I agree that teaching them some racing manners wouldn't hurt, but Scawen has just used numerous hours to improve the AI. I think and really HOPE that it won't be touched in another few years.
Since you went politics....
The numbers may sound small, but keep in mind that we are talking about a nation of only 5 million people...
One of four Finns has a mental problem. Eight percent would need psychiatric care. 6% of adults, 250 000 people are constantly under effect of Prozacs and anti-depressants. 5% of adults takes sleeping pills. [url=http://www.city.fi/artikkeli/Pillerisukupolvi/187/[/url][source][/url] [url=http://www.ktl.fi/portal/suomi/tietoa_terveydesta/elintavat/uni/unettomuus_ja_unihairiot_ovat_yleisia/][source][/url]
Average adult Finn drinks 10 liters of 100% alcohol yearly. [url=http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkoholismi][source][/url]
For 15-64 year old Finnish men, alcohol is the most common cause of death. [url=http://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/artikkeli/Alkoholi+on+jo+ty%C3%B6ik%C3%A4isten+yleisin+kuolinsyy/1135222688133][source][/url]
Drawbacks of alcohol cause an estimated 3 - 6 billion euro bill for our health care, social care, fire and rescue department, police, companies, etc.. yearly. For reference the state budget is about 40 billion, and income of alcohol taxes 1,7 billion.[url=http://www.a-klinikka.fi/tiedotus/paihdetieto/alkoholi.html][source][/url] [url=http://www.tekniikkatalous.fi/tyo/article56525.ece][source][/url] [url=http://www.edilex.fi/virallistieto/mt/vavm20030031][source][/url]
27 544 people were caught drink driving in Finland, 2007. [url=http://www.tilastokeskus.fi/til/polrik/2007/polrik_2007_2008-04-04_tie_001.html][source][/url]
Last year 380 lives were taken on our roads, 1/3 of them because of... I think you'll already guess. [url=http://www.hs.fi/autot/artikkeli/Tieliikennekuolemat+lis%C3%A4%C3%A4ntyiv%C3%A4t++viime+vuonna+l%C3%A4hes+50ll%C3%A4/HS20080123SI1YO03y5l][source][/url] [url=http://ajassanyt.net/sisainen-turvallisuus.htm][source][/url]
Police records over 30,000 violence related crimes every year, in which over 70% of them involves alcohol. [url=http://www.tilastokeskus.fi/til/polrik/2007/polrik_2007_2008-04-04_tie_001.html][source][/url]
According to Police estimates in 2007, cannabis grows in 10 000 Finnish households. [url=http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kannabis][source][/url]
According to the latest EU study, cannabis is the least dangerous drug whereas alcohol and heroine were the most dangerous after ecstasy and cocaine. [url=http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/monographs/cannabis][source][/url]
(Ab)using alcohol in Finland is widely accepted and often expected. Using cannabis is illegal, and can lead to losing a drivers license, your children, or job (happened to me)...[url=http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suomalainen_alkoholikulttuuri][source][/url]
Last edited by frokki, .
Reason : added some sources. most of them finnish though, sorry!
Aston corkscrew uphill with LX6 and the blind downhill T1 of Blackwood rev.
In South City there are too many corners to list here. Basically I like them all.