I half-agree, I think that they should be able to start with the clutch partially released though. At the moment, the car dies unless you have the clutch 100% in.
I'd also like to see the button actually using the ignition, so that you could keep it held down to keep the starter motor turning. And then the starter motor could eventually die, or the battery could flatten (I believe nKP has something similar, but I've never played it). It's a bit advanced for LFS at the moment, however it would be a nice touch for the future
Also, chinchilla doesn't need a capital. You wouldn't say "Oh, look at that Dog standing beside that Horse in the field with the Tree!". Just had to point that out
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(BTW, why is the multipla uncool? If you ignore the FIAT badge, it's a brilliant car, considering how old it is. It was a very daring car to make back in the day, which broke all the rules about boring people carriers. Multipla, I salute you )
As I thought. I swear Mac users are like the Jehova's Witnesses of the internet. They're great to recruit people, but ask a simple question like "Why?" and they'll repeat themselves over and over in an endless circle of brainwashiness
I have had 100% success with 7 so far (excluding Daemon tools, 'cpz they're too lazy to upgrade their emulation), I've been using it as my main OS since 7000 was released without issues. This is because it's MADE for x86 systems. (x64 is a different story from what I hear, but I jumped off that ship after the Vista fiasco)
I have a car, full use of another, a motorbike, 2 laptops, and a PC that costs less than your Mac yet is infinitely better. Unfortunately my car cost a fair bit more than my PC though, but it'll hold the value when I sell it in a couple of years. I do work hard (working summers for the last 4 years, two jobs on the go at the minute) though, and funded all of these myself.
No, if you want a nice clean OS, use Ubuntu or similar. Even this can run 95% of the apps Windows can run at decent settings. You have failed to give any actual reasons why OSX is better, apart from admitting you need to use Windows to play games. The hardware is more advanced, but it's priced as such too. I can get 4GB of DDR2 PC8400 for less than €30, so your argument for hardware is irrelevant.
Also, isn't dual-booting Windows on your Mac and saying it can play anything a PC can a bit stupid? You're depending on the OS you're flaming to play games I could dual-boot into OSX too if I wanted to, and complain about not being able to run anything I want, and having to conform to Steve Jobb's twisted ideas of "user-friendliness". I do put up with Bill Gate's bloatware on my PC, but it can still run anything I throw at it without needing to change OS'.
OOC, how much did your Mac cost? My PC cost less than €700, and can run Crysis at HD resolutions with everything turned up full (including 16QX AA and 8X AF) without dipping below 30FPS, even on the ship level (although if I could survive long enough to kill the big yoke I'd be happy ).
OSX does look pretty, if it's a stationary image you're looking at. Once you actually use it though, it's a different story
Either a USB wifi dongle, or if the router doesn't have wireless, you'll have to run an ethernet cable through the wall. If you're willing to spend a bit of cash (say, $60-70) you could get a powerline network kit, which just plugs into the wall. It uses the electricity lines in your house as the wiring, and you can plug in a receiver into any socket in your house, to get internet.
But doesn't a 1-port router defeat the very purpose of a router, i.e., to route? The modems we've had have all been ethernet, and you could have them plug directly into the PC if you wanted.
No, I meant an actual wifi card for the PC, to connect to his home router (assuming it has wireless, but I have yet to see one issued by an ISP, at least in this country, without it).
If it only supports one PC, it isn't a router, it's a modem
Sorry to interrupt the discussion of fat ozzies and massive ZORSTS, but I can finally post in this thread
Pretty much standard 1.3 Mini 35, with a few patches of rust (don't they all :rolleyes. Needs a bit of work, currently sitting in my shed with the whole interior stripped and gutted, ready to be attacked with an angle grinder and MIG welder I'm hoping to setup a page with updates on the project as I go along, as I'm planning on making a proper job of it. I have a few things in mind, but I'll wait until I get the structure sorted first
No you're not. You're not struggling to put food on the table, put petrol into your car, pay your bills and hold down a steady job. You just can't decide what console to keep.
As for the internet, get a USB wifi dongle for the PC. They start from less than $5