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S2 licensed
I hope she's not underaged, or worse! Overaged.
S2 licensed
Thanks Niki, I'll check it out. More suggestions always welcomed!
S2 licensed
:eclipsee_Don't worry Colt, you wreck him from the front, I'll deal the final blow from behind!*

* ew sounds dirty...
League racing hours ?
S2 licensed
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to be more into LFS again than the past year and this by participating in some good leagues. I'm already participating in the OLFSL, however this league is now on a summer break. Therefor I'm looking to participate in a second league. However, the racing hours of that league are important.

I checked the calendar and various league subsections, however found no concrete (and active) league which races between 14-19GMT (weekdays and weekends). Therefor by this topic I was wondering if anyone knows about a fun league which is well organised which has races between those hours ? Cars, tracks, ... doesn't matter at all.

It can be a league for newer pilots, but also for experienced ones. I'm not new to LFS, far from, but I'm neither super fast. Although it is not fun to be last, it might be good to race with some great LFS racers, perhaps it pushes my own level of racing a bit higher as well ?! *


* Come on, I can only dream can't I !?
S2 licensed
Looks nice, good luck!
S2 licensed
Nice first 30 minuts of racing, good stream too, all working fine
S2 licensed
Hi everyone,

Little update from the Cabbie front. Good news and bad news.
I'll start with the good news: Tukko left us !

No, actually that's the bad news. However, we do wish him all the best in his new team 'nfinity eSports Racing', may you race clean, fair and fast and gain much victories and podium places in your new hardcore league racing team! Do the Cabbie regards to the rest of the guys.

As Tukko left us, The Force had to be balanced again, green midget dude said so, see:

:spyoda: Balance The Force, you must.

So we stumbled upon Rookie41, a racer active in the OLFSL and racing by the SCCC standards of Fast, Funny and Fair. After some talking and poking we decided to welcome him in our team, hopefuly his activity can lure out other Cabbies into being active!

Welcome sccc|Rookie41 to SCCC!

PS: Zeug, you're still a noob. Tukko, your name is gay. Peckles, **** you. Orion loves Biggie! 3J meep meep.
Last edited by GianniC, .
S2 licensed
Happy birthday guys
S2 licensed
I care more about bug fixes, psychics improvements, track texture updates and additions such as brake heating, ... and LFSWorld updates.

I do not care at all about new cars, new tracks or sound updates.

I trust the Magic Three Devs completely as they did not let me down in early S1 demo days, not in full S1 and neither in S2 up to now.

I am neither impatient for a new patch, I still got enough combos to try, setups to fix and fun races to race.

I prefer one single quality patch above a shitload of patches every week.

S2 licensed
Peckles. Psyh****. Tukkonoob. That drunk Fin dude with his Volvo. And a bunch of other ex-Boobies. Nice team, can't go wrong !

Good luck guys with the racing, may you perform clean, fast and fair and provide me much entertainment following your races, news feeds and wins.

Ex-Cabbies making it in the big world outside South City... :drink:

PS: Mika 'tukko' Nummela.... seriously, you finnish people and your names :wacko:
Last edited by GianniC, .
S2 licensed
Some raw screenshots of racing at LR are vissible here in case someone is interested.
S2 licensed
Racing shots from myself and fellow racers at the LR|1 Racing Server.
Fine racing with a grid of 27-35 racers, racing at AS National with the XFG and it's RWD brother. Images come from two races, last finish line shot is from race two where we had a constant 4 lap battle with 4-6 cars all racing very clean and close to eachother. Everyone finished the race, no crashes occured and the time difference between first and last racer was 38 seconds. The mini-map showed (with now and then a little space in between) all racers constantly on one lint throughout the entire race.

This is what I was missing for a long time in LFS, thanks chaps for the racing!

The start: Full grid view from behind:

Close-up on the local racing hero

One of the many possible snapshots of close racing:

Another snapshot:

Over halfway of the race, but still very close and great racing:

Final lap!

And the last centimeters of the race, pfoeh!
Last edited by GianniC, .
S2 licensed
Depends on your hour of racing. I have had great races there with 25-30 racers, but also some less great racers. The bashing and bumping in the rear do is a problem sometimes, however I also noticed a lot of racers braking correctly and keeping nice distance.

Some racers need to understand that we are racing with a large grid. Not driving around to be the fastest. In a race you can not always take a turn the most optimal way, or at the most optimal speed. You need to brake more, take a different line, avoid cars, ect... An often occuring problem is contact in front of a group of people, and the people behind the crash don't change their driving line, speed or braking distance. They just bash themselfs through in the hope getting through healthy. They're more wrong though as it only leads to more crashes.

Racing friends is what we are doing. Racing!
Keep it mature and clean. And the fast laps and superb nights follow.
S2 licensed
Good broadcast, fun to watch and nice racing! Thanks.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Aaah Fordie... you really are getting old you know.
Hope you still remember me... anyway, drop by in the Cabbie server for fun races, duh!

More on topic, as of a few days ago I also did my first LFS race again after being more than a year absent. Yesterday I had a first league race (in the OLFSL), in which I was slow, but had some great racing. That's one of the advantages of OLFSL: fast or slow, you can race with similair fast people for at least one evening in a lenghty race. In the week you get the fun of testing setups and tuning up your racing line, while also talking more with the other OLFSL racers. Above that the racing hours are perfect for my timezone. Just saying; check out some leagues and test some of them out, they can provide you a lot of fun, allow closer social contact again and perhaps you meet up some of us old farts!
Last edited by GianniC, .
S2 licensed
Thanks for the kind words all, see you at the starting grid
S2 licensed
Ahum... GianniC dusts off this topic.

Hello everyone,

It has been a while... actually a long time... very... very very long time since LFS heared from the Cabbies. But have no fear, while shiny and fast teams like Mercury are gone, we Cabbies are still here !

We had some problems with our activity level, while being more busy with chatting and smapping our Cabbie forum instead of racing, our website and memberlist had some minor changes. As of lately we renewed the website which can still be found on the same old adress which is, we moved our forum to Popeye his grateful hosting space and we still have our 500 LFS Racing Server running! All this lead to some more activity with our Cabbies, like myself, and this summer most of us plan to be more active in LFS, once more. Oh and... guess what we found and what is still working: our monumental Guestbook! To celebrate all this we have, aside sharing Sprinter his wife (hey, what are friends for!) and a lot of drinking, asked our stuntman Colt to create a new pack of SCCC Skins for 2009, which go back to a bit more original Cab routs with a modern version of the good old S1 Cab skin. Don't forget to check it out.

I just wanted to share this joyful news with everyone around here. South City Cab Company, since LFS S1 demo days and for over 7 years long, but still going strong!

See you on the track and remember... Fast, Fair and Funny !


Last edited by GianniC, .
sccc anno 2009
S2 licensed
Bumped the wrong topic, sorry :P
S2 licensed
Quote from mikey_G :It feels nice to pwn someone with a rock hard fact huh? Thanks for posting that screenie

I watched the last turn several times for now and still I feel that Glock did not slowed down on purpose, but he neither did a lot of effort to defend his position, and in my eyes when you're fighting for the points you should defend your position at all cost.

Anyway, there is no reason to hate like immature kids, it was an awesome race and the emotions from the drivers and family on tv made me realise why I still watch F1 !

Good job Massa and Hamilton!
Thanks you David Coulthard for everything!

And on to the next season, the one with new ugly cars
S2 licensed
Real life just imitates LFS :nerd:
S2 licensed
Then they get my full support
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I think Astra and deko would be very suitable, tbh.

No idea as I've been some time 'out of the scéne', but I trust your word Z
My comment was not mentioned directly at the pilots who had been named already, it was just a general comment so this is done right from the first moment and on a good way.

PS: Some competition for Jessica might be nice too :P
S2 licensed
By any chance you couldn't fancy a karting track nearby the Belgian border ?

Or in Belgium itself, Sint-Niklaas (not too far from the border) has a nice indoor track.
S2 licensed
May I propose some mature pilots please ?
Don't forget the person would form a part of the "LFS face" to non-LFS players.

I could name several pilots, however won't do so as I don't want to push them into it. I hope someone suitable is being found.