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S3 licensed
While you're at it, how about a text field with variable text length? It would allow me to display a MOTD, detailed information about the server [and so on and so forth] without having to align a large number of buttons.

int TextLen[1] // number of characters
char Text[TextLen] // text

S3 licensed
The swedish lfs forum ( has a tweaked phpbb. The visitor may switch between "normal" and column-listed subforums by clicking a button.


Very handy!
S3 licensed

Though I was not expecting "+1"s or "-1"s. I was expecting constructive, detailed descriptions of how and why the information could be used. Just like the usual insim discussions. But I simply did not realize that what I was asking for was so much work!

And by the way: Someone just pointed out to me that the debug mode (shift-f8) displays latency information if display names are turned on. I had completely overlooked that feature. It will suffice for now.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Yeah I was going to say Spacebar or Shift-F. Well, good on ya, dempa!
S3 licensed
Speaking of missed (or ignored) posts; a couple of weeks ago I created this post asking for client latency information in the MCI packet.

Initially it seemed like I was the only one who would appreciate such info, and I can fully understand why Scawen would not want to spend time on a feature only one single person would find useful. But I've learned that there in fact are other programmers out there who agree with me (more or less).

If you guys (or girls) would step forward maybe it would be easier for Scawen to find the time to implement such information somewhere. (I have learned that it does not necessarily have to be the MCI packet, for example).
S3 licensed
So one of the mirrors is distributing Patch V? That's not optimal ...
S3 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :broken memory chips.
If would be GPU that you would see a lot of DOT artifacts.

I have no idea. I'm just happy it failed one week before the warranty ran out instead of one week after. Decided to remove my comment and the attachment though.
S3 licensed
Give it to Blackout or Janne (Jouman)
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Path X will allow you to "upload" layouts within LFS itself just by hitting shift-U and loading the layout. You'll have to be logged in as an admin though.

Don't forget to type /axsave to save it on the server.

(This feature has already been implemented in the test patches)
S3 licensed
Please refer to lfs/docs/commands.txt for more information on other useful commands for scripts and controller buttons.
S3 licensed
Come one in people. There's free pie!
S3 licensed
I received a news letter:

Quote from iRacing :Dear Fellow Racer:

As much as I would prefer to avoid the cliché, a picture is worth a thousand words. This week, we let the simulation speak for itself. We hope you enjoy this image of Legends Cars in action at Irwindale (Calif.) Speedway.

If you would like to download a wallpaper version of this image, please click on the appropriate link at right or just visit

As always, best of luck in your upcoming racing endeavors.


Scott A. McKee
Vice President, Marketing Motorsport Simulations

Here's the wallpaper.
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :rumors


Quote from Scawen :
And a few words about our plans : The idea now is that everyone can use this new version with its better sounds and smoother graphics, while we get on with the multiplayer-incompatible patch which we hope to finish in just a few weeks (depending on what comes up in that time). That patch (probably known as Patch X) will allow more racers online (probably 24) and more spectators, and various other planned updates for it as well (but no physics changes). Physics updates will come some time after that, probably in version Y and will include updated car cockpits (most notably the GTR interiors) and a graphically improved version of South City. We can't give any more detailed time estimates for those patches because we don't know what will come up while we are working on them.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mika_Raymond :absolutely awesome cant wait for the suits!

Something tells me you'll be waiting for a long time.
S3 licensed
Sort of like a fisheye lense? Insane ...
S3 licensed
Speaking of logs, I created this for removing everything (almost) but the chatter from a LFS log file. It utilizes a package called RPL

(This is a bash script. It will not run in a windows/dos prompt enviroment)


if [ "$1" = "" ]
echo "No log file specified"
elif [ -e $1 ]
echo processing $1
grep ' : ' $1 | grep -v 'InSim : ' | grep -v 'Fastest lap : ' | grep -v 'PENALTY' | grep -v 'Latin 1' | grep -v 'LFS DEDICATED HOST' | grep -v 'Autocross : 3 checkpoints' | grep -v 'Autocross : 2 checkpoints' | grep -v 'Autocross : 1 checkpoint' > "${1}_chat.log"
rpl --quiet ' : ' ': ' "${1}_chat.log" >/dev/null 2>&1
rpl --quiet '^L' '' "${1}_chat.log" >/dev/null 2>&1
rpl --quiet '^l' '<' "${1}_chat.log" >/dev/null 2>&1
rpl --quiet '^r' '>' "${1}_chat.log" >/dev/null 2>&1
rpl --quiet '^v' '|' "${1}_chat.log" >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "created ${1}_chat.log"
echo "File doesn't exist"


I haven't replaced all the ^-codes yet.
S3 licensed
Didn't we agree on "the same time tomorrow" (today)? Where y'all at?
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :I'm trying to debug it a bit more with a special host with extra logging that scawen made, [...]

That's great. Hopefully you two will figure something out.

(Mine were still running fine yesterday (uptime since april 19th) when I updated them to W21.)
S3 licensed
Quote from matze54564 :Why

It was a response to the discussion on page 3. The legend is a new addition; so lets discuss it when it's still on topic.
S3 licensed

Try connecting to it. AFAIK you will not be able to determine if the server is functioning properly just by checking if the process is running.
S3 licensed
Re: The new escape menu featuring shortcut key information

I'd recommend keeping the shortcut legend in the escape menu (even though it doesn't look as good as it used to). Instead of removing it alltogether, add an option in misc or whatever where you can turn the shortcuts legend on or off.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Quote from RaDuS :i hope i can figure this out by tommorow because i have a awsome computer and amazing t1 bandwitch i think i could run a great no lag server for everyone D. i will look at it a bit more tommorow

Nice! Just be careful with the dedicated server. it make the pc work, wich cause heat wich cause boom!!
S3 licensed
Quote from wark :And a passionate +1 for the markers for people behind and next to you! best suggestion I've heard in years (literally)! Ever play BF2? just like that.

Isn't the relative position display an arcade feature?