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S2 licensed
LFSWorld - online race results - race details
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :It's not very popular, no. There aren't enough circuits for it (only three configs) so it's more of a "for a change" activity.

SCCC seem to run rallyx configs more than most hosts. Probably because Tukko has all the best rallyx setups.

True, Tukko has a certain influence on that but it is not a secret that Cabbies like it dirty

Rally is underestimated yes, it's just the same as in real life.... Perhaps some hosts can put on some rally configs to help it, but what really needs to be done is a (re)launch of a rally only league, like RSCX was.
S2 licensed
He is whise who can read in white.

Lottery ticket - original pits box 13
Get price - other pits box 6
S2 licensed
Quote from Gimpster :...

Re-read it all now and I must say I only partly agree with you. It is not because it's mapped that you don't mean it! It is mapped to be more usefull and not to let you lose time, e.g if it's just a small tab in the rear of your opponent. That it takes 5 seconds, 1/2 a second or 2 minuits to show your remorse is irrelevant. The point is being really sorry, wheter you use a mapped sorry, a non-mapped sorry or no sorry at all. This mapped sorry is just a tool, what needs to change is the attitude of racers towards each other, and sometimes an age difference can help also.. However it's like 99,99% about the attitude, using or losing the mapped sorry won't change much I think, just you'll hear less sorry's, therefor thinking people don't care about the fact they just bumped into you,...

What you need to do is tell after a race that your sorry for it ànd show it in the race, not by saying "sorry my bad", but by slowing down and re-take position after the 'victim', unless this one is out of the race.
S2 licensed
Early IRC chat conversations?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Peter Oey :Old sound arent good, the new sounds are worse. Skid/tyre sounds are gone.
All cars have almost same sound and effects. Car volume to loud even if slider set to lowest position. But rest of Patch32 is great.

Anyone knows how to keep the good from 32 and if tis possible to use/reinstall the old sounds only?

Copy sound files from the old over to the new sound map of U32 ?
S2 licensed
Hmm strange, I had LFS open a moment ago, closed it and wanted to re-open, now I get this error:
I just downloaded the U32 stuff, unpacked it, putted it in my previous U LFS folder and overwrote that.

EDIT: fixed,redownloaded everything and overcopied again, works fine now!
Last edited by GianniC, .
S2 licensed
Talking about wheels, anyone has a MS Sidewinder FF ?
Hollidays again for me so I can use my half broken MS Sidewinder again. But I've no idea concerning options. Orion told me about DXTweak, but don't really know if I need to change something at it, lowered the braking and acceleration sensitivity a bit with it but...

Also, if you turn the wheel a small bit like on straights the FF doesn't work, turn it further the FF works for sure. Is this because of the 0.00 - 1.00 setting in options, wheel return rate I think or so.(can't look up the name - LFS won't open).

Ah found it, all set fine like this ?
Last edited by GianniC, .
S2 licensed
New sound is an improvement... But still not as it should. Too bad the sound can't keep up with the amazing psychics and graphics of LFS.

Voted U32.
S2 licensed
I do have a 'sorry' button, just in case I realise: this is my "fault". If I don't think I'm responsable for a spin or something I won't say it either. Or if it's just a little bump (miscalculated slipstream, different breaking points,...) I won't say sorry either. To me it's about keeping it realistic, therefor not spamming sorry if I am. Only hatefull thing is when some people say 3-4 or even 5 times


I'd like to ask not to do that, just a simple:
is more then enough!
S2 licensed
This will be a cool sunday!

Tho I must admit, the sounds are good but.. they sound idd all very similar, which is a bit sad...

Keep up the work
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Get away with that wheel, keyboard rocks!
S2 licensed
Perhaps it wouldn't be bad to make euro's availlble... !?
S2 licensed
Suggest your next reply in this topic is only in 2 months, when there stands 'S2 licensed' under your name instead of 'demo racer'.

This isn't a deal, it's a take or leave
I'm bad in poetry, but who cares.. I'm happy atm :P
S2 licensed
LFS is dead

can anybody out there
here me
can anybody out there
feel me
can you here me
cause I don't seem to hear myself
cause I don't seem to feel myself
can anybody out there see me
cause I keep losing my way
ye ye
I keep losing my way
It's so busy in South City anyway
I keep losing my way
What I got to say

Come this way
I'll show you Live for Speed
Hide that weed
Is something you don't need
Live for Speed
Is what you need

Don't need it ?
Wait... go stand there
Ye right there in the corner

*all point and laugh now*

LFS isn't dead and it will never die.
Love LFS!
Love this community!
S2 licensed
Well done everyone !
Great job Cropsy!
S2 licensed
Perfection is in the details.
LFS is perfection.
LFS is in the details.
Details make the difference for people who know what they talk about.

Cunclusion, LFS idd is great

I think that the alcohol -like Becky mentioned- helped with the sound tho... You know, things sound sometimes different when your drunk
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Guess it doesn't excist
S2 licensed
Quote from St4Lk3R :Really cant wait - from what ive seen until now, you did a really great job there. I'll be there

Oh I didn't made it, just did some unofficial testing with my teammate Cropsy! Concept really is good, just it's all about the people who're online too, they have to stick to the rules and then it really gives you hours full of pleasure!
S2 licensed
Now it's still private, this saturday at 16:00 UCT it well be open for public !
S2 licensed
Quote from audimasta :Don't worry. No (physical) harm done

You sure ?
S2 licensed
Hehe some of us already had the chance to try it.... Amazing fun if you've some people who really imagine also that it's reality !

I'll go save some for a FZR now... Be there this saturday !