So far, I've been buying bucketloads of European cars and selling them for nice profit on the AH. There's something about going broke buying 5-6 cars from dealerships only to get it all back with 20% more 2-8h later ;D
Edit: on a completely different note: is there any way to change how when I log into MSN on XBL, it changes my personal message field to whatever I'm doing on my XBox? e.g. "Jeroen - XBLive GTA IV Multiplayer Jertje"?
Hey thanks for your query, I have checked out everything about you and I predict that your ideal job Bert Banaan is a Rally Car Driver. Good luck in your new career.
So... exactly why did the US government have to bomb the WTC and make it collapse neatly to justify their evil deeds afterwards (which caused them so many benefits! like... a crippled economy and an all-time low on the popularity scale)? I mean, two terrorist planes flying into the towers was not enough?