This is looking awesome.
Just goes to show you don't need to change graphics engines to make a game look realistic.
Incremental improvements and evolution can achieve the same goal, and with added benifits.
I would expect it may look even better.
Lynce is an amazing artist and she has done some great work with textures, but there was only so much she could do with low poly counts on scenery etc.
Cant wait to see what Eric has in store for us. I love the subtle details he puts in to the tracks.
Its the little imperfections that make them look more realistic.
Thank you Scawen for the update and also Degats for the comparison shots!
While I'm surprised Jimmy hasn't played LFS before, I think that was a pretty fair and balanced assessment.
Also, it's testament to how well LFS has 'aged' (very unusual in the technology world!) Hoping to see more of these.
Go on Scawen, give him some new tyre physics to review
I agree completely with this quote. Learn how the AI behaves and you'll learn how to race cleanly with it.
Soon enough you'll be able to beat it pretty easily. At this point, give yourself handicaps (add weight/fuel, and intake restrictions), and put yourself as the back of the grid.
I have fun and challenging races with the AI all the time. Much different to racing humans but it can be great fun nonetheless.
It's got a heck of a lot going for it. Definitely not just a paid R Factor mod.
It's not as refined as LFS overall but still a really fun and immersive sim for me.
GSCE kills it in terms of immersion, and is an awesome sim despite being rFactor 1 based.
Sounds are better than LFS and AC, as is AI.
To me, it provides the best offline 'race weekend' experience,
I'm very much looking forward to Automobilista,
Thanks for letting us know these things. I'd agree with the one at a time approach as well. It seemed to work quite well for the Westhill update.
One question: Will you guys be providing any info about new content before it is released to the community?
Screenshots and other previews are a great way to keep the community engaged and generate some excitement around LFS.
Sigh. You really should read the thread my friend. Let me save you the effort and summarise.
12 quid will get you access to all of the S3 content as it is delivered.
Rockingham is the first piece of S3 content.
The developers of course can't make guarantees on delivery of future content (which is apparently enough to make some people's heads explode)
Of course he can't offer any guarantees. Nothing in life is guaranteed.
Scawen is just making it clear that if you choose to, you are buying the first S3 content 'as is'. This is being up front with people. The exact opposite of being 'full of shit'
Apart from the accuracy and outstanding texturing it's the small imperfections make it that much better.
No fence is perfectly straight, the tire stacks are slightly different heights and don't line up perfectly.
The railings along pit straight are imperfect.
The AI in LFS is fine to race with. Not perfect, but as good or better than other sims that do have offline championships.
While LFS is fantastic online, the reality is only a tiny number of people race online relative to licenses sold. One only speculate, but I'd be willing to bet my hat there are loads more people playing offline than online.
A simple, integrated offline championship creator seems like a bit of a no-brainer to me.
I'm really liking the reflections. Subtle but well implemented and realistic.
With online racing being on the wane at the moment, I suppose a lot of people play offline. Has enabling racers to create championships offline against the AI been considered?
This would add a lot to the game for me personally, and I'm guessing would be relatively easy to do?
I'd be interested in hearing developer's feedback on this.