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S3 licensed
Already done that earlier. Now will all the mods and stuff work with it?
S3 licensed
Quote from PeterN :Well, 1.2.5 (which includes the DAV to DAF change) was released yesterday, followed shortly by

Anyone happen to know what happened to

Link? I dunno, still on the old version
S3 licensed
Update? What update?!
S3 licensed
Nope, needs to light up the whole map
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :HRT for sale.

I was thinking on the purchase, but they're too slow...

This is why they need to put it on crowd funding
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :

Nope. Still need more
S3 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :I started out with a Renault Premium and it was fine for a first truck. The only disappointment with both Renault's is the lack of extra drivetrain configurations.

I need more!

I don't usually cover the truck in lights but had just unlocked another roofbar so thought I'd try it out.

You ned a LOT more lights. If you can't see across the water to the country opposite, you're doing it wrong.
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Hm didn't notice anything wrong with those, the exterior of the trucks is really good have to say, but the interior was done by some 11 year olds Are they really bad on the Mercedes, don't drive it myself yet..

You can never, ever, have enough lights on a truck, can you?
S3 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :They knew Brad had the phone in the car all year, pretty stupid they wait until the second last race to fine him for it. If they didn't like what he said in the media center, then fine him for that, not the phone.

In fairness, I went and looked it up and after Daytona they changed the rules and used wording about traction control
S3 licensed
Brad's one of teh cool kidz y0
S3 licensed
WTF at the end...just wtf
S3 licensed

Allegedly, Obama is a socialist.

S3 licensed
Just curious, but what is your take on alternative voting then?

I think the whole systen needs a major reform, but having elected politicians in London is not the answer. They are so out of touch with the general population that it is frightening. I can't think of anyone from a working class background who is a front bench MP at all, and Google is no help on this.

Ideally, I would like to see all the rich people shoved to the Lords, but their power reduced (If John Prescott can get in then that shows anyone can), and the Commons filled with.....commoners. Or you may as well rename it the House of Riches, for that's what it is. It is filled with Eton schoolboys who have no clue what is really going on outside their ivory towers, who don't understand what the average person is going through one bit.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :I do not support the wars abroad, but i feel that no matter who our presodent is that they would happen anyways

No. Iraq would be a lot more stable (and likely a threat) if they hadn't invaded. The US (and NATO) going in just made it that much worse. Think about this. If it was truly about removing Saddam, why did thousands of people march? Why did an MP resign over the war then?

Why did people's reactions change over time? Surely if they would happen anyway, there'd be a general apathy toward them? There wasn't. Instead, there was a huge patriotic fervor about it that has died down and turned against the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq. IMO, and I'm getting into Racer X territory here, why even go to war when they could just take Bin Laden out with a covert operation? Why have a long, drawn out war they won't ever win at all in two nations? Yes, you can go wave your flags but it doesn't change a thing. There's a majority of Americans who want the troops home, In both elections, didn't Obama promise to bring more troops home? Whereas McCain and Romney did not? Both wre perceived as hawks and warmongers. Correct? The fear was McCain would take the US and world into a war with the Middle East and Romney would just charge into Iran and trigger WWIII.

Also: Did you see the UK rush into Pakistan or any Muslim nation after 7/7? No, you did not. Mainly because the UK at that time, while helping in Iraq, was more rational over it and still smarting from 2003 and the backlash there. They knew that going to war would risk more MPs resigning or protesting. Name one Congressman or Senator who resigned in 2003 over the Iraq war or Afghan war?
S3 licensed
As in when you go to upgrade the truck and you can get a bar for the front to put lights on, are you able to redo those and the light textures?
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Sorry but i have no better things to do these days so better make the best of it did the Mercedes too, tried to match it to the real one as much as possible, and as the game is very wierd with these things it works best with the Standard interior, and since the "luxury" one also doesn't have a GPS then the Standard is better..



As always just put that .zip in the Mod folder.

Are you able to do new lights or light bars or not?
S3 licensed
I thought that I read there was more than one? Honestly, (and again contreversial) I believe if somebody has a terminal illness, they should be free to end their life and it should not be a crime.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :No, just dont kill them at all.

That is such a stupid viewpoint though. So let's say your family member gets forcibly raped, yet they have a medical condition (which exists) which means their body can't withstand being pregnant past a certain point, you would be okay with that family member essentially dying a slow, painful death then?

I'll state my point again. Abortion (and other issues) should be looked at on a case by case basis. It has zero to do with religion (I don't follow a Christion God thank you very much), my point is merely that every case is different.

On a related note, you Yanks. Which state(s) are voting on right to die?
S3 licensed
Does anyone want to take a shot at explaining the whole 'ZOMG OBAMA IS BLACK MUSLIM' and 'ZOMG OBAMA IS MARXIST/SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST' I've seen banded around the past few months online and in the media and heard from friends?
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Why?

Because there's cases where abortion can be justified, on a case by case basis. You can't and shouldn't generalize every abortion case with the same brush. To say all abortion should be stopped is wrong. If a woman gets raped or is a victim of incest, she shouldn't be forced to keep that child if she doesn't want to.
S3 licensed
Abortion shouldn't be met with a sweeping statement though, it should be on a case by case basis.

Mitt Romney was the most moderate Republican candiate? I'm just glad it wasn't Santorum or Gingrich.
S3 licensed
Quote from shorty943 :oops, yep sorry about the lack of install info there.
That was just a quick edit of my Mercedes gearbox file for a Volvo, I've not finished fiddling with final drive ratio's yet, so the full mod won't be on the truck sim site until next week at the earliest.
Right now I'm still only getting a top speed of about 140KPH, even then you have to really watch some of the corners or head over heals she goes.

On a side note, there is a mod out for some very powerful engines for all trucks, use with caution, I tested that last night, my truck got horny and mounted the poor little car in front of me at traffic lights takeoff 1500HP and high torque makes for interesting game play for sure.


Also your gearbox mod wound up making my truck a magnet for speeding fines and crashes.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
I'll give that a go, will it work for all trucks with tweaking or is it volvo only?

EDIT: Okay, now where to actually install it?
S3 licensed
Wound up doing a Newcastle to Munich delivery.

First off, GPS sent me to Hull but I went to London. Then when I got there, I ran out of fuel as soon as I got off the boat. Adding insult to injury, I'm now in debt thanks to the recovery call, since I wasn't doing my usual quick jobs but decided to bring in money for my company.