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S3 licensed
Quote from kekkart :ill state this load and clear


tried most of the others..

its the most realistic especially when it comes to the racing prospective...

and once again, im not saying the car is crap, but its always alot easier to point out the things that went wrong then the things that went right!

and about moving on, its a secret for a couple of weeks more but its bigger then fbmw ;p

though you did a bit of f3 this year?

im sure i can remember your name coming up while whatching one of the races on tv
S3 licensed
tbh a perfect 'track' for cruising would be as7 with all the connecting bits (lol i know it sounds stupid but cant think ewhat to call them) not blocked giving more option as to were it goes and i think that would be as far as nesesary to go.

lfs is a racing sim and although i use cruise servers and like them i think there are more impoortant things ont the racing side to be adressed far before more cruise track choice
S3 licensed
worst one i have seen personally(actually at the event) was banger racing at arena essex this year for the caravan racing one off and in one of the races cant remember which may have been the last race(caravan one) when they let them have a dd but cant remember, a pile up with a few cars but 2 mainly and it resulted quite a large fire ball. all involved were ok as far as i know

the worst ive watched live on tv was last year the porche carera cup when kelvin burt rolled it over the fence at dodington right by some marshalls but again he was fine(shows how god roll cages are)

ive also seen a few dodgy ones at brands and lydden

watching andrew jordans focus' rear get anialated being one of them in the easter monday anniversary event last year or the year before (again cant remember lol)
S3 licensed
tbh i always say that when people are drunk to a certain extent they show there true colours, and if you really was a person who would never crash anyone or want to then you wouldnt even if drunk unless you were absolutly paralitic but then you wouldnt be able to operate lfs lol

edit: its a bit like punching someone then telling the court that you cant be charged for abh because you were drunk and didnt know what you were doing, it doesnt matter you still did it

oh and no i havent watched the replay im only going on others posts as to actually what happened in said report
S3 licensed
the best bit was when someone replied and said f1 2002 was a better game lol, how stupid can you be
S3 licensed
part of their valuesoft range if im not mistaken, and it does seem to be produced down to a budget lol. but the funny thing is i can find hundreds of things wrong with it but i still play it, i dont know why
S3 licensed
i have to agree abou the racing trucks, we go at least once a year to brands hatch (only live about 20-30 min from the circuit) to watch them and they are excellent, i love truck, spent alot of time on the road in them as a child and i love my motorsport so it combines the 2 and they are some much fun to watch
S3 licensed
euro truck sim is ok, i do perfer it to the 18 wos badged games but it stiall has that dodgy handling that is definatly not realistic(my dad agrees and hes an ex trucker) and the controls system leaves alot to be desired the way it handles you controller inputs is awful tbh especially on the steering. oh and the ai are very stupid lol but apart from that its ok

edit: oh yh and the road system is very simple and uss the same bases, there are a set of road, junction and city models tha are just repeated, there seems to be a bit more variating in the upcoming patch, along with the addition of the uk, i havent yet tried any of the addon maps but they may be better. oh and i voted yes but only because theres not an ok option
Last edited by james12s, .
S3 licensed
Quote from vrooom :where is patch z10? The vw Scirocco addtions has been postponed doesnt mean you get lazy with updates. What you really need is an deadlines. That should give you something to be motivated about. Get on with it.

i cant quite believe you just said that
S3 licensed
well my mum bought my dad a wii for xmas and both me and him have had an absolute crack with it, i think the problem is people think about it too much and miss the whole point of it, its meant to be arcadey and to be better when you have at least 2 people
S3 licensed
wll i know im getting money, using it as part of the moneyto myself a dslr, and there is a suspicion of a wii between me and my dad, we will see lol
S3 licensed
Quote from ADX.14 :Here is an interesting example.. They started the car 3 times by this way. ... 1GP+200mph+record+attempt

that basicly is an external starter motor,it does the exact same as a starter motor but externally therefore saving weight not having an onbard starter motor
S3 licensed
lol ive bumpstated a mini(irl) in reverse cos my sister didnt know how(lol and wouldnt listen to me)
S3 licensed
well in the past messing around i have done it with all the other cars menioned there that you say wouldnt, i cant say why it didnt for you
S3 licensed
oh god what have i gotten into here

things you wish you had never said
S3 licensed
ah now you wouldnt want me to venture on because i would simply own you all :P
S3 licensed
the problem isnt nessiserily noobs its noobs that think its a banger srver that the problem, i thibk there needs to be a big message on entering something like 'PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A BANGER SERVER' or words to that affect, as for geting on bnj at somem point in the next few days, ill see what i can do
S3 licensed
happy birthday you bunch of oldies :P

only joking lol

have a good one, and heres to the more years (raises glass)
S3 licensed
lol its quite a shock going from the xfr to fxo, they both understeer badly if your not careful but apart from that lol. needless to say i was rubbish
S3 licensed
the only thing i can think of is it is something to do with page file size etc, but thats only a guess really

as for the defrag, do it once more and see if it drops any more
S3 licensed
Quote from Toddshooter :I'll try to be there. Hopefully I don't get spanked to hard by all the Aliens

dont worry you will never be last as long as im there lol
S3 licensed
i think there is some things that could be done to make race 2 more popular but merging it with race 1 is defiantly not one of them
S3 licensed
Quote :Faaake! I wonder how will be next Logitech wheel looking? Maybe they'll install safety airbags and dashboard?

lol you laugh about dash board but personally if done right i think a little gauge pod either integrated or as an addon with a little utility like that used by the beta innovation boards would be ace

edit: blimey just looked on beta innovations website and they have closed
S3 licensed
maybe, depends if i can get used to the tbo's after driving the gfr's alot latley
S3 licensed
Quote from obsolum :Eh, that's the Moose for ya There's this saying I heard on the dMr server a while ago from one of the RSR guys:

"Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose... unless you're The Moose".

We all lol'd at that Most of the time he's in a class of his own Or it could be that we all just suck, I don't know

lol the only one i came up with was 'top gear has the stig, lfs has the moose '