build 202 here, is it me or has the test track vanished/been renamed and I just missed it?

Oh and the Formula B is my new fave car, that and the Caper Monterey is amazing (hint: in build 202 it has oval and road setups)
S3 licensed
Preparing for epic fail then, given that Wallace hasn't lived up to Rusty's standards. Also prepping for Rusty to be...well, less than objective.
S3 licensed
Am I missing something on floor two?
S3 licensed
Loving it so far, even if I am stuck on the second floor for now

I love games like Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder, I'm admittedly playing on easy till I do a normal and hard runthrough, but so far it's rock stable and very, very fun
S3 licensed
Locked at 1280x720 full screen here, which gives me an out of range error on my older monitor.

Any way round that apart from forcing it windowed?

EDIT: Not 1280x720, the one three settings up, it detected that as my monitor's native resolution. It isn't. It works fine at 1024 up to 11xx, 1280 it throws a fit at.
S3 licensed
Perez/Hamilton, what a scrap
S3 licensed
Eventful race

Also Merc Wow
S3 licensed
Little Al's got caught again ... eads-guilty-to-dwi-041112

Quote :

Two-time Indianapolis 500 winner Al Unser Jr. pleaded guilty Wednesday to driving while intoxicated and racing on a New Mexico freeway.

The retired racer entered the plea a day before he was set to go to trial on aggravated DWI, drag racing and reckless driving charges. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail, but a judge deferred that in favor of 364 days of supervised probation.

Unser was arrested in September after he was accused of racing another car in his Suburban and driving over 100 mph near Albuquerque. Authorities say Unser smelled of alcohol, his speech was slurred and his blood-alcohol content was twice the legal limit of 0.08.

He was charged with reckless driving and aggravated driving while intoxicated, and later released on released from jail on his own recognizance.
His attorney, Sam Bregman, told the court that his client completed 30 days of inpatient treatment for alcohol abuse.
''Al Unser Jr. is truly sorry for the poor mistake he made last fall,'' Bregman told The Associated Press. ''He's taking steps to make sure it doesn't happen again.''
The arrest wasn't Unser's first encounter with the law. In 2007, he pleaded no contest to a driving under the influence charge stemming from a January 2007 crash on a Nevada freeway.

Nevada authorities said Unser's blood-alcohol content was three times the legal limit and he failed field sobriety tests. As part of the plea deal, Unser lost his driver's license for 90 days, was fined $1,000 and had to attend a drunken driving school, a victim-impact panel and undergo alcohol abuse evaluation.

His lawyer at the time said Unser had stopped drinking and was attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Unser also performed more than 100 hours of community service on alcohol treatment-related causes.

In 2002, Unser also underwent treatment for alcohol abuse after his girlfriend said he hit her in the face while he was drunk in Indianapolis. Prosecutors didn't file charges.

Unser, who is retired, is the son of four-time Indy 500 champion Al Unser, and the nephew of three-time Indy winner Bobby Unser. Al Unser Jr. won the Indy 500 in 1992 and 1994, and won two CART points titles and two IROC championships.

S3 licensed
Quote from frotto110 :can i pay s2 with milk?
if someone buy me S2, he can come to my farm, stay a week and i give him 10 gallons of milk. fair enough?


Just design, build, test and market a milk driven computer and you'll get S2 from me

Of course, I want proof of said computer being able to run LFS!
S3 licensed

32 USD/3 USD

keep moneys



(Also, where teh feck are you at? I'm gonna hazard a guess I know where you are)
S3 licensed
Robin Miller's grid run was funny, he ought to loan himself to SPEED or Sky or the Beeb for the F1
S3 licensed
It'll still win more than Jr

S3 licensed
I like this race for my team....
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Count me in, I'd like to show Joe some better appreciation than a few condolence lines written in a hurry while clicking through tabs in browser.

I didn't really know him and unfortunately it was his death that made me realize he was much more than a profile on the forum. R.I.P Joe, you will be missed...

Count me in too, PM me a PayPal link when it's set up and I'll donate £15
S3 licensed
As far as concrete racing goes, Dover and Sao Paolo weren't the only two, you also had Cleveland and Nashville too
S3 licensed
Jr, y u wreck my fantasy team?