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Quote from HVS5b :"Just to clarify, I want the pitstopper, but not the two other add ons.

1. Open LFSRelax.cfg in notepad.
2. Search for "Password = yourpass" and replace "yourpass" with the admin password defined when you run LFS as server (Multiplayer > New Game, or something like that). If the admin password is blank, there, just delete "yourpass" so you're left with "Password = ".
3. If you plan to use an InSim port different than the "29999" default one, from LFS, search for "Port = 29999" and edit the port number accordingly.
4. Search for "EnableTSView = true" and replace "true" with "false". This disables the TeamSpeak feature.
5. Search for "EnablePitSpotter = " and make sure it's set to "true". This enables the PitSpotter feature.
6. Search for "EnableAutoMessage = true" and replace "true" with "false". This disables the auto-messaging feature.
7. Search for "EnableGameStat = true" and replace "true" with "false". This disables the GameStat feature.
8. Save and close the cfg file.

Hope this helps.
S2 licensed
Or you could make a batch file to launch both LFS and LFSRelax and double-click that. To do so, create a new text file in LFS' folder and name it launch.bat, for example. Then set its contents to:

@echo off
cd LFSRelax
start /B LFSRelax.exe
start LFS.exe /insim=29999

This is assuming that you have a folder named LFSRelax in your LFS folder and LFSRelax.exe is at the first level of this folder.

PS: that avatar of yours is mental, StableX!
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :btw i thought you were leaving ?

He is since the first day I saw him on track several months ago. He's just leaving very slowly.
S2 licensed
Yes, says "When you update your skin just upload it with the same name. S2 checks the file-date of a skin to decide if people should re-download it."
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :I do know it happening, still I ignore it quite lot, it is just something that will happen no matter what we do, well, maybe we could change things for next generations, but none of my problem, I do my part and won't get more people to this planet as there is already too much people.

Yes, the only thing we can do at this point is to slow it down, because the inertia of the climatic system and the positive feedback loop it has entered are such that we can't stop it. All we can do is to try to make it easier for future generations. But of course, who cares?

I wonder what you'd think of your ancestors if you lived in some post nuclear world à la Mad Max because of their stupidity.

Update: on second thought, with such a lack of capacity to project yourself into the future, you'd probably have been eaten already.

Update 2: I don't mean you specifically, JTbo, but everyone with that kind of reasoning.
Last edited by FL!P, .
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Wouldn`t that be scary, if someone says shit and you will assosiate it with something and ...
Well... you got the point..

Yeah, I suppose you can always find extreme cases. But considering (according to what I read) that many people have this condition for decades without even noticing it implies that in that many cases it's not a big handicap.

And in the case of my wife (the only one I can talk about first hand), the effect is very brief. When I said that it gives her the impression to eat something acid it was probably inappropriate, because when you eat the taste stays in your mouth for long. In her case, it's just a very brief feeling that goes away immediately.
S2 licensed
As I said earlier, HVS5b, you can ask specific questions here and I'm sure you'll always get an answer. But questions like "how do I set it up?" or "Why doesn't it work?" are less likely to get useful answers because these questions are too vague and don't give any information about what the askers want or failed to do. "How do you disable auto-messaging?" has a very precise and short answer. "How do I use it?" doesn't (err, well actually yes, it does, it's "RTFM", but you didn't like it ). It's simple as that, and of course nothing personal.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :peer review


Anyway, what many people here seem to miss is the effects this warming can have on us.

It is proven that ice from the poles and glaciers is regularly melting (for example the current estimations are that 75 per cent of Alpine glaciers will have melted by 2050). Since most of polar ice is made of freshwater, this should lead sea levels to raise enough to make the lowest parts of the world uninhabitable. Bangladesh comes to mind but this is far from being the only place that would be affected. So this can lead to massive populations displacements, which as we know can very easily lead to famines, outbreaks, and wars.

Freak weather conditions, such as floods, hurricanes, snow storms (yes, global warming can cause that too) and heatwaves are also set to become more frequent and severe. As a reminder, the heatwave that affected Europe in 2003 caused more than 20 000 deaths. Droughts are also expected to increase in already dry places, causing more potable water shortages but also more giant forest fires (which of course release tons of CO2 in the atmosphere). And deforestation is also known to affect phreatic stocks, as it causes rain water to stream towards rivers instead of penetrating the ground and rejoining water tables.

Finally, tropical deceases like Paludism (or Malaria), Dengue, Nile Virus, etc are moving northward as their vectors (like the infected Anopheles mosquitoes that spread Paludism) are finding new favorable habitats. Anopheles have already been found in South of France for a few years, which wasn't the case before.

These effects are not something to expect in the far future! Most of them are already measurable, and according to some studies they could reach levels we find intolerable in no more than 50 years.
S2 licensed
LFSRelax's fuel calculation uses OutGauge, but only one application at a time can use it. For this reason Gai-Luron implemented an option to not use OutGauge from LFSRelax.

Look for something like "EnableOutGauge=true" in LFSRelax's cfg file and change it into "EnableOutGauge=false" (I can't check the exact syntax at the moment, but it's something like that). Then LFSRelax's fuel calculation won't work anymore, but MomoLed should be back.
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :This video is for you:

Hilarious! Thank you.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :But ok, it`s a disease, that gets you to associate differnt things with different sense? I think I understand...still very strange :S

Yeah, different sensory inputs get mixed up somehow. To some people, certain words or sounds they hear have a specific taste, to others, some words or numbers they read are always associated with a color, and so on.

Saying some specific words to my wife give her the impression that she's eating something very acid, for example. Very handy to get her to make funny faces!

And I don't think it can be called a decease, really, because AFAIK synesthesia doesn't evolve with time like deceases do.
S2 licensed
When you're a 22lb. sledge hammer, you don't need to.
S2 licensed
Quote from Serpentine :It's called synesthesia.

Yep. My wife lives very well with it. And AFAIK it's not much of a problem for anyone. I'd say don't worry about it and enjoy the extra feelings it gives you.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I'm going to stick my neck out here and have a punt: Zero degrees celcius? (I already posted this link near the top of this thread).

But that was a funny answer.
S2 licensed
Come on, give him a break, man. I can understand his frustration when he spends hours coding something and half the feedback he gets is questions that people could answer themselves if they spent 5 minutes using their head. Everything is explained in the cfg file, admittedly in Frenglish, but it's still perfectly understandable.

BTW, the dog is a quite famous French comic strip character named Gai-Luron.
S2 licensed
It's a shame, indeed, but don't think this is specific to the tour de France. I'm sure there's as much doping in every other international (and even national) cycling event.

I heard that there are methods that are still completely undetectable, like taking EPO off season (or is it growth hormones?) to boost your red corpuscle level, freeze some of your blood at that point, and inject it to yourself months later, before or during an important event. That increases the quantity of red corpuscles in your blood, allowing for better transport of oxygen, which increases performances and endurance. One of the guys who got caught this year used someone else's blood, and that's why he was caught. The funny thing is that they could get the same exact effect by training at high altitudes, and then that wouldn't be doping.
Car code in pb messages
S2 licensed
When a pb message is displayed to everyone, I think it'd be very handy if the car code was part of the information. I run in a league where two different cars are used for each race and you find out at the last minute which one you're driving (and they aren't always perfectly matched). Since these are always uncommon combos, there are lots of pb's during the quali, but as you don't know which car others are running and the time-sheet doesn't stay displayed long enough to study it while rushing to T1, it's difficult to know where you stand compared with others running the same car.

Now I realize that this may be a rather exceptional situation, but multi-class races are not so uncommon, so I think that adding the three characters car code to those messages wouldn't add too much clutter to them and would be very useful in some situations.

And while I'm on this subject, it would also be very cool if the current player name was displayed in those messages rather than (or in addition to) the license name.
S2 licensed
Obviously the climate goes through cycles and there have been many global warming events (and ice ages) in the past. And I never said that human activity was entirely responsible for the current one.

But claiming that our recent release in the atmosphere—recent in cosmological terms—of millions of tons of carbon dioxide and many other greenhouse effect gases has no effect whatsoever is a blatant lie told by coal and oil producers, and by the governments of countries whose economy is based on them. The ability to put two and two together should be enough to understand that whatever enters a system affects it in a way or another.

You can always find scientific articles that contradict the others (especially in this case, because as I mentioned earlier, the US government and various oil companies have founded several allegedly independent researches during the last decades to make up proofs that human activity had no effect on the climate). That's why you should never base your claims on one research or another, but only on the international scientific consensus. And AFAIK, the consensus at the moment is that human activity has indeed a big effect on global climate.

Many people live by the Bible and believe that the Earth and everything on it were given to the human kind to do with them whatever they wanted. I don't mean to offend anyone, but this also is a lie (and please, don't bring up creationism). The Earth doesn't belong to us. We belong to it, like everything else that has grown on it. And as the (so-called) most advanced species, it's our responsibility to take care of it, not only for us and our grand-children, but also for the other species that have the same rights on it than us (most were here long before us, after all). But what do we do instead? We exploit everything that can be exploited, and we're now doing it at a rate that exceeds the system's capacity to heal and regenerate itself. This is stupid, and selfish, and closing our eyes on it is the laziest and most childish attitude we could have. Like "I can't hear you, lalalalala". I agree completely with what Smith says in Matrix: "The human species is the cancer of this planet".

And don't get me started on the ****s, whatever their age, who say they don't give a shit about what will happen after their death!
S2 licensed
No need to generalize. Check the profile of the person you're replying to. Most show their age; others don't, but sometimes give obvious clues, like "occupation: school".
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :But there is surprisingly little evidence that human beings have had much to do with it.

I don't want to sound pedantic, but the entire climate history is written in the polar ice cores. More exactly, air bubbles caught in the ice allow to determine the exact composition and temperature of the atmosphere at the time they were formed. The deeper you drill, the farther in time you go.

The climate history have been studied and modeled several times using this method and its variations are well known. And these studies show an unmistakable increase of CO2 in the last 200 years, obviously related with human utilization of fossil carbon (coal, oil, gaz, etc).

The Net is full of articles on this subject. For example here's one: Google is your friend.
S2 licensed
It's integrated into LFSRelax, now. At least partly, at this point.
S2 licensed
Hi, sorry you're having trouble with FlipCams. Does your LFS\data folder contain the "views" folder and 4 "view_cam*" folders (where * is a number between 1 and 5)?
S2 licensed
Sounds awsome! Unfortunately the server stopped responding 10 or 15 minutes ago while I was downloading it and hasn't got back up yet.

Update: I finally managed to download it. I love the changes, but everything doesn't seem to be working all the time. For example I've seen the fuel indicator work once when I set the fuel to 1%, and as soon as I got on track I got the low fuel alert (which is great). But most of the time it just reads "-- Laps". I'll post a more complete report later. Thanks for this update anyway!
Last edited by FL!P, .
S2 licensed
Of course governments lie all the time, I don't need teenagers to teach me that! But global warming is a reality, and your government has lied for decades about it, denying its existence, and even founding phony researches to prove that it didn't exist. Do yourself a favor: use the Internet to learn things, not only for gaming.
Last edited by FL!P, . Reason : typo
S2 licensed
I don't have any time to lose arguing with a stupid 13 years old. Don't bother replying, I won't see your bullshit anymore. Welcome on my shit list.