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S3 licensed
This has been suggested a couple quadrillion times. Nighttiime racing is a very high possibility for LFS while in S3 development.
S3 licensed
Quote from MyBoss :I agree, bet they are so bad driver that they can't even get the drivers license.

Ive been holding this in, but i have to say it. Tristian may have tried oval racing outside of LFS, but obviously you haven't a clue about real oval racing. Play NR2003 and see how easy it is.
S3 licensed
Quote from pikacu99 :I am in!

You sure? You have to be S2 liscensed before you can even think about racing in this event (duhhh)
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I believe it's the 3rd-6th of Oct.

Thanks, I hope that 1% chance of coming goes in my favour
S3 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :vodka and wine isnt an excuse , a strong drink like an irish car bomb is , thats a mans drink

I bet it's called the Irish Car Bomb because you drink it, hop in a car and a few miles down your car goes boom
S3 licensed
What weekend will this be? If its on the weekend of the 13th, I won't be able to attend, since I will be participating in the 16 hours of Aston Historic. If any other weekend, there will be a small chance that I could come.
S3 licensed
Here's my connection, ping is pitiful, It was worse on the Stillwater connection (the one closest to me)
S3 licensed
Quote from srdsprinter :ESPN, not sure if there's international coverage... but it's on ESPN

Yes, but ABC putting NASCAR races on a cable network was a bad idea in NASCAR's view. The ratings were 14% lower than before it was put on ESPN because of the fact that it is a cable network. Not everyone has cable in America you know.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Is that for real? Either way I nearly wet myself.

Actually, is a parody news site.
S3 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :not this tosser again, hardon or what ever your name is just put a sledge hammer through the bloody thing and be done with it. you really pissed me off last time with your bullshit claims about water cooling and then cry to a mod to lock the thread when you could'nt bring pictures.

your sig says it all to me it takes more skill, skill that you dont have and never will because your an imature retard. :dnfnoob::chair:

All you are contributing to this thread is more unnecessary flaming. Everyone gets the point that Harjun is too arrognat for his own good, and obviously he hasn't destroyed his laptop (yet). The flaming needs to stop, and the thread needs to be closed. Harjun can continue destroying his laptop on the Overclock forums.
S3 licensed
Quote from daloonie :Maybe skinnable rims. Add logos and such. Anyways just an idea.

Skinnable rims? Unless used for adding small logos, that would lead to adding a rice factor to what would be a nice change.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :What do you mean 'from you of all people'? I'm quite open about my feelings for ovals, and have been since forever. One of the worst additions to LFS in my opinion. Why does that make me ignorant? None of the facts I stated are particularly wrong

I guess I will have to agree with you there (not about the 'ovals suck' part), people have their own view on things. But I myself find most forms of motorsport enjoyable (not including that monster truck crap), I understand why you don't like oval racing, any form of motorsport that runs on a closed curcit does infact go in circles, but oval racing is just missing the right turn (or left for the series that turn their cars clockwise around tracks). I guess we should drop the OT argument and get back on topic, things seem to run off topic countless times in this forum
S3 licensed
I have seen that site, they seem to claim LFS as their own work, and from my knowledge they are not an official reseller of vouchers. So there is a chance that the site is fraudulent.
S3 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :I just pwnt Jakg's connection...


Photoshop FTW
S3 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :Could be interesting



Nice work Ian, Maybe you could get it on wheels and send it to me? Looks quite fun(ny) to drive one
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :But only on ovals. Which are crap. And boring. And popularised by less talented drivers in 1950s tech cars supported by dimwits.

Somehow I knew the ignorant oval basher post would come up, but from you of all people? I must be on something. And again, I see no need to use Steam for LFS, it would just add the "Preparing to launch LFS" for an extra 10 seconds before it actually starts.
S3 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Yeah, I lol'd at the signiture too.

Harjun, your signiture imply's that you've got more skill. For someone who doesn't even know how to overclock a computer without the help of a lot of people, for your personal sake and reputation, I really suggest you remove that signiture.

I'd say he is either suffering from Red Bull withdrawl or he is drinking more than ever
S3 licensed
How about sofas on wheels? Didn't see that coming did ya?
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Not bad, but pink is not my color Also, I think this should be in finished skins under the XR's.
S3 licensed
Great work! Downloading right now, though it will take a while as the download speed is a blistering 10 KB/s. :doh: I normally get downloads at around 600 KB/s...
S3 licensed
LFS replay files are in fact NOT video files, but a bunch of coding that basically tells AI to do everything you and other racers did in a particular race. This is also the reason why replays cannot be reversed.
S3 licensed
I use Steam to run games such as HL2, CSS and Garry's Mod, but it is just flat out unnecessary for LFS.
S3 licensed
Well, why would you have any use of a police light set made for the RB4 as a demo racer?
S3 licensed
Please, don't have everyone use the same avatar and say (person) stole it from (person), it will just lead to a riot (even if this is a joke) and could have avatars removed completely from the forum. So, guys, please go back to your original avatars.