The track and the cars in Kaanaa Karting look promising, and the price ain't bad either!
There's also a barbecue, sauna and cafeteria if there is enough people for a private event...
A small city that consists of small towns shattered few miles apart from each other.
But from year 2009 on I will live in a medium sized city that consists of small cities that consists of small towns shattered few miles apart from each other.
After the oh-so-great city fusion I'm able to drive over 100km never leaving the "city"
Winner takes the 1st place in group F and will most likely play the quarter final against Norway or Latvia, when the loser takes the 2nd place in group F and plays against USA in the quarter finals.
I just hope for god sakes that for once the referees have a little clue what they are doing there..
I'm really disappointed to see team Canada, the mother of hockey, fishing penalties to opponents by obviously faking while really slashing in the face all the time themselves :/
This is not Italian football!
Actually they've been talking about making the big show smaller. But imo it's fine now. Enough but not too many matches.