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S3 licensed
Apparently the devs are currently working on improving the AI.
S3 licensed
No. No no no. No no no no no no.

Edit: No.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed

Quote from Fonnybone :2- You CANNOT edit the body meshes (or tracks) in any way.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Nor has such an application been released (and even if it had, do you really think this would be the place to ask for it?).
S3 licensed
Such an application has not been released.
S3 licensed
My dates are scrambled again:

0-8-07 15: 1.6:
-1-2-06 9: 2.3:
-1-2-06 8: 0.3:
-1-2-06 6: 2.0:

Edit: Aaaand back to normal.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Obviously the wrong thread for this discussion. You're on your own mate, turrah!
S3 licensed
I'm sorry? I'm not quite following you. Why would you like to cancel a payment? Did more people send you money? I don't care, you can keep my €2.
S3 licensed
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Quote from spikeguns :victor i wanne buy s2 but i only have 35.08€ and it cost 36.31 euro is it possible i can get it a little bit cheaper ?? else i need to wait 4 weeks before i have the 1 euro on my paypal account
groetjes spike

Give me your PayPal info and I'll transfer €1 to you.
S3 licensed
Just skimmed through the thread and noticed that Tristan pointed out that the racing groove can be reset by deleting a file. The file is called (for example): BL1.trs and is located in /data/knw/. Delete the file to reset the groove.
S3 licensed
Oh, pass-time! Thanks!
S3 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :EDIT: Actually only 5 grid slots left. Sorry

Oh so you DO have an edit button.
S3 licensed
Today it's unfortunately not possible to set a race to less than 60 minutes.
S3 licensed
Quote from GruntOfAction :Its photoshopped. U can see the shadow of the tire below it..

Like he couldn't be bothered to edit the shadow? Teh logic!

Edit: Actually, he'd have had to edit the shadow INTO the picture.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
HA hasn't been around for the entire summer. I saw him online for the first time in ages just the other day. I'm sure he'll get around to updating the post as soon as he can. It's a lot more work than just highlighting the features which have been added to LFS.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Ouch! I get the point. :dunce:
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Westhill is far too fast in some places, so that needs chicanes after every other corner [...]

Imo the first Westhill chicane is quite dangerous with its tyres. I think we need a chicane before the chicane.
S3 licensed
When something fishy is going on:

:goldfish: + :bananadea: = ?
Texturing the ground of the Autocross Area (AU1)
S3 licensed
If the ground of the autocross area would use one, large texture, instead of looping a few small squares over and over again it would be possible for the autocross layout designers to create some very intricate tracks.

The .lyt files could, for example, have a header flag (with a file name?) which would enable the custom autocross area ground texture (which could be downloaded by the client IF they'd like to use it--If the file doesn't exist LFS would use the default, repeated textures(.

Unseen came up with another solution:
Lay down an outline on the autox area, and lfs would draw anything outside that area in a grass texture, anything inside would be the track texture. That way it would use the standard texture all over, and only overlay the grass texture (or one of a range of alternate textures) would be a lot easier, and less hassle than the download option.

Spare me your +/-1s. Thanks.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Quote from :You have used all available unlocks. You will get new unlock request available every friday morning.

Go to bed.
S3 licensed
Exactly! Didn't you know that tukko has found love? :heartbeat
S3 licensed

Ramberg is having issues with crackling/distorted sound. The issues start as soon as he starts LFS and the sound remains distorted in Windows even after closing LFS.

He says he has updated the drivers for his onboard sound card (I don't know what chip is placed on the Asus M2N-E). He has tried altering the values of the sound lag but to no avail.

Im guessing this is a driver issue. Have anyone else experienced any similar issues lately and found a solution?

S3 licensed
Här hittar du licensavtalet på svenska: ... icense__license_agreement

Quote :3. Regler och bestämmelser för upplåsning.
3.1§ Du har rätt att installera S1 eller S2 på två datorer för eget bruk och/eller för att spela mot någon annan på ett lokalt nätverk.

3.2§ Inledningsvis kommer du kunna att låsa upp LFS S2 eller senare versioner av LFS tre gånger. Det gör det möjligt för dig att låsa upp LFS på två datorer och behålla en nyckel i reserv.

3.3§ LFS utvecklare är medvetna om att att man köper en ny dator eller gör en ominstallation av sitt operativsystem med jämna mellanrum. Därför kommer du automatiskt bli delgiven en extra nyckel varje månad, dock kommer du aldrig kunna ha mer än två reservnycklar. Du kan se ditt antal resterande nycklar på Live for Speeds status-sida.

Du får med andra ord tills på fredag. Se till att ditt system fungerar som det skall innan du låser upp LFS nästa gång.
S3 licensed

Last edited by felplacerad, .