n00b, I've 81 wins
Hmm wait, 2000 is more then 81... God damn, beaten by Lake (again )
Well done my team mate, I'm sure you'll get that 4000 border! Cabbie Power !
Even if I'm from '88, I do know Pong, so shame on all you other youngsters, if you're a true gamer those are games you must know and have played!LFS is a beauty and I trueley hope there doesn't come an end to the developing, even after S3 this story (or is it a fairy tale more ?!) should go on.
1) Simple and perhaps stupid question, what is the best video card, memory, motherboard and cooler for a best gaming computer
1.1)in low budget ?
1.2)it may be expensive ?
My dad has a computer company and soon it are hollidays, perhaps I can convince him to update my computer, been 4 months now since it had new dual core cooling, it like to know if there's any better stuff around and make a 'want to have list', to lets say... surprise him
Also I'm going to buy Total War: medieval 2, a very high demanding game for your hardware so... can be useful !
Sorry to hear this REALLY is the final 'goodbye', I do hope we see you again now and then, in the smapperbox, here in the forum or why not online! Perhaps when S3 is around and your retired ?!
Good luck with everything you're doing, stay healthy and be careful on the road,cause the road you'll be driving on now, are the real ones
1)Have you ever bought a product on the strength of an advert alone and why?
Yes, there was not clearly another product visable in the shop which could help me what I needed, I saw just before a poster with an advert so I took that glue instead of another one.
2)Have you ever bought a product because it had an aspirational advert that appealed to you and what was it? (eg Lynx ads show the product making someone a hit with the ladies)
3)Do the production values of adverts affect your view of the product? (eg Marks & Spencers vs Iceland)
No, of course if it promotes extreme right values or that kind of stuff it will.
4)Skoda cars are made by VW yet more people buy the more expensive VWs over the cheaper Skodas because of Skoda's past image. Do you buy products based on brand name alone?
However it has also to do with quality: often the more expensive products DO have the higher quality standard, specially with clothes... you easy spot the difference between H&M clothes and real Armani clothes.
But I don't buy a product because it's of thàt specific brand, but if I have to choise between known brand and unknown brand, I take the known one.
Hope these 3 mins of my time help you some
Good luck!
It's impossible to quit from LFS, even if you don't have time the slightest moment when you get more time your back into LFS, should know that since this is your 2nd time, just as my 2nd time.
Didn't knew if Vectrex would get it.
Used My Translation Monkey (MTM abreviated) to make those long things for me :sorry:
Ah good to see you were thinking at the same level Vectrex, I have fully confident in your work and the work of the other LFSN people. We'll see it when it's ready, as long as it has (high) quality. Just as LFS
Perhaps a small idea... We have now several people working hard on the LFSNews, who get everyone its support cause so far they doing nice work!, but why not involve the community (a bit more)?
I was thinking: make a new subforum where the mods have rights and the LFSN people also have rights.
If someone races a league which is less in the spotlights or I don't know, a quiet remarkable teamchange happends or other general related LFS stuff, people can write their own article's, post them in the subforum part and the people from LFSN can still decide: add it to LFSN or not ?
Just an idea so we keep getting an income of News, even if (e.g) Vectrex or others have it very busy in real life. We get a constant feedback of News. We get to see the "less" important things that happen in LFS also. We still get the big news from the how the Aliens got another victory, .... And by letting the LFSN staff read everything first before it's being posted you get a certain quality security. Frankly I only see benefits...
Perhaps changing the looks of the News page itself would be asked then, so we can see more articles on one and the same page (next to each other instead of long columns?).
Good idea, if I'm correct I believe Mercury and Cyber have such a calender on their website, where you can see date, place and what sort of league the team will be riding. Is being manually updated tho.
First of all: new tracks ? -> made by the Devs only.
Add ons ? -> no thank you, only want made by Devs products (c).
Pay ?
Hmm.. no, I pay for the game on its whole, I'm not going to pay €5 for this and another €5 for that, ect... I don't want a GTR/rF/moneymaking game... I want a good game, just like LFS is now.
But; I do want to pay (for example) instead of £24, 35£ if there are coming more tracks,... for the whole pack of S2 final / S3. But I'm not willing to pay for every extra track there is.
Site (Most helpful) : LFS World, it has Teh Smapperbox...! And some other things..
Team: Not cause it's my own team, but after all these years and what has happend... SCCC!
If I had to chose another team?
Hmm.. Can't say, many of my friends are in all sorts and good teams like Cyber, T37, Ocrana, ZT, ... Undefined.
Most of the teams who are here for several years earn a vote.