But is it necessary? Once the user selected a replay in LFS, it will remain selected. So if you could simply tell LFS to stop the current replay and start the selected one, it would restart it and you wouldn't need to know its name. Of course I have no idea if this is possible. But if it's not, maybe a feature request would help.
Thanks for the detailed explanation! I understand the problem, now. Pity LFS doesn't have a goto_lap InSim command! (nudge nudge, Scawen )
About controlling the F2/F3 keys via program, maybe you could try using AutoKey, AutoIt, or something like these. Both allow to simulate key presses and to save your script as a standalone executable so the user doesn't have to install anything to use them.
Can't wait to try it! Unfortunately I no longer have a W install.
Sounds very good. But it may not be the easiest program to use.
Any chance that it could detect the current replay itself? From the user's point of view, it'd be great if you could simply watch any replay and type lfsff 180 (or whatever), then when you're done close the replay, open another one, and use lfsff again without having to specifically identify the replay.
Yeah, I know, offer someone a hand and they take the arm.
It's great that you are developing an InSim tool to do this! Can it restart the replay too?
I posted a very similar improvement suggestion a few months ago, and some very good suggestions were added by others. My idea was to let the user type the number of the lap where they want to "jump", and as wsinda suggested, being able to type a lap number earlier than the current one and having the replay restarting and fast forwarding automatically to that point would be roughly equivalent to have a rewind command. Could you please consider that?
Well, I don't see it as cheating. In a long race, where this really matters, having the fuel for the whole race is a disadvantage that can cost you a few seconds per lap compared to someone on a two stops strategy. So it really is a strategy decision.
Besides, if your car gets damaged, your pit stop will be nearly as long as refuelling, so you'll have lost the short pit stop advantage and you'll still have the disadvantage of running on a full tank. Again, strategy decision.
So -1 for me, sorry.
Update: BTW, the poll misses the "It depends" option. That's what I'd have chosen. Sometimes I go with the fuel for the whole race, sometimes I don't.
Thanks for the suggestion! I considered allowing more cams, but since you can only cycle between them, I thought that reaching the cam you're looking for could quickly become a pain in the butt. I'd like to know what others think about it, though.
It'd be very cool to have commands to create/assign/show/hide UI buttons from LFS scripts like you can do from InSim.
It would be useful to display persistent information (for example I have a series of scripts similar to this one that allows several different configurations for my Momo wheel buttons, and the current setup display can only stays on screen for a brief moment. If I could use a UI button instead of /echo, the information would stay displayed until it changes or I hide it.).
And of course, no doubt it would also be useful to trigger scripts by clicking on them.
Also it'd be very handy to have more functions names for the /button and /key commands.
For example at the moment you can assign the handbrake to a button from a script (/button 1 handbrake) but if you want to "say" something from a button, you must first assign the text to say to a hotkey (for example /ctrlf 7 Hello World) and then assign the hotkey to a button (/button 1 ctrl_f7). This is because the "say" command cannot be assigned to a button. So a script like the one I linked to in the second paragraph has to use up to 6 hotkeys when none would be needed if say was a valid button function.
Cool! But is it needed to have two buttons for that? I think it would be cool if the same button first gave the time before being lapped, and after you've been lapped, gave the lap in which the leader is, or something.
Indeed! Great!
The names in the gap display still become "Not possible" after some time, though. Is it just me?
And a couple of times I've seen gap times and time before being lapped displayed with a minus sign in front of each number (something like "-2:-31.-45").
I just noticed that InGame also prevents the Shift-U buttons to be visible. If I press (and keep pressing) Shift-B (while in Shift-U mode), the layout/camera controls and InGame's buttons both flash, being displayed alternatively.
I think these Shift-B problems could be fixed by giving InGame its own hotkey that would allow it to disable its display "internally" (I mean itself, as opposed to relying on LFS to hide them).
Well, yes and no. It seems to work fine in replays, but online, after one race both names are replaced with "Not possible", and stay like that. The gap times work, though.
The times in the Gap display aren't working during replays (not sure if it's intended or not, but it be cool if they worked).
fixed (hope so )
Nope, sorry, they still stay at 0:00.000.
As already mentioned, the split times get garbled.
Indeed, they work perfecty, now (including in replays).
If you've ever hosted a game and defined an admin password, entering this password into InGame's config file doesn't work. I got alerts saying the passwords didn't match, and I had to remove the password completely to get it to work.
fixed (hope so )
Sorry, but I'm getting the same error (InSim: password doesn't not match your multiplayer admin password). Had to keep the password blank as workaround.
It says something in german each time a new session starts (no idea what it means).
Nice language. Screenshot ??
It says "Du bist auf" when I go on track from the lobby. Maybe not each time, though.
It'd be great to have a hotkey to hide/display all InGame's buttons (for screenshots, etc).
That's LFS' hotkey to hide every third party buttons, right? It doesn't work quite as expected (except in the lobby): on track, pressing it hides the split times, but only until you pass the split again. Other info, like gap or lap just blink and get displayed immediately again.
The fuel is displayed in percentage. Could we also have the number of laps of fuel, like in the single seaters?
Update, see first post.
Great, thanks!
Also, the first time I launched it, I got an alert from the firewall asking if I wanted to keep blocking "test". I would have expected its real name, there.
j'ai aussi placé tes vue faites par défaut dans le répertoire "views"...
Les vues que j'ai partagées ne vont pas que dans views, mais aussi dans views_cam2, 3, 4 et 5. Tu as copiées celles là aussi ?
Par défaut, FlipCams duplique le dossier views lors de son installation, donc au départ toutes les vues sont identiques et c'est normal. C'est seulement lorsque tu modifies une vue qu'elle est enregistrée dans le set courant.
D'autre part, pour que la custom view soit visible il ne suffit pas de presser Ctrl+12 ou Ctrl+11, mais il faut aussi presser la touche V pour afficher la custom view.
Another bug: InGame leads lots of LFS buttons not to be displayed in the Lobby.
Launch LFS with InGame and go to single player
From the lobby, add AI cars (first screenshot)
Go on track, and end the race to go back to the lobby: the cars list is gone (second screenshot). It reproduces every time.