Re-read it all now and I must say I only partly agree with you. It is not because it's mapped that you don't mean it! It is mapped to be more usefull and not to let you lose time, e.g if it's just a small tab in the rear of your opponent. That it takes 5 seconds, 1/2 a second or 2 minuits to show your remorse is irrelevant. The point is being really sorry, wheter you use a mapped sorry, a non-mapped sorry or no sorry at all. This mapped sorry is just a tool, what needs to change is the attitude of racers towards each other, and sometimes an age difference can help also.. However it's like 99,99% about the attitude, using or losing the mapped sorry won't change much I think, just you'll hear less sorry's, therefor thinking people don't care about the fact they just bumped into you,...
What you need to do is tell after a race that your sorry for it ànd show it in the race, not by saying "sorry my bad", but by slowing down and re-take position after the 'victim', unless this one is out of the race.
Hmm strange, I had LFS open a moment ago, closed it and wanted to re-open, now I get this error:
I just downloaded the U32 stuff, unpacked it, putted it in my previous U LFS folder and overwrote that.
EDIT: fixed,redownloaded everything and overcopied again, works fine now!
Talking about wheels, anyone has a MS Sidewinder FF ?
Hollidays again for me so I can use my half broken MS Sidewinder again. But I've no idea concerning options. Orion told me about DXTweak, but don't really know if I need to change something at it, lowered the braking and acceleration sensitivity a bit with it but...
Also, if you turn the wheel a small bit like on straights the FF doesn't work, turn it further the FF works for sure. Is this because of the 0.00 - 1.00 setting in options, wheel return rate I think or so.(can't look up the name - LFS won't open).
I do have a 'sorry' button, just in case I realise: this is my "fault". If I don't think I'm responsable for a spin or something I won't say it either. Or if it's just a little bump (miscalculated slipstream, different breaking points,...) I won't say sorry either. To me it's about keeping it realistic, therefor not spamming sorry if I am. Only hatefull thing is when some people say 3-4 or even 5 times
I'd like to ask not to do that, just a simple:
is more then enough!
can anybody out there
here me
can anybody out there
feel me
can you here me
cause I don't seem to hear myself
cause I don't seem to feel myself
can anybody out there see me
cause I keep losing my way
ye ye
I keep losing my way
It's so busy in South City anyway
I keep losing my way
What I got to say
Come this way
I'll show you Live for Speed
Hide that weed
Is something you don't need
Live for Speed
Is what you need
Don't need it ?
Wait... go stand there
Ye right there in the corner
*all point and laugh now*
LFS isn't dead and it will never die.
Love LFS!
Love this community!
Oh I didn't made it, just did some unofficial testing with my teammate Cropsy! Concept really is good, just it's all about the people who're online too, they have to stick to the rules and then it really gives you hours full of pleasure!
If someone who normally takes care for the site (desing was Tweaker and content devs?) doesn't have enough time to now and then update the site with some updates of what's going on he may always forum pm me about it.
If new people in our LFS Community 'demand' to see that infos there too and not only on the forum and mouth by mouth by the community itself well... we can always addapt a bit. However I don't think LFS needs a change, LFS isn't a massive online game, it's more something selective one way or another so we don't need massive advertissements, updates on a frontpage of the site,...
This while 'LFS is dead' is bogus anyway, completely not true. It's even one of the longest and still growing games I know, I mean... all these years by now and still the community is growing, not much games can do better.
So stop saying this game is dead and go again to your rF! Then you'll see soon what 'being dead' is..
Thank you Vic for the help ànd fast reply!
One question tho... why only me ?
This isn't the launch of the Alpha version of the GC-Filter for the chatterbox isn't it ?
21:24AndroidXP : oha, masterserver problems/down :/
-> it's working 20:31three_jump : test
-> test worked too! 20:42lococost : gianni is a monkey
-> you'll pay for that Loco, in 40 minuts! 20:50three_jump : gc can't post in here
-> I will in 40 minuts! 20:53cmckowen : if gianni doesnt smap in the next 5 minutes he no longer leads the smapstor rankings
-> impossible, I've a comfortable lead.. hmm however, I do was absent from LFS for a few months due to no internet... but still, comfortable lead I'm sure of it!
Oh btw Vic, I know in certain chatterbox/shoutbox applications there are stats being kept, is this also the case with the LFSW Chatterbox or not ?
I can't type anything more in the LFSW chatterbox... I see the new text of other people and the chatterbox refreshes and doesn't give me any notification of an error or flooding or anything like that.
I type, I click 'add your line' but nothing is visable. It worked at 21:16 (my last message), want to reply on Androix XP's message that the masterserver is working but didn't go...
I'm using IE6, restarted it, refreshed page, tryed other shoutboxes (those work) so... Any idea's ? How does this come ? And mostly: Why me ?