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S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I've had to drive several hours down island to get a different IP [...]

What? Seriously? :P

I thought more highly of you, Dustin! Getting a new IP should not be that hard.
S3 licensed
Quote from Nick A :I've uploaded my full set of photos (individually and as a ZIP) to Franky's server

Thanks! Some nice pics in there!

Franky, why don't you upload the webcam videos? I wanna see myself eat a spider!
S3 licensed
Happy birthday Andreas B (35)!

35 Pies for you!

S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose ::$pie = alien concept

does not compute!
S3 licensed
Quote from joebob4441 :youtube videos wont work, the only buffer but wont load or play. anyone no how to fix this?

Happened to me as well. Clearing cookies/cache did not help in my case. I solved it by re-installing the Flash Player.
S3 licensed
The 500servers link seems to be invalid.

Try this: ... eos/lfs_kartmeet_2010.wmv

Edit: Sweet vid, Michael! A nice mix of partying (well ... ), trackside cams and helmet cams!

Thanks for putting it together!
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :I refuse to let you watch a video which is carried by the sweet music which I have added. I'm uploading to somewhere else.

Franky's FTP? Then we'd actually get the copy you encoded and not a re-encoded copy from a video site!
S3 licensed
Quote from nigelpm :In the car on the way back we were discussing the quality of the drivers and in particular in comparison with the previous year - much improved overall we felt.

I might as well open up that can of forms and come off as whiny, but I, love and behold, disagree! In my most subjective opinion the racing spirit was, at more than one occasion, dreadfully low. I quickly got used to having my rear bumper bumped (once off the track!) in T1, t-boned/dive bombed in the corkscrew as well as the following tight left hander. I, if I may say it myself, am experienced enough to know when I've been fairly beat, then I gladly make room and tip my hat to the person who overtook me, but loosing a position to someone who simply cut your line and push you out of the way spoils the fun and becomes very, very frustrating.

I am not a saint, Becky can vouch for this - But I really think we all could help to improve the fun and racing quality by trying to remember the basics of racing that this sim of ours has taught us!

With that off my chest,

Everyone! Thanks for another wonderful meet! I had loads of fun at the track as well as at Jason's! It's great to have been able to put a few more faces on the names from the forum and to have made another bunch of friends (I hope! ).

I will do my very best to attend more meets in the future!
S3 licensed
The Swedes safely made it back home! Including Mike who is now able to be with his beloved Anna during the delivery!

Time for me to return to reality, or to be more precise, the bed since I've got work in the morning! Will post again tomorrow!

*falls asleep*
S3 licensed
Quote from Wilko868 :Thanks for the opportunity to watch what we're bloody missing thanks to my crappy scheduling!

EDIT: Shame the chat is spoilt a bit by some wee bairns.

Quote from AMB :Can anyone pull ip's from the chat and match up with forum accounts?

@ Someone in chat using my name (brt900) or shadowww

Sorry, I cant really pay full attention to what is going on in the chat but if you PM the names I'll have a look. Me and Franky should be able to take care of whatever shenanigans people might come up with!
S3 licensed
We're currently broadcasting a live stream fro Jason's. Enjoy?
S3 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :Time to talk about teams

Andreas B

Rather obvious I guess given my previous post, Jason - but that part looks good to us. The Pies are happy!

nn ttyl!
S3 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :If anyone in this list would rather go in a team of 4 then let me know. We can sort this out tomorrow night for the details, but I thought it best to let you all know my plans.

*17. Andreas B £55
*19. felplacerad £55
*30. Holtti.Jr £55

Cool! Me, Andy and Mike would very much like to be on a three man team if that can be arranged - If it can't, no problem. I think we might have a backup plan in store.

Quote from jasonmatthews :For those getting an airplane, I have enough spare sleeping bags and sofa's so you won't need to bring that, a bit less luggage

Sweet. I won't bring mine then.
S3 licensed
Quote from rediske :Hope there will be live coverage, video/audio streams etc to follow on the day...

(on the 24th I won't be leaving home because this years 'love parade' is 2.5km away from my door... :schwitz

That could be arranged, theoretically. We've got all the equipment necessary to provide a live stream, at least from Jason's. But last year we had to go offline due to sub-par full duplex - A lot of people wanted to watch some live broadcast of a LFS race!

I'll make sure we give it a shot though!
S3 licensed
In the last 33 days:

Recieved bytes:795284641240 (740.6 GiB)
Sent bytes:1613030454408 (1.4 TiB)

A nice ~1:2 ratio. How peculiar!
S3 licensed
Quote from obsolum :I've only ever played a few times on a HC server. But just because a server is displayed as HC doesn't mean it's got all the HC options on. If any of these settings exist a server will display as Hardcore.

isHardcore = true
infoFriendlyFire = true
infoAutoBalance = false
infoKillCam = false
infoMiniMap = false
infoCrosshair = false
info3DSpotting = false
infoMiniMapSpotting = false
info3PersonVehicleCameras = false

So a server might just have the 3rd person camera for vehicles disabled and it will display as a HC server but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll die any quicker or whatever

Hmm, how peculiar. Thanks for the info!
S3 licensed
Quote from rediske :yeah, the rally pack.... *sigh*

(another lie)

BS! Another typical example of someone clinging on to something the development team once said they would like to do. For years a lot of people have been complaining about the lack of communication from the developers - well, here's your answer to why they generally are being more in-communicative (this is also something that has already been explained in depth by Scawen).

The rally pack was first mentioned in 2005 or 2006. Get over it. Should it be released one day, fine, but there's no need to clutter the forum complaining about stuff like this over and over again.
S3 licensed
Quote from rc10racer :Learn a lesson from this guy if you think your that good in a game. ... ord_kills_target_fro.html

Wow! That's one idiotic news article! Such a nice portrayal of war! I always thought the term "War Hero" was just something they used in war novels. No wonder so many people are volunteering to become a soldier, then.
S3 licensed
Quote from KLepind :Doublepost, but I still couldn't get answer, when I can see broadcast's replay?

The broadcast is now available here.
S3 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :Does it have to be Stansted?

Yes. The flight tickets have been booked already.
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Anyone else got problems with knives now?

Ran up to a camping medic stabbed him twice, and nothing. Could be lag but....

Yes! Actually, twice in a way.

The first time I was huddling in a bush and suddenly hear someone say "Take this!". I moved back and turned towards the direction of the sound and took a shot - But missed. The guy who was just right next to where I was killed me with his primary weapon within the fraction of a second. Then the same guy wrote a text message saying: "That's one dull knife!"

Later, I spotted a guy with an M95 not too far away, so I walked up behind him and stabbed him in the head. Nothing. I stabbed him again. Still nothing, He didn't even flinch. So I shot him with my primary ...

After those two incidents everything seemed to be back to normal. I took several dog tags yesterday without any issue. But there was (is?) definitely something funky going on with the stabbing.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Did you notice what t_a_a pointed out regarding certain routers?

Quote from the_angry_angel :
  • If you're on the same local network / have a route to the server, then try to connect to it via the LAN.
If you're running a server on your network always connect using the LAN IP, not the game browser list
Due to how some routers work you may not beable to connect into your server using the in-game list. This does not necessarily mean that it's not working. Get a friend to check the in-game list and use the LAN IP yourself. It will save you a lot of headaches.

S3 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :i wanted to give it a go,but while unpacking it had an error so i cant try it,any1 had this problem?

Definitely sounds like a corrupt installer. But we can't be certain without an error message. I suggest re-downloading the installation package (preferably from a different mirror than the last time).

It's weird how Kunos & Co can't be bothered to spend just a tiny amount of money on a proper host. Personally, if I'm considering trying the demo of a product, but have to click on 3 or more links to get to the actual file, I might just not download it at all.

A torrent would be better than many of the current mirrors.
S3 licensed
I guess it won't be long before someone asks for this. I know I won't get banned for posting it here.

Here's a stat file that allows you to drive the XRT in 0.1W (you need 180 credits).

Unzip to lfs\data\misc (overwrite cfg.sta).
Last edited by felplacerad, .