But 15 FPS at 320x240 isn't that amazing. My PC is actually getting old. Recording at half speed will make it easier for your hardware to keep up, and if you happen to have an older machine still, you can reach the same results simply by recording at an even lower speed and accordingly adjust the figures below.
- Limit LFS in-game to 14 FPS (which is 14.7-14.8 on my PC)
- Run LFS at 640x480x32
- Playback the replay at 0.5x
- Set up a custom camera with the following settings:
- Set fraps to record at 15 FPS
- Set fraps to record at half-size (320x240, that's what youtube wants)
- Tick record sound
VirtualDub (includes Lame and XviD)
- Tick audio>full processing mode
- Go to audio>compression and select Lame MP3 44100 hz, 128kbps CBR
- Tick audio>use advanced filtering
- Go to audio>filters and add:
- input
- stretch (configure the stretch ratio to 0.5)
- output
- Go to video>frame rate and change it to 30 FPS
- Go to video>compression and select XviD MPEG-4 Codec (configure to defaults)
Press F7 to save.
* Note that youtube does not care what video and audio codecs you use, they'll convert it to their format regardless. These codecs are however very well-known and as far as I know standard when it comes to high-quality audio and video encoding. According to Wikipedia, youtube uses 320x240@25fps with a data rate up to 300kbps (25-30fps@200kbps according to this site). The audio is encoded in mono, 65kbps@22050 hz.
Tried SA:MP tonight, on an official server. Quite fun except some very weird things went on. Like opponents camping where we spawn and could not be killed by us no matter how many shells we pumped into him with our double barrelled shotguns. Jeeps took off into the air, straight up. Not laggy, but rather slow and smooth.
I managed to sneak into one of the jeeps as it was taking off and it started to hover the streets a couple of feet up in the air. I was definitely in the driver position, the front wheels were responding to my input, but the vehicle didn't.
Funny stuff!
Edit: Well no. I've had enough of the cheating now.
On behalf of liveforspeed.se I fully support the idea. We've been organizing events for almost a year and we've started to look for potential sponsors (more specifically we're looking for someone to fund the prizes we'd like to reward the winners with).
One potential sponsor we've been in contact with has specifically requested in-game advertisement in return for such sponsorship. Beside skins and the client-side replacing of textures (for screenshots, movies, etc) we can not offer much at this point.
I was just enjoying my day off when I was woken up by a group of what I assume are spanish people (age: older) who were singing and speaking outside my window. It went on for about 10 minutes before I decided to record them.
I have no idea what message they were trying to convey and unfortunately I didn't grab the device quickly enough to be able to recrod the singing.
Actually. When I took my drivers licence this is what I was told: Let's say you're extremely unlucky and run out of fuel, and you happen to stop smack dab on a train track. Instead of stepping out of the car and pushing it you can simply have the start-engine pull the car forward by trying to start the car in first gear.
They also told me that's why the bars brake so easily.
Currently LFS does not always automatically apply skins to the AI cars, resulting in a grid full of very basic looking cars. The purpose of this package is to make every AI car in LFS use a skin.
It is possible to manually apply skins to the AI cars by creating a colour setting with the same name as the AI. However, since LFS supports 20 AIs per car you'd have to collect 400 skins and create just as many colour settings.
The package includes 400 skins and colour settings.
Why such a high number of spec slots? I'd consider reducing the number of spectators to, well, five. tops. That'd reduce the chatter, hammering, so on and so forth.
Enter a race even though you know you'll retire mid race and only carry fuel to last less than half the distance.
Be sure to take out the runner ups before you leave.