I'm starting to get worried about Victor...
Before we know it he finds himself a sweet girl, gets married and we have a Leo II running around !
And we all know kids + a woman are more expensive than drugs... Meaning S3 will cost more
I'm looking for a FE Black Rev setup for the FXR and a setup where the tyres can hold out for 1 hour racing (1 stop needs to be made so a tyre change could be done).
I have a hotlap setup from Setupgrid though I think the gearing is a bit strange and the tyres won't last long enough.
If you want to ask a quick question, try the chatbox at LFSWorld, don't open for everything a new topic please.
Play with the filters to find your choise of server or host one yourself.
If there are servers with your combo but they are empty, then.. well, come back in an hour or later on. Many people are atm at work, school, final hollidays, ... and thus unable to play.
What, I'm gone for a small year and there is another little one jumping around ? First I thought some had bumped the Leo topic but then I saw "girl" standing in the title and was like... hmm...
Belated congratulations Scawen and the family!
Keep up the good 'work'
Whut... Leo is already two-years-old ?
I'm getting old
I barely have any time left to race myself (too bad), though I try to watch your reports... I guess that says enough
Keep the informative-and fun factor high, looking forward to more !
And don't lose Cupcake Jessica
I have the strange issue now and then of having sort of 'grey blocks' when I have LFS opened at the standard screen (with singleplayer, multiplayer, options, ect... visible just at start up). I tried taking a screenshot of it but when pasting it in Paint the blocks don't show. My camera broke some months ago so I can't take a picture of it.
The grey blocks occur at the "End" button, the LFS logo center top, and the borders of the singe-multiplayer and other buttons. When clicking further the blocks also appear at the connect buttons and when being ingame (multi & single) the blocks are also present inside the cockpit interior (mostly at black coloured spots) and also the scenery has them.
I tryed closing LFS, reopening it but it doesn't work.
I tryed rebooting, but even then it doesn't work.
If I retry an hour or so later without even rebooting, it suddenly is fixed.
This happends only in LFS and just recently (since the latest update). I only spot it now as I don't play that much anymore (university takes my time) yet the 3rd time it now occurs isn't coincidental. But it really is random. Today at 16h I raced a bit and didn't had it. I closed LFS properly and left the computer on and worked on it in Word ect... for university, I go eat and now I return, reopen LFS and I have the grey blocks, so it really is random.
Any advice on what the problems might be ? Any fix ?
Thank you and sorry for the vague explanation but I'm afraid I can't do more
Might also try out the CD servers (when the admins are online). As I don't have much time for LFS I focused myself a bit on CD 1 server which hosts GTR class at AS3. Once you get a bit competitive I had some really great races there, perfect if you only have 1h a week time for LFS.
"No, you're not going to your girlfriend tonight until you're room is cleaned!
But... But...
Ok.. I'll go clean it. "
My desk mostly is a mess and remains such, I find everything perfectly back, even though it is a mess. I think it is just some sort of own system I got... not sure which but...
I do am very keen with my computer cds, school documents, bank affairs and such, all neat cleaned in a few maps.
I hate cleaning, yet sometimes it can be refreshing when the cleaning is done and you actually can see how big your room is
From the end of this year the European Union receives a "President", which will be elected for 2,5 years to represent the European Union on the international play and to council the 'European Council of state-and governement leaders'.
There hasn't been much certainty about who will be elected, some names have already been mentioned and amongst those: Tony Blair.
Certain people don't want to see Tony Blair representing the EU internationally as "European President" and have started an online petition. The goal is to reach 1.000.000 votes.
Why not ?
Besides there are a lot better candidates for this job, think on people like Guy Verhofstadt, Tony Blair doesn't represent at all the values and standards where the European Project stands for, not while he was PM of GB and not now when his political career is nearly entirely ruined. The EU is not an institution to give posts and titles to flopped political careers!
The petition can be found at www.stopblair.eu and has been made in 9 languages.
As I'm studying Laws I should say something useful here regarding this matter, but... I won't.
Kill ! Kill ! Kill !
To aid constructive (and very short): IM are no legal sufficient proof in the European court room, unless of a murder case it might be 'a part of evidence', but it is not enough to get someone locked up (same go's for videos btw, unlike common believe) for keying your car. Not sure about America, as the law system is totaly different there.
Just tried a BF2 demo... Yep, I'm sure what to play.
CoD4 is a lot better, better graphics, sound, ect... But BF2 just felt better. Can't explain it, perhaps the demo is cheating on me but... I'll wait until CoD4 has dropped in price before buying it.
Now, regarding BF2: what version(s) should I buy ? I read about some expansion packs (Vietnam, ect...), some feedback would be good.
Anyway, just tried a CoD4 demo, while it looked very good it didn't really got me going into the story - perhaps normal as it is only one map.
It do is frustrating: you got to cross an double laned street and jump over a car wreck to get to a house where you got an objective, but at the window you have hostile gunmen shooting you. You take them out, 3 secs laters they are replaced. You actualy better run whiling being shot at and hit to the other side, instead of taking them out from distance to cross safe. I know, it was like that in CoD2 as well but... It isn't making any sense. Positive is the AI is doing very nice, but not convincing enough (in the demo) to jump up and go buy it. A friend will bring along a Crysis demo next week so.. I'll see how that is.
Hmm... perhaps find a cheap BF2 afteral to teach Peckers how to play ?