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Good idea actually... I'd gladly help people with my history knowledge in exchange for some help with French !

No bad words about Greece, met once in Germany a girl from Greece..

Holy Mojo
S2 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :Nice skin Gianni
uGH! The boxed version was supposed to be 1600x1200 too (I must be gettin' old illepall ), I'll redo it tonight if you'd like a bigger version of that one done

Thanks a lot Ian Skin was edited with help of Orion.
I noticed a small error in the skin btw on the front, Orion!!

Thank you very much for the renders, no bigger version is needed... sure you may always do that if have time too much but.. Glad you allready helped me

S2 licensed
Thanks, fun reading lecture
S2 licensed
Love you Lake

Let's not start about how ...... Belgium is - good for endless pages of argueing! illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Cyber for me.


No way! If one team has the most beautiful skin it is this one and this skin:

The first Cab skin :lovies3d:
S2 licensed
Quote :When you write a message and then minimize the window into the user bar, the message and subject text gets lost by resoring the window.

I can confirm that, Vic didn't got my love letter :grumpy:

Quote :Also, the message is lost when a user has disabled recieving messages.

Isn't that normal ?
You want to receive a 'message could not be deliverd *followed by message*' pm back ?

Quote :Not really worth a thread but I didnt wanna forget that

Everything to improve LFS(W) .. and our beloved chatterbox (indirectly)
S2 licensed
Quote from ORION :small tip:
dont use the words "war" and "dawn", there are like ZILLIONS of games with names like that... war of dawn, dawn of war, dawn attack, dawn war, war of the dawn, war dawn blaahh

I know, that's why I'm asking here.. the more people think about a name, the more chance there is someone says something original and not the "usual" war game names.

What you suggest Orion is very good, really good...
but too damn long
S2 licensed
Quote from Aquilifer :
So are you implementing all Roman units with proper timelines and implement mercenary system?

No, why should we ?
We have no Romans in our game.

S2 licensed
Yes working on my French, learning Grammar now cause I thought that would be easier illepall There doesn't seem to be an ending at the exceptions, there's a rule, there are 5 exceptions, 2 of the 5 follow anther rule, but on that rule you have another rule like 'only used then and then', but even for that, there seems to be another rule and then again you've an exception and...... ARG

How on earth do those French understand there own language ??

Btw, noticed this buffer problem by trying to watch a movie about French grammar.
Buffer loading time
S2 licensed

When trying to watch movies or movie trailers I've a strange problem: at certain trailer sites media player is being used for watching the trailer. Everytime it loads into a buffer, as usual.

As usual that go's fast, takes barely few seconds of time. But at some site's it go's really slow and takes even minuts! No problem, I thought it was the website, but suddenly on a site where it used to go fast I see now it is going slow too...

Any suggestions why it go's slow at one site and fast on the other ? How to fix it ?

S2 licensed
Yes it surely will be realistic to a certain level, that's why we're doing a lot of library research about our civ's, units (Like for example: Romans: they had no archers but slingers! A common mistake in every game... we don't want such mistakes in our game.)

Well we started from a certain timeline but the more we continued in our work we were thinking: why stick to a timeline ? Nobody in game has a certain fun factor of it. So we have chosen civ's from different erea's on our timeline. It can sounds strange perhaps, but it's just the same as in Age of Empires, or Age of Mytholgy, .. games. But don' worry, things will be equal balanced.

The diplomacy will certainly be better: it's online, there is no AI where you need to ask (beg ?) for peace, but other humans. I think you already know then how important diplomacy will be... not to mention spionage
I know I stay very general about our game, but I think you can do get an image of what it will contain sort of, and if I want to say more I'll be busy typing for hours and hours...

We talked some about it an come to this opinions:

-Imperius is < from the Latin, but is also common in English. Imperius we'll keep in our mind.
-Imperia is already taken as a name for a game so... Too bad.
-King's army - already has been chosen for a game
-Dawn of time - 2nd choise - perhaps mix it with Empires ?
-Mediterranean dynasty - Mediterranean isn't good: no special location for map
-Mediterrarian superhighway - see above ^^
-Veni, Vidi, Vici - too Roman
-Curia Regis - too Roman
-Per capita - perhaps...3rd choise
-Empirical - don't think this is good
-Legions - too Roman
-Globalisation - too long
-Globalise - hmm.. not sure about it, sounds with a negative influence, don't think this is good
-Europa - already chosen for a game
-Assemblage - don't think this is good

Sorry for the harsh criticism
I have to admit: I can't find any better name... The name isn't them most important - balancing the civ's and economics is our priority for the béta, then working at the diplomacy and then as last searching a name and the other surplis work. But I already wanted to find a name.. Sounds better then "our project".

Thanks for the kind help, if can come up with more...
English text -> good French ?
S2 licensed

Another black sunday concerning school work

I have this text made in English - simple English - and I need to translate it in French - simple speaking French.

Can someone of you guys who speak French quickly translate this for me please ? I tried Babelfish and all, but that stuff is all messed up.
I surely hope someone who speaks fleuntly and easy French wants to spend 5 minuts of his/her time on this!

I admit disliking French and I tried translating mysel with a dictionary but... one hour further I'm like no were I put some French in the start - I had more but that is really bad French so continue in English soon..


Quote :
Bonjour toute le monde,

Je vais dire quelque chose à vous pour cinq minutes. Ces les avantures d' Elmer et Younés.
Sur la texte ‘Le Clandestin’ nous lirons les avantures de Petit Coyote ou Elmer et Younés. Elmer est un petit garçon qui vivre à Honduras. Sa mere a abandoné Elmer et sont 4 sœurs. Sa mere vis sur le moment en Los Angeles, elle est emigré.. mais pas officiellement ! Oui, elle est illegale dan L’ Etas-Unie. Elle a trouve un travaille en de temps en temps elle envoye de l’argent pour leur efants. Sur un jour Elmer veut aller à son mere. Il commence là son avanture et il viens aux Etas Unie pour chercher son mere.

But his journey is hard. Elmer as 10 year old boy had no problems in lifting with people to Mexico, but once in Mexico he can't cross the American border. Elmer has no idea what to do, but people who see that little boy standing help him and the media jumps on the story. Elmer his mother is illegal in the United States, so she can't answer the message's on the tv: "Searched: mother of this boy". But her brother helps her en Elmer gets a letter from her. Elmer can't stay in Mexico and is being sent back to Honduras, however he has that one thing he wanted so badly now: a letter from his mother!

In Marroco Younés has a simillar problem: he wants to go to Spain for a better life. He tryed with the legal way but he didn't got a visa, so he arranges a illegal boat trip to furfill his dreams: go to the promised land of Spain. During the trip Younés and his fellow mates in the boat get caught by the border police. It ends up in a massacre and Younés is no more...

The difference between Younés and Elmer isn't big: both live in bad situations and want to escape from it, Elmer by going to his mum, Younés by going to Spain. Elmer gets help, Younés also, but no good help.

If someone can put this into French I'll be SOOO glad!
S2 licensed
Sorry mean after Christus, the fall of the Roman empire and the coming of many new civilications, opening many ways for us to introduce and use many aspects of history!

Comparing it to TW serie's isn't good... Frankly the TW series are just better (played them all too ) and hard work of an entire team for many years. Such thing isn't possible for us, we're honest and realistic in that. However that doesn't mean our game will be less fun! It will combine some elements of games such as Age of Empires or Age of Mythology (building economic with villagers, ect...), of course a military aspect such as in (for example) Travian or Quest to Glory - villagers are being made, resources need to be gathered by the villagers, with that you can build, research, expand and conquer - or set up your own lucrative trading empire. But don't forget diplomacy, real life diplomacy and not a AI who you just have to give enough money so he says 'I do agree'. Also it may contain elements like in the Civilication serie's. You see it sounds strange and complicated but once you see it in front of you it is acctually quiet simple. The way the game is being played isn't 100% defined yet - let it play on for 24/7 or do it with turns who (for example) take 1 hour or something entirely different, we aren't completely out of that mather. In other words: we're trying to mix the best of many old and new games we've played, in one game, too bad limitted by our own lack of technical knowledge we try to do our best and we aim for game enjoyement, over game graphics. Hopefully this is some more (very general :P) information, which perhaps can help you find a name. As you see the rts and building up factor is important.

'Imperius' is a nice proposal tho I'm afraid people will automaticly switch over to the "Roman Empire ... things". However I'll propose it to my college's and we'll see

S2 licensed
16.887 Km spread over... err 2 years.
Tho I drove like 2,5 years in demo, so make it 30.000 Km over 4,5 years.

If I read some guys did over 300.000 km I'm like.. hmm perhaps I just should race more, instead of race a few times and try to be fast.
Searching for a Name
S2 licensed
Hi guys,

Yet again I've a question about something that has nothing to do with LFS. However it is very important!

Two friends of mine and myself are working on a historical correct, html based game during our free time. I won't tell much about it yet cause soon we're hoping to release our béta!

We're hoping to release that very first béta before New Year, if the game isn't as we want it to be it will be later - something like with LFS, it has to be of a certain (high) quality before we release it. We're doing a lot of research for our 9 civ's from the years 400 - 1000 A.C who will be in the game and we are mixing certain concepts of other strategtical, hmtl and 3D based games with our own magical touch. All 3 of us are very experienced in games, even more in strategic games so... it is promising

So, working hard, getting closer to New Year we suddenly realised: we need a name! A short name, one word, good sounding, fluently speakable and it may be fictional. The civs we work with are Euroasian civ's, going from the Vikings to the Huns, to the Chinese, from the west of Europe to the East of Asia. Perhaps that can be something some of you can work with. More details? Wait for the béta

Is there any of you guys who can help us out or give us more inspiration for a name for our game ? Of course if we decide to pick that name or thanks to your proposal we found a name, we will mention you in the credits!

Many thanks in advance,
Last edited by GianniC, .
S2 licensed
Anyone feels like rendering this ? A white background is oké... of course if it is in a fantastic scéne or with extra's it is even better
(in other words... the fantastic scéne thingy would be better)

Preffered size: 1280*1024
(private (c) Cab skin - edit by Orion)


S2 licensed
Oh I see.... Thanks :sun:
S2 licensed
Dude LFSW pm me that girl behind the screen pls

Oh, good luck with fixing problem :P
S2 licensed
Thanks Won't be fast, tho will be there!

18:30 GMT = what hour in UTC ?

Cause on LFSW time is standard set too at UTC, be handy to look at that clock... since I'm enough around on LFSW :P
S2 licensed
Looks like I've missed something during my non-activity period. No more OLFSL ??!
S2 licensed
Looks wicked Keep going!
S2 licensed
Watching the BR video.. damn I love that old BL chikane
S2 licensed
Left hand brake
S2 licensed
When the new season starts ?
S2 licensed
Drifting ?
Sure why not!
We have dragging, we have oval racing, we have rally.. why not drifting ?
As long as it happens in different servers and on decent ways, I remember a tournament by Kamo, things like that are véry good. But drifting on public (racing) servers is like asking for problems.. That there are more younger drifters then racers? Hmm.. I think it's dangerous to state that, I wouldn't have a real idea.

Anyway, you only see me drifiting in a FO8 or LX6, although I won't be drifting intentionally Had no problems so far with drifters, so I don't see any problem why we (racers) should look drifters like 'strange kiddy people'.