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S2 licensed
Wow, incredible editing!
S2 licensed
Quote from feat :Mh, new pic, fked it up at the end with all the JDM tyte parts & all that shit .. :/

Would be nicer if it were more lighter. I thought I have a good display, but if I can't see the details well, some CRT users won't see anything but the headlights.
S2 licensed
Here's the file that you need, but it's possible that it may not be the only faulty one.
S2 licensed
Quote from Maelstrom :Fallout 2

Second that!
S2 licensed
Quote from batteryy :i was playing old games and i found that the winshield and the car gets dirty when driving on mud/dirt and the winshield and other windows could brake. so im suggesting that car gets dirty when driving on rallycross track and winshield could brake when you crash

Take a guess if this has been suggested before...
S2 licensed
Quote from Dac :which i still dont know how to correct


After pressing "post reply" oq "quote" button, scroll down and press manage attachments. That way they get stored on the board for easy and permanent access.
Forum suggestion: Hide subforums
S2 licensed
It's cool to be able to collapse / expand whole categories like "main" or "files", but I'd also like to hide single subforums like the Programmer Forum. Is this possible to do with current system?
S2 licensed
I could pay you for sexual intercourses, but you're too old.
S2 licensed
Quote from xtm :I think the whole point of the post is recording replays in Default/Race_S setups, which everyone should have anyway

I was just refferring to Dac's .spr, which was uploaded at some random free service.
S2 licensed
OT: Just for instance, it's preferable to attach replay and setup files at this forum itself, since we have the chance.

If the files are just scattered around the internet, they have probably been disappeared year after.
S2 licensed
Bathurst would be my choice.
S2 licensed
+1 for more detailed under-car textures
-1 for customizable under-car textures!
(waste of developement resources, waste of badwidth, server storage space, hard drive storage space and PC resources for only a little little gain)
S2 licensed
Quote from R.Kolz :Yes, I´ve seen this before. Not sure at all if this could cause an error like this but have you used an application that changes your character into a normal person (no race suit on or helmet or gloves) mayby?

A fair penalty for such actions then

Sorry for not having anything worthful in this thread, but I lolled at the pics
S2 licensed
Quote from xtm :The question to you though, is why do you not use mouse steering? Do you use a computer that has no mouse? (do these even exist?)
I'm sure you will be much quicker with mouse steering, + you can correct oversteer much more precisely.

Second that. I have no idea why would someone want to steer with two on/off buttons instead of a mouse axis.

But of course it's easiest and most fun to drive with a wheel.
S2 licensed
Quote from speed1230 :LFS should have better damage modeling, my uncle tried this and when he drove the BF1 and crashes several FXRs at high speed, he said the wheels of the BF1 (or maybe some of the FXRs) should had came off. I also thought the windscreen and the other glass things on the car should shatter. The front bumpers and doors should be hanging too.

Does LFS need improvement on this?

Yes, LFS needs to and will improve. It's an Alpha product, which means that all planned features aren't even implemented yet.

All suggestions in this thread have already been discussed to death during those years.
S2 licensed
Dunno (and don't wanna know) about Vista, but on Win XP Packet Tracer and Excel both have crashed on this week (hey, it's tuesday already) and wasted hours of my life.
S2 licensed
Quote from scania :what is iirc?

If I Recall/Remember Correctly
S2 licensed
Interesting points, but who am I supposed to believe? Tristan Cliffe, or the big bad lying governments?

Would be best to make up my own mind, but since I don't have a spare life to dedicate for it, I think I just believe the majority of the guys who have done that. They say that global warming is true, and exponentially growing co2 emissions are the reason. Replacing fossile energy sources with "green" energy reduces co2 emissions.

However, as an individual, I don't care. This is the warmest winter ever and I'm loving it (Ok, some snow would be nice though)
IMO it's ridiculous if a European thinks he can save the world by using an energy saving light bulb in his bathroom.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Unfortunately, Joe Public actually believe the polititians when they say Solar, Tidal and Wind power are green - they are not - they are just as destructive as fossil fuels IF NOT MORE SO IN THE LONG TERM.

How would a windmill or solar panel be destructive in the long run?
S2 licensed
Have you tried any Skyline ratios yet? Might shave another 13 seconds off your pb
S2 licensed
Left foot braking is a handy technique on snow, even on normal cruising speeds. But I can only think few places within 50 km of my house where heel and toe would be useful under the speed limits.
S2 licensed
Quote from lerts :can i get away without blipping?

Yes, but you'll have to downshift later in order to prevent locking the driven wheels. And that usually increases braking distance.

EDIT: And playing LFS doesn't mess up your real driving, at least in a negative way.
Last edited by frokki, .
S2 licensed
I have (almost) never seen over 6 people on Race 2 when I've started playing, so I've just joined Race 1 that offers better close racing with full grid.

I bet there are dozens of racers like me who all think the same way, and that's why it struggles popularity.

EDIT: And when there has been people, most of them have been driving TBO class cars instead of LRF
Last edited by frokki, .
S2 licensed
Hi and welcome to S2!

Here's a buch of useful links to get more out of your LFS experience:

Guide - How To Make LFS Look Better (by Jakg)
LFS-Database Texture Pack (Currently down, but here's a mirror link)
LFS Manual includes great guides and tutorials!
LFS Skin Database hosts public skins that you can use.
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :I have my Roosevelt mask right here, we go?

Better get a new getaway car though, one famous Volvo bankrobber is enough for this country.