Yes, that is also what I heared about Crysis. Multiplayer wasn't that good either for Crysis.
Online gameplay is indeed important, however a fun singleplayer campaign is also welcome. Though the main focus is indeed on the online part.
BF2 and annoying kids ? Oh noes I got the old Delta Force: Black Hawk Down here and I really like to play it still, but the problem is it is also full of kids, or people who jump from clan to clan, ect... Ruins the fun of it.
Thanks for the advice, BF2 just got a big closer to be bought.
I got a little question. I'm willing to buy myself 'a good FPS' in the coming month, to have some shooting fun. I find a community in a game very important (no Counter Strike whining kids or people who say on everything 'fak u' or such), but the game itself is of course also important. Graphics don't mind me: the gameplay and fun does.
Now I am doubting between 3 games:
-Call of Duty 4
-Battlefield 2
CoD2 I enjoyed véry much, so it is tempting to buy CoD4 again, however on pure gameplay and durability of being able to play Crysis seems better: more options on how you want to play and not the linearity.
However, Crysis also has it's flaws. Graphics wise or system requirements are no problem here, but I heared the shooter isn't that fun either after a time. Yes, you have many options and you're own moving paths (no linearity as in CoD4) however after some time that was just a bit the annoying part - a friend told me, not sure if this is true.
Battlefield 2 is a very exciting game, however it feels a bit 'arcadish'. Therefor some people made the "Project Reality" mod and it looks really, really great !
Bottom line is: it's a draw. I really can't choose and as it has been proven in the future I hope the LFS Community can aid me with some good critics or facts I haven't read / heared about or own game opinions.
For the moment I'd say BF2, just because of the realism mod. Not only because the mod is great (and we'll all agree some realism isn't bad ), but it shows also that there is still an active, good community in the game. While Crysis is new and.. I'm doubting a bit on the durability I can play Crysis, don't feel like paying so much cash (for a student) for a game which can be played with a full community only for a year or two.
I really can't make a final choice
So, if you have played any of these games or friends who have and told you about it, any feedback is welcome in order to make me decide!
How do I explain my parents a holliday job and exams are less important than going to the LFS Meet ?
I'll do my best, but I'm afraid it will be for 2009... I better start saying first that I play a lot online and explain what I exactly play.
Wish I had friends in real life who were hooked up in LFS, then we could use as a quick excuse "Weekend trip to the UK" and no further questions are being asked, like:
Are you going all the way up there to drink, meet a lot of strange people and race ?
Strange people as in possible "(ex-?)criminals" ?
You have never met those people before ?
What do you mean "have to lift to get there" ?
ect ...
If I organise the 2009 LFS Meeting, can I decide that it will be done in Belgian then ? Brussels, easy accessable (and cheap) by plane, car and train, fun and not needed expensive. Central location too for the Europeans, including East Europeans.