He didn't in CART/F1/sportscars at all, stock cars let you move people out of the way and he does. So should Brad have given Marcos a nudge at Watkins? Should Dale Sr have moved people out of the groove in the 90s and expected to have got put in the wall every single time?
See now you explain it, i'm coming around to the idea now that it is actually explained nicely what it's about and yes, I think it should be options, but there shouldn't be people out there who for example set it for G27 only and to ban any other users. Though, there will be.
But some people in that thread are all 'ZOMG KB/PAD USERS CANT DRIVE AND SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY PCARS AT ALL ONLINE!11' mentality, which isn't exactly true....as a look at LFSW would point out, there are quick KB/pad users and clean KB/pad users. I wouldn't rule out cross platform racing at all though (again, portal 2 had cross platform multiplayer when people said Source MP wouldn't work on the PS3), anything is possible and honestly I would expect SMS to surprise us with that as a feature.
I tend to take issue with people who assume all keyboard users or pad users are wreckers, as was the mentality from a few people in that thread and their outright hostility to everything non wheel related. It's pretty stupid and there were several workarounds and valid points from both sides posted that they didn't pay attention to.
I'm really liking the rain and the FRookie so far, both are done well (Okay, so the rain's in a very basic state). NotNurburgring is great to drive so far, I'm addicted to taking the Zonda around it and trying to beat 7 minutes, or the FA at Azure Coast circuite and winning there.
EDIT: The stupidity on the WMD forums is rising. Apparently some people want public servers to be wheels only. Despite the fact it's planned to be on consoles. SMH
I think he mentioned something like that on his blog, it makes for very good reading, I'm not sure if he's still writing his book but if anything like that would come out, it'd be in there or his blog.
If all else fails comment his blog and ask, he usually responds. I can see TG doing that. But Bob Jenkins also commentated CART as well however and he went on to do IRL with no (visible or documented) friction with TG.
TG absolutely hated the CART medical crew who were under contract to the Speedway during the split, never mind they were there pre CART/IRL split and had been there since the USAC/CART split (Steve Olvey and his staff) and treated them like dirt whenever Indy/NASCAR/F1 rolled around. For instance he tried to do that to them at the USGP by not letting them have anything to do with the race at all, so they were in the hospital but the FIA medics took over, this was 2001. Bernie had the last laugh however and flew them all to Brazil pretty much as VIPs, So yes, TG is enough of a control freak to do that.
From watching the broadcasts Paul was nothing but professional covering both, if ESPN had contracts for both CART and IRL he couldn't really say no could he, as he'd get told what he was covering.
Read that's what he did on another forum, also he (allegedly) gave the chief steward the finger or the marshall that showed him the flag.
I'm hoping he gets kicked out of GP3 to be honest, how he got in is beyond me, if I'm reading it right he's driving for Marussia Carlin, thought they had rules on stupidity in FIA series? Obviously not.
As for the F1 side of things I'm hoping they keep it clean and get some actual passing done. Monaco's always an epic setting, give us a race to match.
EDIT: Gonna quote this from SRD which I agree with
Yep why I put it as good, 82/92 had fantastic storylines too, 82 was Johncock and Mears and 92, Little Al and Goodyear and Micheal Andretti having a two lap lead then the Andretti Curse rearing its ugly head (as usual for the Andrettis)
Oh and ESPN needs commentators who actually know their stuff. It's said every year, but....ESPN, bring back Paul Page. Or let him do what he did last year, offer insight for the radio network and stories