Yes, you're talking about the Formula BMW. And that's no glitch at all, go ahead and try shifting with no clutch and throttle wide open, good luck with that.
What you have to do to shift: Hold the paddle/shifter down, lift the throttle, let the gear engage, let the paddle/shifter go and push the throttle again.
He couldn't possibly mean the BF1, since that one has a completely automated clutch and therefore always shifts into the gear you select.
No point trying to solve your error since it would still not work, since you are not licensed anyway.
Pics or didn't happen. Really, you sound more like an attention whore than an actual programmer. And you shouldn't/may not give it out if you really made it.
technically yes, it would even be easier to have it not license protected, but the devs didn't want to add even more contents for the freeloaders.
But they aren't as insane as in other countries (in this case the USA). Also TPB usually gets orders to remove contents as music albums from their site, which they really don't host there, so they can ridicule about that. And making meta-data about copyrighted data illegal, like the DMCA states, is just meh.
Also TPB runs redundant servers in at least two other countries than Sweden (Russia is one of them I think).
Well said, speedway.
If you approach people in a mature, friendly way, they usually are much more willing to do it than if you're being childish.
And Takumi - look at this