I'd suggest holding off doing an implementation in Docker until you you've got it running in- and feel comfortable with the ins and outs of VirtualBox. (the loopback address) definitely won't as intended. With that configuration only the host itself (e.g. the guest vm) will be able to connect.
I'm off to work now but I'll try to walk you through this tonight.
So it's broken, huh? Would you please reach out to the maintainer (mmtrt) and create and issue describing the problem you encounter installing the snap? Having a broken LFS installer in the Ubuntu Snap Store doesn't benefit anyone. I suppose creating an issue in his GitHub repo is the way to do it.
Edit: As for this configuration:
// optional: local specified ip address //ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
I haven't managed an LFS host in years, but I'm guessing /ip= is the equivalent of "listen on" or "bind to" configuration options seen in most server software. Meaning that you should specify the IP address of the interface that you wish to accepting incoming connections on.
For example, consider the following:
ifconfig | egrep 'flags|inet '
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 33152 inet netmask 0xff000000 em0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet 213.x.y.z netmask 0xfffff800 broadcast 213.x.y.z em1: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
In this case, em0 is my external IP. If I was to configure an LFS host to accept connections from the Interhet, I would specify that IP. em1, on the other hand (obviously) is the IP address on the LAN, so if I was to accept only connections from the LAN, I would specify that IP.
I'm guessing that since this configuration is optional, leaving it commented out would bind the host to, meaning that connections would be accepted from either interface. So I'm not really sure if it's necessary for you to worry about that setting at all.
Edit 2: Alright so I was right about the /ip= setting. the host does bind to the IP address that you specify, eg:
So, either leave it commented out or specify the IP address of the interface connected to the Internet. You can find out with the "ip addr" and "ip r" commands if you need to check.
You need to forward TCP as well as UDP traffic. Or switch to "bridged" rather than "NAT" in the guest settings, then you won't have to worry about port forwarding in VirtualBox.
The database had grown quite large over the years (2000+ entries) so I figured the readers struggled a little bit when parsing and formatting that many entries. So I added a default limit to show only the last 50 entries. I also added "pagination" support while I was at it.
Oh, so that's another game and developer then? Sorry about the mixup. I guess there are too many games with "Drift" in the title.
Edit: The Privacy Policy link of your game on the Google Play store references carx-tech.com. Perhaps that's why I got confused. Or you're associated with that developer somehow. Oh well.
Your game looks like fun. Might give a try some day.
In one of the videos on your YouTube channel (which I found via Google Play) it appears as if you are running the game on a desktop computer with a Logitech G25. Perhaps you can tell us about that setup?
Nice to hear that it works exactly like on windows! And yes, you're correct, the game is not native, but is run with wine. Some more information on why LFS is available in the software center is available in the LFS in the news thread.
In case anyone is wondering: Canonical (the Company behind Ubuntu Linux) developed a new Package Manager (kind of like an "App Store") for Ubuntu. Anyone can create and publish "Snaps", as the packages are called so that other users of Ubuntu or another Linux distribution that supports snaps can download and install them.
Apparently, someone named Taqi Raza (mmtrt) packaged and published a Live for Speed snap in the beginning of December that, basically, installs Wine, downloads the LFS installer from LFS.net, installs and sets everything up.
I think this is cool. I just hope the devs were informed beforehand and that mmtrt continues to maintain the snap.
Edit: @Devs, it appears that the snap uses Wget to download the installer from lfs.net, so if you'd like an indication of how many installs this generates perhaps look for the Wget User-Agent in your server logs.
This suggestion comes up every few years, and it's always nice to see Linux enthusiasts showing interest in LFS.
I doubt LFS will ever go open source. Unless, perhaps, ScaViEr decides to abandon the project for some reason. Porting it to- or supporting open platforms and APIs is a different matter, though. Perhaps that'll happen eventually, but as already pointed out in this thread that is currently not a priority.
Meanwhile ...
I know that the original poster was asking for a native build of the game and not instructions on how to run it in Wine, but if someone else is interested there are articles on the LFS Wiki that describe how to set it up.
Please bear in mind that these articles are a couple of years old and that they only cover Debian-based distros.
Thank you for the userscript, Flame CZE, it seems to work well enough. And on the subject of brevity, there's also lfsdev-rss if you're mainly interested in what ScaViEr is up to and have a RSS client (or a web browser that can parse Atom/RSS) (main thread).
The dates in the table are (as you probably already guessed) simply the mtime of LFS.exe as it appears in the archive, which may or may not correspond with the "release date" or whatever. The version number is scraped from strings within the .exe:
FILE_BINARY_VERSION=$(pcregrep --buffer-size 1M -o "\x00(LFS S|Live for Speed).*(?=\x20(\xa9|\x7f).*Scawen Roberts)" ${TEMP_DIR}/LFS.exe)
(The syntax changed a bit between versions, hence the capture groups).
Bring on 0.1N and I'll compare it with 0.1K and we'll see what's what.
Edit: Also, there's an "undocumented" feature to sort the table by any column. Just click the table header.
During this summer a fellow racer asked me for old versions of LFS, supposedly to be able to watch old replays.
Rather than providing him with the files he asked for, I figured I might as well make my archive available to the LFS community. Perhaps the files may come to actual use for some, or maybe you just like to hoard stuff like me.
Anyway, feel free to mirror the archive (actually, I encourage you to!), and let me know if there are any specific versions that you're missing and would be able to provide. I also have a fair amount of test patches but I decided to exclude them for a more manageable list.
Here's the link: [REMOVED] I botched that archive, sorry.
Have fun,
(PS, I've been in touch with Scawen and he does not mind making these old versions available).
Last edited by felplacerad, .
Reason : Updated post title
Physics as well as graphical updates are in the works, but there is no ETA. Scawen has been very busy lately, I suggest you read up on his latest posts in order to catch up.
Edit: Or how Scawen made it possible to unlock the old S1 version of LFS (I don't expect this to work after the DDoS mitigations though, so perhaps I should not have dug this example up).
As you know Windows isn't normally bundled with custom built PC.
If you are feeling a wee bit adventurous you could try picking up a (non-Locked Pre-installation) OEM key online. For example at eBay (link to filtered search results). A home/pro key sell for about £6 (where retail is about £90).
You'll have to download Windows and create a bootable USB or DVD media yourself, but the Media Creation Tool from Microsoft makes the process very simple.
I can't guarantee that won't run in to issues but I've been running a fully updated Windows 10 Pro since august, and I even bought a key for my dad. Both without any problems *knock on wood*.
Edit: Also, the twitter integration didn't seem to work anymore so I disabled it for now (it was mostly just excerpts of what was posted on the forum/website anyway so I think we'll live).
Ah, yes -- It is down. I got into an argument with Digital Ocean in the beginning of April and the site has been down since then. I didn't think anyone was using the feed so I did not bother bringing it up again.
But since you reacted ... I should still have the code and the database so I'll bring it up again (somewhere else) when I return from my holiday trip!
FYI, Victor commented on this some time ago (before Let's Encrypt was in public beta).
There are, as most of us (including Vic), know, many reasons as to why a site should be configured properly for HTTPS. The most recent one being that browsers such as Firefox and Chrome have started (will start?) to visually flag sites as insecure not only when the certificate is invalid, but also if it's not configured to use a certificate at all.
For the record, the suggestion to redirect traffic from lfs[x|y|z].net to lfs.net will not work since the web browser would have to do a SSL handshake with the flagged site before being redirected -- still prompting an alert.
Edit: Well, technically the SSL handshake isn't the problem, it's the web browser's validation of the certificate that was transferred in the handshake that prompts the alert.
Question: Was the game hosted on a remote server rather than on a LAN? And/or is that really 6 PPS? The car positions are not updated very smoothly (see Joni pass through the chicane here, for example).
Well, it's something. I'm also very interested in Scawen's progress so I used to check his posts. Some time ago I instead wrote a scraper to collect his, Victors (and Erics) posts that generates an RSS feed that I've subscribed my smartphone to.
The feed can be found here, and here's some more info about the scraper.