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S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :From here: ... eBay_Take_Down_Letter.pdf

Just normal thing, some law firm sent them automatically generated C&D letter (obviously requested by iRacing) and TPB admin answered it with mostly using F-words or something other uber-smart and thinking that makes them look cool. I wonder do law firms even bother reading basicly any email reply they get. I think only thing why they collect these letters and replies to the site is to enlarge virtual penis.

After having read a few of their replies it appears as if the TPB staff is nothing more than a bunch of snot-nosed kiddiewinkies who seem to think that they own teh internets. I'm glad I so very seldom visit their website, thus not contributing as much to their advertisement income.
S3 licensed
No, probably not as insane as the USA in that matter (or any other matter when comparing to the the states, hehe!). Though I'm not saying we're overly strict. I just want to tone things down.

As was said in a conversation between me a team mate: "the law is the same here as anywhere, basically. Though human rights are prioritized." (Especially privacy, I guess).

I don't know anything about TPB's policy on removing certain content. I hardly ever visit the site. It's highly overrated imo.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :He meant about the Sweden thing. "No-one knows" where TBP's servers are, but it's a fair guess they have a server or two that aren't in Sweden.

That, and the seemingly common misconception that the authorities in Sweden are lenient on acting against piracy / that there's no "strict" laws against it. A law is a law. There are no levels of "strictness".

Edit: I don't know anything about the whole iRacing deal (original quote adjusted accordingly).
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Quote from JeffR :They're located in Sweeden, where there are no laws against torrents and copyright laws aren't as strict.

Wrong! Re-read the thread.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Actually he had stopped. Almost one week ago. No need to stir things up again.

Good luck to storm-servers!
S3 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :That's TPB, and they are not breaking Swedish law.

Well, we are soon to find out. Four of them are now on trial. (Either way TPB is definitely not entirely based in Sweden.)

Quote from Bean0 :Torrents are teh suck anyway.


Edit: Well, not literally "soon". It will most likely take years.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Actually, while sobering up, I realized the buttons (and cameras?) were created by using the LFS TV Director application created by Soeren Scharf.
TR (Torsdagsrace) Season 06, race 05 video.
S3 licensed
Re: TR race: season 6, race 5 (division A).

I'm probably not supposed to post this here given the facts it's semi-internal and I'm not the original author. But since there were a few international participants in this particular race I figured this clip could be promoted here as well. (Original post.)

Download link: trrace5s6.wmv (89mb).

This highlight reel was created by TPC The Mask (jmracing1).

Additional links: Race statistics / replay(s): Division A / Division B.
Last edited by felplacerad, . Reason : Yotube link
S3 licensed
Dan, about the admin issues, are you sure the /admin setting isn't commented (//). It is by default.
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :(IIRC RB4, UF1?)

RB4, UFR and LX* I think it was (click).
S3 licensed
Quote from J.B. :1998 just called. They want they're Windows support tips back.


C:\>dir /tc /o-d windows*
Volume in drive C is Local Disk
Volume Serial Number is 60ED-21C3

Directory of C:\

2005-11-29 00:03 <DIR> WINDOWS
0 File(s) 0 bytes
1 Dir(s) 919*379*968 bytes free


Two years and counting ...
S3 licensed

You are not supposed to register multiple accounts. If 'guzzi97' really is yours simply login using that account. Since that account is S2 licensed everything will most likely be resolved.

No, you can not change your username.
S3 licensed
You are in breach of the LFS end user license agreement. You are only allowed to unlock LFS S2 on a second computer using the same account if the two computers are placed on a local area network.

Hamachi is not a local area network. It's not supposed to work.

Read the LFS EULA here:
S3 licensed
Here it is ...
S3 licensed
How could pulling the plug be considered cheating? Wouldn't that simply result in a DNF? Unless, of course, you have some sort of league-specific rules. Then perhaps it's those rules you have to discuss rather than "cheating" in LFS.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Hello Skinners!

I've begun to collect skins for an update to the AI Skin Pack. If you have any FBM skins you'd like me to include please let me know.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :There you go, until something better comes along anyway ...

Thank you bean0! I knew I could count on you. Your skins have been saved in my 'patch folder'.

Skin authors, please get in touch if you have any skins you'd like me to include in this update.
S3 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :What happened to the XFR guy he was shouting "im stuck in pit"

I missed that. Though I might know what he was talking about. Yesterday something odd happened to me: After having finished a pit stop I could not drive away. I was in first gear, my controller were correctly set up, but no matter what I did I could not leave the pit repair box. I went and checked my controller settings and made some changes back and forth. After having set the clutch to manual, and sort of "stalled" my way out I was able to drive away.

I'm thinking that it might have been the clutch overheating, but I doubt it, i was in the UF1. Sadly the F9/F10 keys don't display any info while in the pits.
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :delete "login name" and it should work

ie: check the "Anonymous" checkbox instead the one that says "Registered". You still have to enter the password below though.
S3 licensed
Quote from niels1 :Woot this is impressive. Where does the server has to relay to ?. As I would love to use this on our own server. ... Tab=insim_relay&abc=4
S3 licensed
Thanks for the info jakg and deggis. I received it too. Very confusing, this.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Double check that you really assigned the correct axis as brake. Look at the horizontal bars to the right as you pump your brake pedal up and down then assign the brake axis to the bar that moved. If this works except that the brake is inverted (ie brakes come on when you release the pedal) again-you guessed it: Hit that invert button once more.

On my setup both the throttle and brake axes are inverted (see attachment):

Edit: Be sure the pedals are set to separate in the windows settings as well (2nd attachment).
Last edited by felplacerad, .
S3 licensed
Quote from arrowkart4 :actually i fixed that problem, the only problem is that now when i lift my foot off the accelerator, the brake comes on, that is with combined settings but when i put it on seperate settings the brake always stays on

Keep the 'separated' setting. What you want to do is invert the axis for the brake pedal. Go to the option screen where you set the axis, to the far right you should see a column titled 'invert'. Toggle that one.