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S3 licensed
This is looking awesome.
Just goes to show you don't need to change graphics engines to make a game look realistic.
Incremental improvements and evolution can achieve the same goal, and with added benifits.
S3 licensed
Quote from Big Daddy :
This video might be an indicator how Fern Bay will look:

I would expect it may look even better.
Lynce is an amazing artist and she has done some great work with textures, but there was only so much she could do with low poly counts on scenery etc.
Cant wait to see what Eric has in store for us. I love the subtle details he puts in to the tracks.
Its the little imperfections that make them look more realistic.

Thank you Scawen for the update and also Degats for the comparison shots!
S3 licensed
Quote from RC-Maus :Nah make lfs 2 i would pay again Smile new graphics new physics new cars dynamic wheater Thumbs up

Baby steps Smile
S3 licensed
While I'm surprised Jimmy hasn't played LFS before, I think that was a pretty fair and balanced assessment.
Also, it's testament to how well LFS has 'aged' (very unusual in the technology world!) Hoping to see more of these.
Go on Scawen, give him some new tyre physics to review Wink
S3 licensed
Quote from RC-Maus :it's almost a xrg race Smile

Slightly OT but this reminds me so much of XFG racing in LFS

Mid Eighties production car racing in AU.
S3 licensed
Quote from Ingolf :You can also use the AI as a challenge. It's good fun.

Focus on one track, one car, certain AI level and learn how the AI behaves. Adapt to their pace and use the mirrors frequently to avoid collisions/surprises. The AI is not as dumb as one would think at first glance. Often, it is your own irratic driving that breaks the pace and causes conflicts. The AI helps you to drive consistently.

Start at the end of the grid, say 6-8 cars, 5 laps race, and drive until you win the race without collisions. By then you have developed a good situation awareness (using mirrors), something that will be your friend in MP-races.

Good luck, hope you give it another go before you dismiss this beautiful game.

I agree completely with this quote. Learn how the AI behaves and you'll learn how to race cleanly with it.
Soon enough you'll be able to beat it pretty easily. At this point, give yourself handicaps (add weight/fuel, and intake restrictions), and put yourself as the back of the grid.

I have fun and challenging races with the AI all the time. Much different to racing humans but it can be great fun nonetheless.
S3 licensed
Love the new Blackwood. What a masterpiece.
LFS is timeless.
S3 licensed
Any form of communication would be welcome at this stage.
S3 licensed
Please settle this debate:
S3 licensed
Looks lice. Must try.

S3 licensed
It's got a heck of a lot going for it. Definitely not just a paid R Factor mod.
It's not as refined as LFS overall but still a really fun and immersive sim for me.
S3 licensed
Love Rockingham. Great work Eric.
S3 licensed
GSCE kills it in terms of immersion, and is an awesome sim despite being rFactor 1 based.
Sounds are better than LFS and AC, as is AI.
To me, it provides the best offline 'race weekend' experience,
I'm very much looking forward to Automobilista,
S3 licensed
Happy new year from my home town
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :No, there isn't finished content lying around. There are tracks which are driveable but without the scenery completed, that kind of thing.

Quote from Scawen :I think one at a time is a better way to do it, in such a small team, with the required level of detail being so high these days.

Thanks for letting us know these things. I'd agree with the one at a time approach as well. It seemed to work quite well for the Westhill update.

One question: Will you guys be providing any info about new content before it is released to the community?
Screenshots and other previews are a great way to keep the community engaged and generate some excitement around LFS.

And, have a great Christmas!
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :The Dev's have chosen to label S3 as Rockingham. A circuit I can race on with many other games without spending Poundings 12, but that's their choice and is a great marketing strategy.

It seems that the new physics will still apply to S1 & S2 so this is not an issue.

Offline is still 'ok', thanks for the extra AI cars, shame they are a bit vacant when it comes to driving skillz......

I'll buy S3 when either, damage modelling, weather, tyre physics, lead to online racing Down Under, or whatever.

I'm not (well, I clearly am) going to criticize their choice, I'm just not buying S3 till my requirements are met....

It's really sad, I'm just going to have to play Dirt Rally and AC till then, don't know how I'll cope.

Seriously, games have moved on since 2008, and that's a kind review of how LFS stands today. LFS needs to look at it's competition and come up with a plan to move the game forward. This S3 release does strike me as a bit of a cynical cash grab, but hey, all's fair in business.

You raise some valid points, and I understand why some people would choose (and that's a vital word, 'choose') not to by S3 yet.

But I don't understand this being seen as a cynical cash grab.

Depending on your opinion, Scavier can be accused of being too slow, being poor communicators or focusing the wrong areas for development.

However, but to accuse them of suddenly deciding to rip everyone off after more than 10 years of development is really just crass and offensive.
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :with very high chance of that content never materializing?

This is the key part of your statement.
Please elaborate.
S3 licensed
Quote from digiusto :to get the new track you need to buy S3 licence !!!! 12£ for one track !!! no new car, only one track ? it's a joke ?

Sigh. You really should read the thread my friend. Let me save you the effort and summarise.
12 quid will get you access to all of the S3 content as it is delivered.
Rockingham is the first piece of S3 content.
The developers of course can't make guarantees on delivery of future content (which is apparently enough to make some people's heads explode)
S3 licensed
Quote from G13Haze :So you dont know really? it might come and it might not, like the past 7+ w/e years..
you sir are full of shit, and i think you are only trying to regain the money you lost on laserscanning the track (or whatever) ive followed your forum posts and they do not give any assurance in your progress. (even telling how far progress is seems to be to much)

Of course he can't offer any guarantees. Nothing in life is guaranteed.
Scawen is just making it clear that if you choose to, you are buying the first S3 content 'as is'. This is being up front with people. The exact opposite of being 'full of shit'

Now crawl back into your hole.
S3 licensed
Apart from the accuracy and outstanding texturing it's the small imperfections make it that much better.
No fence is perfectly straight, the tire stacks are slightly different heights and don't line up perfectly.
The railings along pit straight are imperfect.

Great work by Eric!
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :About AI - here is a new test patch which allows 24 in single player:

Nice. Thanks. Will make those victory laps much nicer. Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :I think a lot of people would expect this feature in a racing sim, and it would surely add value. But looking at the current state of AI in LFS and the fact that the main focus of this product is online racing perhaps it would be more suitable for a community member to develop this feature using (local) Insim? Sure, the controls would not be truly integrated in the UI but the button interface can be made pretty intuitive.

The AI in LFS is fine to race with. Not perfect, but as good or better than other sims that do have offline championships.

While LFS is fantastic online, the reality is only a tiny number of people race online relative to licenses sold. One only speculate, but I'd be willing to bet my hat there are loads more people playing offline than online.

A simple, integrated offline championship creator seems like a bit of a no-brainer to me.
S3 licensed
I'm really liking the reflections. Subtle but well implemented and realistic.

With online racing being on the wane at the moment, I suppose a lot of people play offline. Has enabling racers to create championships offline against the AI been considered?

This would add a lot to the game for me personally, and I'm guessing would be relatively easy to do?

I'd be interested in hearing developer's feedback on this.
S3 licensed
Thanks Lynce. These texture are just awesome.
S3 licensed
Thanks Lynce. I will follow this with interest.