it would be really cool to have script commands to change the custom view's parameters, like X, Y and Z offsets, pitch, rotate, acceleration shifts viewpoint, etc. It would allow to script various custom views instead of the one per car we have now.
For example when I drive the BF1 in cockpit view, I find my point of view too low and in some corners the steering wheel and the driver's hand can hide the apex. So I use the custom view, with the same settings as the cockpit view but a bit higher. OTOH, when I watch replays I like to have the custom view set like the overhead onboard cam in F1 cars. If I made videos, I'd also use it to make "exotic" onboard cams, like behind the front wing, etc.
At the moment, obviously, there's only one custom view per car, so you have to change the settings by hand each time you want to change the view. If those parameters were scriptable, you could have all these cams defined in scripts and switch between them instantly.