Although there are plenty of interesting discussions at this forum my main reason for coming here is to see what Scawen is up to. When the new forum was initially released I spent a couple of minutes on a userscript to highlight the developers' posts, but I figured I could do a little better.
So I wrote a little PHP-scraper that visits the profiles of the devs and collect their most recent posts and then publish the data in a RSS feed.
The feed is available hereNO LONGER AVAILABLE.
... And if you'd like to extend on this here's the scraper:
/** * Return the most recent posts by given user at * Breakage-prone due to DOM-parsing! :) * * @author felplacerad * @version 0.1 */ class LfsForumScraper { public $posts; protected $dom; protected $cache;
/** * Create a new DOMDocument object, and * Read cache file into an array. */ public function __construct() { if (is_file('./scraper.cache') && time() - filemtime('./scraper.cache') < 600) die("No hammering!\n");
/** * Load HTML, evaluate XPath expressions and sanitize the input a bit * (ie: remove element attributes and most tags) * store seen post ids in cache file. * Return posts that wasn't already seen. */ public function scrapeAuthor($targetAuthor = 'Scawen') { $url = "'$targetAuthor'"; $opts = array('http'=>array('header'=>"User-Agent: fel-notify/0.1")); $context = stream_context_create($opts);
$this->dom->loadHTML(file_get_contents($url, false, $context)); $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->dom);
A really small one: on the "Messages" page the last column says "Replies" followed by the number of messages in the thread rather than the number of replies.
Got me thinking someone had replied to my PM when in fact it was my own message that incremented the number.
Either change the text to Messages or subtract the number by one?
If it *really* bugs you and you can't wait for the Devs to implement this, you can use the UserScript I posted above with Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey. Adding the option to enable fluid width only took a second.
Didn't check if this was already mentioned (but I it was, I second it!):
I really miss moderator names being highlighted in red. I enjoy following Scawens work and just having to look for his red colors (figuratively AND literally? ) really helped.
If not I'll sort it out with greasemonkey somehow.
Edit: This is a potential quick dirty fix, CSS only:
a[href="/profile/43"] {color: red;}
Obviously it would be better if the selector would target the innerText/innerHTML rather than the href. But I'm not familiar with a technique to do that using nothing but CSS.
Edit 2:
Couldn't resist. Here's a client-side solution for Tampermonkey (confirmed to work with Greasemonkey as well):
// ==UserScript== // @name tweaks // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description Ability to toggle Highlighting of Scawen's, Victor's and Eric's posts on as well as fluid-width layout. // @match* // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript==
var enable_dev_highlight = true; var enable_fluid_width = false;
if (enable_dev_highlight) GM_addStyle("a[href='/profile/43'], a[href='/profile/1'], a[href='/profile/64'] { color: red }"); if (enable_fluid_width) GM_addStyle("#BodyDiv { width: 100% }");
Edit 3: Added option to enable/disable fluid-width layout. Not tested thoroughly and might need some tweaking. But it seems to work pretty well actually.
I've tried Frisbee Golf once -- A friend (who had probably played a few times before) asked me to tag along a couple of weeks ago.
Although I sucked bad I did kind of enjoy walking the terrain (about 3k). And throwing stuff never gets boring, right? The only downside I can think of is when you/someone lose a disc on a track with lots of vegetation.
There are a few courses in Gothenburg though, perhaps I'll try another one some day!
Thanks! I put my finger on the tip of my nose and noticed how the frames started to float together but didnt quite manage to work it out. Then my partner saw me holding my cellphone and finger in such an akward position and obviously wondered what the heck i was doing, haha! I explained and she had a go, and succeeded (allegedly). She said it helped to try to focus a bit in the distance.
This cross eyed thing, I suppose it would work with a static picture as well? Would someone mind posting a screenshot? I'm really curious but don't have access to a computer at the moment.
Yeah ... Should not be too hard (but probably boring) to map the values of cfg.txt and card_cfg.txt to human readable key and value pairs. Not sure about views.bin, though? I had a quick look at the content of \data\views\*.cvw but they appear to be binary. A hex editor didn't give much insight either.
But again, the .cfg files should be easy enough. I would not mind having a stab at building a webapp to store and compare those results if you can't be bothered.
Edit: Had another look at a CVW and was able to decipher some info by, in this example, changing the y-offset around. But the values doesn't quite correspond so I'm not sure what to make of it. Unless someone else has more mad hacking skillz perhaps Scawen could shed some light on this ...
Turns out Assetto Corsa defaults to having a lot of driving aids enabled. After disabling them and increasing the degrees to 300 the car is a lot more responsive and the steering not as wonky.
Did a few more (lonely) laps at fuji. What's a decent track time with the BMW 1M S3?
Ok, so I've done my first race (and my first laps, actually).
I don't think I bumped into anyone after the restart, at least?
Three questions:
1) Steering?! I've got a G25 and the steering is very "floaty". It turns instantly almost as if there an inverted deadzone, if you see what I mean? I did turn down the range from 900 to 225 because that what I've set in the profiler and what I use in LFS, but is there something that can be done to ammend this?
2) Understeer, much? I drove the Lotus, and it really felt like I went a bit too wide even with little speed. Are the stock setups any good or is it day and night like in LFS?
3) Someone mentioned something about a chat app. Link?
Just got the game off Steam since there some discount action going on (I *thought* I read somewhere that a netKar license would make you eligible for an AC license, but I've might been drunk (not like I'd find the license after some 8 years anyway, hehe ...)).
Anyhow! Just got a hold of an Oculus DK1 and figured I might as well try it out online. I'll try to join up!
I guess this Fuji thing is some addon/custom track that I need to register at to get a hold of? Is there anything I should know that I can't read up on easily?
I would also like to vouch for Tiny and Big. Actually one of the first Linux games I picked up on Steam. Funny, innovative and looks and runs great. A must buy IMO.
I'd love a sequel!
Edit: Woah, there are mods?! I should really look into that ...
I haven't tried the latest DCON ver yet, either. I haven't added the weather parameter to our scripts yet so the weather will be random. I'd need to check this with our race admin first.
Anyway. On a host that been running since march, with moderate activity I wc -l'd 110 instances of WOULDBLOCK. I'm also seeing a lot of:
... But the host appears to run OK, still.
It's a VPS with a custom kernel (OpenVZ I guess?). Don't flame for not having updated anything in a while.
Debian Squeeze Linux 2.6.32-042stab068.8 wine-1.0.1 LFS_S2_DCON_6E
Yeah, setting range to <whatever> seems to work, but how do you set the actual force feedback? For example, when running over a rumble strip in Windows I get feedback in the wheel, but in Linux it's completely dead. Perhaps this is not supported?
(I also, in desperation tried [...] --gain 100 --device /dev/input/event23, but that didn't help.)
In case this is of any relevance:
sudo evtest Available devices: [...] /dev/input/event23: G25 Racing Wheel [...]
Select the device event number [0-23]: 23 Input driver version is 1.0.1 Input device ID: bus 0x3 vendor 0x46d product 0xc299 version 0x111 Input device name: "G25 Racing Wheel" Supported events: Event type 0 (EV_SYN) Event type 1 (EV_KEY) Event code 288 (BTN_TRIGGER) Event code 289 (BTN_THUMB) Event code 290 (BTN_THUMB2) Event code 291 (BTN_TOP) Event code 292 (BTN_TOP2) Event code 293 (BTN_PINKIE) Event code 294 (BTN_BASE) Event code 295 (BTN_BASE2) Event code 296 (BTN_BASE3) Event code 297 (BTN_BASE4) Event code 298 (BTN_BASE5) Event code 299 (BTN_BASE6) Event code 300 (?) Event code 301 (?) Event code 302 (?) Event code 303 (BTN_DEAD) Event code 720 (BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY17) Event code 721 (BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY18) Event code 722 (BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY19) Event type 3 (EV_ABS) Event code 0 (ABS_X) Value 655 Min 0 Max 16383 Fuzz 63 Flat 1023 Event code 1 (ABS_Y) Value 255 Min 0 Max 255 Flat 15 Event code 2 (ABS_Z) Value 255 Min 0 Max 255 Flat 15 Event code 5 (ABS_RZ) Value 255 Min 0 Max 255 Flat 15 Event code 16 (ABS_HAT0X) Value 0 Min -1 Max 1 Event code 17 (ABS_HAT0Y) Value 0 Min -1 Max 1 Event type 4 (EV_MSC) Event code 4 (MSC_SCAN) Event type 21 (EV_FF) Event code 82 (FF_CONSTANT) Event code 96 (FF_GAIN) Event code 97 (FF_AUTOCENTER)
Anyway, I guess most Linux users would advocate a OpenGL version rather than dx-anything. But I can't even start to imagine how much work it would be to rewrite the whole darn thing.
By the way, just spent two nights in a row racing FBM on demo servers after about 2 years not racing at all. 0.6E though, will try the latest patch tonight. Good fun!
Edit: Just tried LFS 0.6E17 in wine-1.7.18. It ran "fine" after using winetricks to install DX9, but not nearly with the same performance as in windows (but that is to be expected, I guess?).
Anyway, apparently this game is on sale over at Humble Bundle so I grabbed a copy and played it for about 5 minutes before I *really* messed up the FFB somehow.
Whenever I change gears my G25 rattles so much that I'm afraid to bother my neighbors.
I believe my windows settings are still LFSified (screenshot attached) but this does not appear to be working well in game even after hitting the reset defaults button.
Would someone please share their G25/G27 setttings? Windows as well in game, if you don't mind ...