Not funny, a whole day no chatterbox......
Ok serious now, I suppose Vic is testing something/working on something. But why can you post Ori and nobody else ? I have a suspision....
The LFSW chatterbox isn't working here. Typed a new message but it just doesn't show it, reopend internet browser, LFSW site, rebooted pc even, but LFSW Chatterbox doesn't respond Latest message I can see is:
"00:03 Kasper_Johnsen : Hey ? "
Problem here with me or LFSW ?
Please, I beg you....fix it asap or I'll go illepall !
Pardon me for the silly question, but can someone briefly explain what it does exactly ?
And, most important, if you have TC on in the BF1, will it make you faster or slower, or does that depend on track/car ?
Scawen, can't reproduce desktop crash sorry. I downloaded the full version now, and now LFS runs with no problems. Didn't had crash in hours and tryed reproducing it but didn't work. Perhaps it's with copying the new patch over the old LFS docs something is missing or go's wrong?
If you download it it is still packed, if you unpack it all go's well and at end it gives error: 'wrong data error' and unpacking is back at 0. But the unpacked map is there and I copied over it and I can run the new patch of LFS tho...weird error..
edit: oh when I try to connect a server LFS just crashes too... Before it crashed you can see it give sthe message "path info changed"... ??
edit2: I try now in single player, choose the BF1, new aston config track.. while it loading the track LFS crashes also back to desktop !!
Can't see a hotlap from him there..
Offline ?
Hmm yes, I know also some ways to go a lot faster offline, e.g: draft, shortcut, using different controller offline (never mentioned anywhere he did that pb then with a kb my friend )
See, not as simple as it seems.
edit: have to mention, I'm not doubting at his kb quality's! I've respect for him.