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S3 licensed
y green car always last ... i guess u no restart this tiem
S3 licensed
enable playback u dick
S3 licensed
working fuel strategy for 6 cars at a time ... my head hurts
S3 licensed
was I just volun-told?
S3 licensed
I agree that they should just run 2 shorter races, especially because they are not running any support races during the weekends, so it would stretch the show out a bit and make visiting a race in person a little more worthwhile.

I am pretty sure that the minimum pit road time is for safety reasons. They don't want drivers rushing the process of putting on belts, plugging in radios and stuff (the same reason Le Mans ditched the old start where the drivers ran to the cars). I think it would be easier if they had a pit road speed limit and a minimum pit stop time. Have an official at each team and the official releases the car after the stop time has elapsed (it would be a lot less confusing for the fans and probably a lot fewer penalties).
S3 licensed
This is a new record: for the first time in human history someone has described the length of a human pregnancy as "a few weeks".

I am not surprised that Scavier set this record...congratz
Last edited by jmeade, .
S3 licensed
nope, issue persists, i have a thread in the program bug section, hoping someone has an answer
S3 licensed
this is a much shorter round up of the issue
Multiplayer gear shift bug
S3 licensed
So im very confused ... I was doing this is Crashmaaas today and 3/4 of the way through I lost the ability to change gears. It worked fine in single player but when going to multiplayer everything got messed. I could change to mouse control, and suddenly my wheel gear change controls would work, but in wheel control, I could not change gears. I went back to single player and everything worked fine, but in multiplayer, it was messed.

Sorry for the long vids, but this is the best vids to explain what happened and I dont know the solution
start at 2 hr 36 mins
Part 2:

this is a good one for scawen to look at
S3 licensed
sorry for the no-show. I got stuck in a meeting out of town that drug on far longer than it was supposed to
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
37/jmeade/Jared Meade/Canada/Angry Angus Racing

...I hope to do the final race
S3 licensed
cheers and thank you

...hopefully our roads cross in the future
Last edited by jmeade, .
S3 licensed
i played this a few years ago but havent played in ages

S3 licensed
Disclaimer: I did not see the race yesterday

But regarding driving etiquette in double waved yellow zones, there has to be some responsibility placed on race control to uphold the rules. The drivers have learned that there are little to no consequences to racing at full song through double yellow situtations so they do it (and partially are required to do it).

I am a kart racer and we use local yellows and we are supposed to slow down and be prepared to stop, but there is no enforcement to people who go through at full speed. The drivers learn very young, if they see a yellow and do the reponsible thing (slow down) the guy in front of them does not slow down and they lose a ton of time to the guy in front. If the guy in front gets no penality, guess what the responsible driver does the next time...he blasts through (by competitive necesitity). These are competitive drivers, they need to be held to the rules by race control.

We had a new head starter yesterday, he threw the green flag at anything...guess what, everyone (myself included) was jumping the start because he always gave the green flag and there were no consequences. It is easy to say that drivers should be responsible and respectful of marshalls, but the reality is that they won't if they are not forced to. Because the one guy who is respectful, is the guy who gets left behind.
S3 licensed
Ok so Martin and I sat down with all the screenshots and drew up this map, this is what we are confident of. (red numbers are image numbers: 5 = WST005, from the hi-rez image pack)

The interesting bit is the new infield layout, we believe there has to be a right hand hairpin in the middle. This is based on image 7, you can see where the track splits, you can see the next left sweeper at the bottom of the hill but right above the white building, you can see another piece of track, then above that you can see the backstretch and grandstand. I believe that image 12 and 21 are from the new track, after this hairpin and in the run back towards the backstretch...this next image is pure speculation.
I think the piece of pavement that can be seen right above the white building is located on my map right where my speculated track is drawn over my #5 marker...if that makes any sense.
S3 licensed
43/jmeade/Jared Meade/Canada/SAVAGE SimSports
S3 licensed
I am running a i7 2600k with 8gig RAM and average 60FPS using high/ultra graphic settings. I have raced with tons of AI and various multiplayer combos. I have only seen the CPU warning once, on a very laggy server.

GPU = AMD HD6800 series

I can't say that i know the solution or cause of your issues, but it is not necessarily the specific CPU because it is working great for me on a similar combo.
Last edited by jmeade, .
S3 licensed
So if no one has heard, Martin won the lottery and has given a portion to all the guys at Savage. Laury bought a BMW, I bought this ... 45/1814745_6649548_lg.jpg

Martin may share some winnings if you ask him kindly

Martin did not actually win the lottery, but spam his inbox anyway