The quote says it all, except what is written in the image above. Everyone's welcome to join this event, regardless if you are interested in joining the team or not. Since we're also doing this for fun, we'd love for as many as possible to come.
The event
Date: Tuesday 9th, 20:00 CET (18:00 UTC).
Server: FLP Racing #1
Track: Blackwood GP Reversed
Car(s): LX4+TBO
Qual: 20 minutes (20:00 - 20:20)
Laps: 20 (20:30 - ~21:00)
Conditions: As per normal, the weather gods decide.
You are required to use your common sense. That's basically It.
There's no forced pit stop, driver change or anything else along those lines.
You may telepit.
Sign up
Just show up! Obviously we don't mind you stating that you are planning to attend since it'll keep the thread active and cheerful.
Though, if you are motivated to join, show up in good time. The server password is: piepiepie
Fred Loves Pie Racing (FLP/r) is looking to expand? That's right. You may read all about it here.
On this day, three years ago Fred Loves Pie Racing (FLP/r) was born. Since then we've managed to bring home nomerous trophies in leagues such as OLFSL, LXCC, Triple Double Cup, Torsdagsrace and several others. This is something that we are very proud of considering that FLP/r has always had a very small line-up with only 7 drivers or less.
From here on in, we are looking to partake in bigger leagues such as IGTC, ITCC or even MoE - Basically any league that requires a team effort, either by enforcing driver swaps or simply by the fact that the races are endurances.
For that reason, we are now looking to expand our line up with roughly 5 additional drivers.
To allow us to meet potential members we are organizing a fun-event that is planned to take place on June 9th. So, if you are interested in joining the team, please take part in that event. You may read more about the event here.
It would also a be a good idea to register at our forum so you can start to get to know us!
There are over 4000 threads in the improvement suggestions forum. It would obviously be impossible for Scawen to comment on even half of the ideas presented there.
Instead, he is keeping an eye on the forum. Most definitely.
Albeit the point being off topic I would like to point out that according to the forum rules, you are not allowed to re-sell LFS licences:
This statement is, however, from what I can gather, in conflict with the LFS end-user agreement (which has no mention of it) and this post by Scawen (in which he points out that it is not "banned", but frowned upon).
Perhaps a rewrite of the forum rules would be in place to avoid confusion.
I've done lots of testing with VMWare Server 2 for's servers.
We were running Windows 2003 as guest on a Linux host and experimented with both NAT and bridged configurations, even fitting the server with an extra network interface reserved for the guest. Obviously we tried different process priorities and so forth.
Still I was not able to get rid of tiny lag spike similar to the symptoms that you describe. Every 30 seconds or so the server would stop sending/receving packets for 1-2 seconds. This is obviously unbearable on a crowded league server so I eventually gave up and moved on.
One theory is that the cpu timings of the server and guest does not match. I did not bother to confirm this, however.
Our most popular servers are now running under Wine on a proper Linux host, which is proving to work a lot better.
With Jason's place being my destination on the Friday it appears as if my best options for travelling by plane are either Cardiff or Bristol. Does anyone have any suggestion on how I should continue my journey from there? By bus or train?
If someone who is travelling close to that area would like to cut their petrol costs I'd be willing to split the cost ...
I would also like to stay at your place throughout the entire weekend if there's room for me. It'd be really nice to spend some quality time with you and the other guys plus it'd save me a lot of hassle (not having to book a hotel / bring a tent from sweden and what not).
I will look into a travel plan in the next (few) week(s).
Spending a lot of time implementing different mods, advertising your server on other forums, and mucking about with Hamachi just to get the game running are probably a good indications that the software is worth purchasing ...
There's no "16:9 option" but there are resolutions that happen to be 16:19 such as 640x360, 1024x576, 1280x720 or 1600x900.
If you do not have any 16:9 resolutions available in LFS for some reason you could always use an application such as Sizer, create a preset, and then apply that preset on the LFS window.
Simply editing the .cfg-file won't do. The extra functionality you see on some servers is made available by third-party software such as those zeug directed you to. And for the record, Redline Racing is using LFSLapper.
Here's a recent snapshot of the_angry_angel's Stats Thingy ("a simple stats page that fetches data from LFSWorld and makes 'useful' graphs for those who run servers") which I edited to add "categories":
Luckily for us, Thanks to Scawen cruise servers can easily be filtered out.
It appears as if you are required to install extra software to be able to watch the stream, I believe that might scare one or two people off. Did you consider using Mogulus? It only requires Flash which is installed on 99% of all internet-enabled PCs.