Yes I have seen that message too and although I didn't get that notification this time that is probably what happened. I've had this happen in Rocket League as well (which, coincidentally also runs DX9).
It seems to have become a bit worse lately, I'm not sure whether it's because of a defunct graphics card, the state of the current nVidia drivers or simply the summer temperature that causes devices to overheat.
A crash report on this otherwise nice patch! (0.6P6)
I was riding along (spectating) another player in a multi-player race while configuring my freshly installed LFS. As I went through the options I could not remember the purpose of Display -> Drop shadows so I toggled that option off and on a few times. Doing this the screen suddenly went completely black. I still had video signal though since I could see (and move) the mouse cursor. I also still heard sound LFS appeared to be running in the "background", just without video.
I then hit shift-f4 to switch to windowed mode. As my desktop appeared LFS.exe crashed with the following report:
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: LFS.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 57c05ec4 Fault Module Name: LFS.exe Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 57c05ec4 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0014cf5d OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1053 Additional Information 1: 4709 Additional Information 2: 4709938665fa84e3ff99c8cbe11223bb Additional Information 3: 926f Additional Information 4: 926f078b8e812fa896c67b2f2eabbe20
Not sure if this is actually caused my LFS. It could be my freshly installed Win7 -- There are information and warning messages regarding the Desktop Window Manager just a couple of seconds prior to when LFS crashed.
Attached report.wer from Windows ReportArchive.
Edit: I am not able to reproduce it by toggling the drop shadows. :\
Gosh, OF COURSE -- YouTube! I was searching my drive like crazy for the other entries but apparently I'm too dense to consider the most obvious source in the world.
/kev/null, lol! Epic channel name, by the way.
At least the FBMW video is of higher quality than what you (seem to) be able to find on YT.
Are you talking about the lfs_ai_skin-pack_s2y download link?
The url provided is hosted on HTTP (not HTTPS). So yes, technically the connection isn't "private" (enrypted). But browsers should not normally throw an error (yet).
If you, on the other hand switch the URL to HTTPS the browser will throw a warning because the domain ( doesn't match the domain provided in the certificate (* The connection is however, still "private" (encrypted).
I've setup to use HTTPS (and HSTS) but I can't setup a _valid_ certificate for because that server is kindly provided by, and managed by Loopia, our sponsor.
Personally I would feel pretty comfortable downloading this file over an unencrypted connection.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
Reason : "private" == encrypted
Swedish-speaking people: I've added translations for the new (mainly VR) strings. If you have any comments please let me know here (or via PM) and we'll sort it out.
Speaking of, I've never been a fan of the 5-star rating system. I n my opinion it does not provide enough granularity -- Most "decent/good" <whatever> end up with 4 or 5 stars so it can be hard to separate the good setups from the great ones.
Now I'm not a data crunching guy but I do like Steam's user review system which, if you break it down is quite simple:
- Do you recommend this game? (Yes/No).
- Optional review (/comment) box.
Rating: x% of the y user reviews for this game are positive.
Then they go crazy with allowing users to review another user's review but that's not really necessary, I guess.
Any other thoughts? Perhaps a 5 grade rating is sufficient regarding setups.
When looking at the car setups I rated a setup by accident. I was able to figure out how to remove my rating but perhaps a undo button could fit in there somewhere?
Just noticed something regarding the auto-update system (that's probably not relevant to the ongoing discussion) and figured I'd mention it:
It appears as if LFS checks for an updated version when you click on the Multiplayer screen but not when you unlock the game. And since you need to unlock LFS after an update (at least in my case going from 0.6K to 0.6M) you might need to use 2 unlocks.
Launch (unlocked) instance of LFS
Unlock the Demo
Go online (proceed to be prompted about the update, download, install and restart LFS)
Unlock the Demo a second time
In short: For a smoother experience, perhaps do an update check before opening the unlock screen.
I had 2 unlocks so I'm good but this approach would probably save some time for both the users and ScaViEr.
May I suggest migrating these instructions to the LFS Wiki? The Wiki syntax allows for better text, image and code samples plus it's easier to collaborate while keeping the progress in-place.
(But don't look at me, I've done enough edits for a while )
Last edited by felplacerad, .
Reason : Removed link
The only issue I came across was that the functionality provided by the FFB kext is disabled once you enable FTW (clutch, separate pedals and 900 degrees rotation).
So it seems that you have to choose between proper input or FFB.
jackhumbert/FreeTheWheel is a fork of the original project (Feral Interactive) and it states "Force Feedback with the LogitechForceFeedback.kext" but that binary didn't work either. At least not with my G25.
Alternative method using WineBottler (Only GUI, no terminal):
Download WineBottler (1.8-rc4 development) from (Page is a bit cluttered, direct link:
# Install WineBottler Open the .dmg ("WineBottler Combo") and drag to the Applications folder ( does not need to be installed).
# Install required DLLs with winetricks (If not already running, launch Wine.App) Click the Wine glass icon in the menu bar and select "Winetricks" Check "d3dcompiler_43" and "d3dx9_43", then click "Apply"
# Download and install LFS Download LFS from the list of mirrors here: Double click (or possibly right click and select "Open With" -> "") When prompted about "" is an application downloaded from the internet [...]" Click "Open"
# Launch LFS With the default options, LFS will be installed in "~/Wine\ Files/drive_c/LFS/" The icons created on desktop ("LFS.lnk" and "LFS.desktop") does not seem to work. Instead, open Finder and navigate to your Home Folder -> Wine Files -> drive_c -> LFS Double click LFS.exe
# Change icon and Create shortcut Find an icon that you like (preferably transparent), I simply chose but .PNGs will also work. Right click the image and select "Copy Image" Navigate to your Home Directory -> Wine Files -> drive_c -> LFS Right click on LFS.exe and select "Get Info" Click on the icon in the top left corner and press cmd + v to paste the image.
To create a shortcut, simply drag LFS.exe to your launchpad.
Tomorrow, or next week, I'll test with my G25/Wireless controllers and create the article.
edit: If anyone has experience using a (for example) a Logitech wheel on OS X I'd like to hear your thoughts.
So that disabling FFB from within LFS solved the problem was a false positive?
Edit: Oh, I read your post too quickly. I see now that you pointed out a potential relation between the FFB setting and whether LFS was launched from a terminal or the desktop shortcut (without the 'Run in terminal' option enabled.
Alright, fair enough. I mainly reacted on the error message you provided "APK is launchable (launchable-activity)". I recognize APK as Android application Package and "activity" as an Android class (and "App" speaks for itself I guess. Never meant to steer the thread off topic. I'll be quiet now.
So I had a quick look with LFS and it appears as if when you click "Display list of hosts" a sequence of TCP packets are transferred between your client (src port ~9k) and (, dst port 29339).