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S3 licensed
That did the trick, thanks.

Found a transmission unlocking mod as well
S3 licensed
Quote from shorty943 :Volvo prides itself on being the most powerful truck on the market, but, there is a 1010HP mod for the big scania.

All trucks have a top speed of 180KPH, IF, you have a long enough straight to get them there, with that in mind, anything over about 130 with a load will have you in big trouble on the corners as the load takes charge. I have been pushed across 3 lanes of an autobahn at about 140KPH by the weight of a load, it's not easy to catch and correct. And, I have owned and driven my own trucks for many years.

And yes, there is a physics mod with no speed limiter for all trucks at
you do have to register at that forum to download though.

I already have a Volvo with the 750hp engine, but it feels sluggish when pulling away. I was wanting something with more pulling power as it can't get up hills. Case in point, I accepted a job with coal from Grimsby to London, I couldn't even get up the hill out of the quarry to get to the road without a lot of effort and stalling the truck. Maybe I just got an engine geared up to going 60mph and taking a long while to get there.

EDIT: Long enough straight huh.....Right. Where did TG test the Veyron at?
S3 licensed

Which truck has the most pulling power (including mods), which has the best top speed, and is there one no limiter mod for all the truck chassis?
S3 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :Aberdeen -> Scania
Amsterdam -> DAF
Berlin -> MAN
Birmingham -> MAN
Bratislava -> Mercedes
Bremen -> DAF
Brüksel -> Iveco
Calais -> MAN
Cardiff -> DAF
Dortmund -> MAN
Dresden -> Scania
Düsseldorf -> Renault
Edinburgh -> MAN
Felixstowe -> Renault
Frankfurt -> Iveco
Cenevre -> Mercedes
Glasgow -> DAF
Grimsby -> Iveco
Hamburg -> Iveco
Hannover -> Scania
Leipzig -> DAF
Lille -> MAN
Londra -> Volvo
Lüksemburg -> Volvo
Lyon -> Renault
Milan -> Scania
Manchester -> Scania
Münih -> MAN
Newcastle -> Mercedes
Nürnberg -> Volvo
Osnabrück -> Volvo
Paris -> Renault
Plymouth -> Mercedes
Prag -> Renault
Rostock -> Renault
Rotterdam -> Mercedes
Salzburg -> DAF
Szczecin -> Mercedes
Strasbourg -> Scania
Stuttgart -> Mercedes
Torino -> Iveco
Verona -> Volvo
Viyana -> Iveco
Wroclaw -> Volvo
Zürih -> DAF

Is it bad I'm planning a route that visits every one of those cities?

EDIT: Okay. How do I remove a GPS destination? I wanted to do a Newcastle to Newcastle delivery but got there too late, the job vanished, but it's still my active GPS route. Is there a simple way to clear it or not?
Last edited by DieKolkrabe, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Krane :Porche's legal department? You sure ?

I would think EA with their apparently-for-life -Porsche-Unleashed -license would be more interested in their moneymaker being used in any game/sim rather than Porsche GmbH.

Yes, they after all stopped EnduRacers releasing their rf mod thanks to legal problems (i.e. a C&D letter), that had zero to do with EA at all.
S3 licensed
Porsche would still slap WMD with a lawsuit for anything that looks vaguely like a Porsche, this was discussed over at VirtualR when the Enduracers mod got stopped by Porsche's legal department
S3 licensed
Go buy the license off EA then, it's RUF or nothing far as licensing goes.

Heck when Porsche won't even let mod teams use their cars then it really is EA or nothing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Graphics are okay? Did you play it on a xbox or something?

No, I played it on PC and it looks just like COD and every other modern shooter out there.
S3 licensed
No, a 4.0-4.5 is just right for it. It is bland and dull and uninspiring. It tries to be something it isn't, the gameplay is stupid (walk five meters to the left to get cover and leave the combat zone for instance), it is completely on rails with no room for player choice at all, oh sure you can use different weapons, but that isn't exactly choice is it? Regenerating health....oh hey, let's jump on the easy game bandwagon!

The graphics look okay, they are not amazing, but okay, they seem to have a muddy brown that all modern shooters have.
S3 licensed
Quote from Cornys :I've never understood the whole American born drivers only thing.. I love seeing Marcose Ambrose and Montoya in the Sprint Cup Series just as much as I like Piquet in the truck series (and hopefully Nationwide soon enough).

FTG is the last thing that IndyCar needs in many ways and I can understand your fusteration

That was FTG's whole rationale behind the AOWR (as he called it at the time) that became the IRL. Look how long that lasted. It's like I said, it should be the best drivers who live and work in NA regardless of nationality. In the 80s/90s Indy had Brazilian drivers, Germans, Finns (Hey there Tero Palmroth!), Swedes, British, Canadians all going against the Americans in their own series. Go and watch 80s/90s Indycar/CART post split and tell me how great the racing is.

Also, related note, something that really, really bugs me.

Quote from Me at SRD :
Problem is where to watch? People over here (i.e. not in the US) are majorly into Wilson, Pagenaud, Bourdais, Servia, Sato, Power and Briscoe, but they can't watch the series due to the TV deals, that's money Indy COULD be having to put into the series, Europe has a lot of disposable income right now, if even $150,000 of France's money went to Indy from Bourdais/Pagenaud fans, or $100,000 of Aus's money went, then Indy would be in better shape, but no, the powers that be seem to think only people in the US want to watch it when it has just as large a global fanbase.

They've taken to shutting down all the JTV/ustream/whatever streams as well when they're up and slapping any Youtube vids with copyright strikes for daring to post a full race when they don't even post them to their channel do they? Sure, they post classic races, but show me where I, as an Irish man living in the UK, can watch the full Indy 500, or Fontana, or Detroit?

I can't.

It's like they don't want people to watch. That is killing the series as much as anything.

S3 licensed
Agreed, FTG needs to go and try to ruin the NFL or professional football or hocke....wait...Bettman's got that cornered, or curling or something nobody gives a shit about. He's just bad news wherever he goes.
S3 licensed
Now you make me want to go dig up that Penny Arcade report and blog entry about journos being bought and how PR has an impact on game reviewers.

Here: ... est-the-twisted-story-of-

Also Here: ... re-control-than-we-think1
S3 licensed
Total ****ing BULL SHIT!

Randy tried his best to turn the series around. He was doing a fantastic job, now the board fire him over this?

I call BS, and politics. If they put FTG back in charge then Indycar is even more ****ed than it already is. I'd rather FTG ****s off and tries to redo his IRL wet dream again and see how long it lasts this time (hint, not very as he doesn't know shit about racing)

Yes, I'm pissed off. I don't want IRL 2.0, I wwant a balanced schedule of the best drivers living and working in North America, regardless of where they are from in the world, I don't subscribe to some bullshit US only patriotic argument (which is what the IRL was marketed as), as NASCAR has had that area covered since day one and up until 2007, did a good job.

Indycar is slowly dying. I'd love FTG to try his hand at ****ing up NASCAR instead
S3 licensed
So how exactly did it get a 4.0 yet Generic Manshooter MCXVIXCM get a 9?
S3 licensed
So does that mean DTM becomes more like a sportscar series, or the JGTC becomes a touring car series?
S3 licensed
^ It was said to be Grand-Am run however
S3 licensed
American DTM, i.e. Grand Am. Not the German DTM and anyhow the US DTM talk fizzled out a few years ago yes?

FWIW they're saying the top 35 rule is definitely gone in some places
S3 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :DTM might take that free spot in Montreal

Lolwut? I can't see DTM going outside of Germany/Europe in the next few years

S3 licensed
Supposedly Bernie had his hand in it at some stage according to some boards and put pressure on the promoter to drop NASCAR
S3 licensed
Quote from Cornys :I thought they were with the Pocono leg being 400 miles

No, the old Triple Crown, 1971-1989 was Indy (500 miles), Ontario (500 miles) and Pocono (500 miles), there was never a 400 miler in it period. Then after Ontario's closure in 1980, Indy went to Michigan and moved that into Ontario's slot, and ran the Triple Crown up until 89, their last visit to Pocono
S3 licensed
Anything's better than TNT. And ESPN but that's another story.

Put me in a time machine, take me back to the 80s/90s ESPN...that was the real ESPN, not today's craptastic one
S3 licensed
Make Pocono 500 miles, bring back the Triple Crown, keep TG out of Indycar (again), he wrecked it before and he'll do it once again if given the chance.
S3 licensed
Grats to Brad. Dodge should stay in NASCAR
S3 licensed
IMO Perez isn't a good grab for McLaren at all, he'll be the next Kovalainen, struggle and get dropped after a few seasons