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New Computer = Lagging
S3 licensed
I am wondering if I am missing something. I built a new computer 2 weeks ago and since then I am having horrible connection problems in LFS. I have played some Nascar 2003 online and have had no issues (mind you there are fewer players and the server is closer to home). But in my case, I am actually lagging on my own screen. What I mean is that my car will warp to a new location as I drive down the road. I can be approaching a corner, be at the 200m braking marker than instantly tele-port to being at the 100M marker...causing me to miss my braking point and (if you know what I mean). I have also had issues with timing out after generally ~10minutes of being connected to a server. It will have the tele-port issue constantly but times out after roughly 10 minutes. I will re-connect and have a decent connection until I time out again after 10 minutes.

I am perplexed and think because other games play well online that is is a LFS specific thing (the tele-porting does not occur in single player, almost suggests its a connection thing). I really do not know. Windows firewall and antivirus is disabled when on LFS, and I run FSAutoStart before playing to kill various processes and programs like messeger.

The computer:
Intel i7 2600K 3.4GHz
8GB Ram
Radeon HD 6870 1GB

SpeedTest results
Halifax (~250km from home)

Berlin (far away from Eastern Canada :P )

everything ran great on the old computer (at a lower frame-rate), going to the new computer, everything looks pretty but i can no longer stay connected to a server, it should be mentioned that the tele-porting was horrible when running at ~175FPS, I capped the game to 60FPS and it made it better, if that means anything
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :I unlocked the FOX!!!! I let LFS run idle for days.

Does unlocking a faster car mean that you can go nowhere faster?
S3 licensed
Team Name: Angry Angus Racing
Server (Y/N):

Team info: We have just finished our 1st year of LFS competition. We have competed in the GT2 World Series, Racing Minds 16 Hour (3rd in NGT) and the 2012 Masters of Endurance 24 Hours of Aston. We are a group of 4 casual amateurs who are looking to move up the speed charts a bit. We pride ourselves on clean racing, consistent driving and efficient race planning.

Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?:
We will get to know you before we throw you into a big race, but we do not have a formal testing procedure.
Demo/S1/S2?: S2

Extra Info
[AAR] name can be however you want
Best way to contact us: facebook group as linked above as our website or personal message to me on this forum
What experience of drivers: lets say intermediate, not expecting to attract any aliens, but would like to get some experience and knowledge in our corner to raise our results.


Angry Angus Racing: A Somewhat Legitimate Racing Team Since 2005
Specializing in: 4 cycle Go-Karts, 1:18th scale RC Race Cars; Simulated Stock Cars, Touring Cars and Open Wheel Cars; Engineering, Design, Fabrication of components; Sponsorship planning and Livery Design; Driver Coaching.
S3 licensed
Other than also being Canadian, I have nothing to contribute to this thread
S3 licensed
teamName: Angry Angus Racing
car: XRR
class: GT2-Am
number: 98
- {jmeade, Jared Meade, Canada}
- {rleb, Rejean LeBlanc, Canada}
- {wody21, Zoltán Gácsi, Hungary}
- {JayEyeBee, Jonathan Björnson, Canada}
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :While I completely agree a ladder system would be great, its hard to build one for endurance
Before it was GTAL >IGTC>MoE. And also before, we had many many more teams. Now for LFSCART we do have a much similar thing but it is a single driver championship. Its just something to think about.

I wish people could just come out and discuss like this. The more people we would have do it would make Deko and others know exactly what drivers, managers, or teams want and then incorporate that into future series.

I agree that is is hard for endurance, for a full endurance field, you need at least 60 drivers, and if you wanted a top series and lower series like I am proposing, you need at least 120 drivers. But I think it can work in a single driver environment. The problem with the current LFS CART Light format as a feeder series is that it is full of top pros and the upcoming drivers get scared off or don't get through Pre-Qualifying (I think round 1 this year had close to 60 guys qualifying for 30 starting spots, I know it dropped off at the end, I think guys got scared off...personally, I was the same, I really felt I had very little chance of making the race if 60 guys kept showing up).

And it does not have to LFSCART and LFSCART Light, it can be something new and original. But I think a premier series and a feeder series would help get drivers involved and teams do not have to get in the way. If the NDR guys went into a dark room and had a massive argument to determine their top ~28 invite only drivers regardless of what team drivers are on, if 12 Core guys get chosen and only 2 GenR guys get be it. People are invited and race as individuals. If *lets say* Phil and Isaac choose to run Western Wolves skins and share setups and data before the race, that is their private business.

The lower series can draw in lesser known drivers, as they are not scared off by the prospect of racing against the uber-pros. They have an environemnt to get their feet wet in a well organized series. I spent some time this winter with a different league just for the added seat time and it was a waste of time, the events were poorly coordinated and there were not penalties handed to dangerous drivers so it was just an exercise of not getting wrecked by the lappers who were 10 seconds off the pace. The lower series still has some meaning as the top few get to race with the "big boys" in the big broadcast race amongst highly respected drivers.

This does not have to LFSCART/LFSCART Light either, it can be pros in TBO and noobs in can be pros in STD's noobs in UF1, or a GT1 and GT2 series...this is a topic I can not discuss as I am new to the community, I do not what has been done and am still learning the GT2's and have yet to run a proper GT1 series, but I think single driver series will help pull in new independent drivers and help get them noticed by teams and a feeder series under a top series will give meaning to both series. The top series is very prestigious and invite only, the lower series is racing for the right to be invited.
S3 licensed
I am of the same opinion of Framaris. As the manager of a new team with new drivers, I would like to see some style of ladder system, where you have one big prestigious series and a feeder series for lesser drivers to gain experience and prove themselves all under one umbrella.

I think LFSCART and LFSCART Light are a good platform to do this. LFSCART is the big prestigious series with longer races, broadcast, the whole 9 yards and LFS CART Light is a feeder series (think F1 and GP2).

Maybe run LFSCART as an invite-only series of the top drivers and have a deticated roster of...lets say...28 drivers. The other 2 spots and any no-shows can be filled by the top Light drivers. Maybe Light runs on the same track the week before the LFSCART race. So if you finish in the top 2 of the Light race at Blackwood, you get to race the next weekend in the big series at Blackwood (and 3-4-5th from the light race would be on a waiting list to fill no-shows)


As far as other series, I do not really have an opinion. My team is relatively new and has yet to run a proper GT1 series, we are still learning the GT2's and we have not entered anything using STD or TBO but would consiter them.
S3 licensed
same day as the 6 hour GT2WS race...thats a lot of driving
S3 licensed
I am not looking to wait on parts being released, I would like to do this sooner rather than later. Also, I am not 100% married to AMD graphics but I have never used Nividia and AMD has never given me problems.

Any opinions on the Sapphire 100314-3L Radeon HD6870

I do not follow hardware trends very closely
S3 licensed
Ok, with some research I have come to the same conclusion.

I am looking into replacing the system. I will re-use the case, CD drives, monitor, network card, sound card ( always use a logitech head set, may not even bother with it), maybe the power supply (its 450W...may go for more)

Lets say the budget is $1000, I would like to try dual monitors. I am not doing 3D modelling or HD video editing. I just play LFS and browse the net. I would like LFS to run at medium-High graphics with rock solid FPS (willing to sacrifice image qualify in exchange for FPS) on an open configuration in heavy traffic.

I am thinking of this:
MoBo: ... aspx?Item=N82E16813131831
CPU: ... aspx?Item=N82E16819115071
Ram: ... aspx?Item=N82E16820233185

I would like to try a small-ish (~125GB) SSD for the OS and game installs, and the a big 'ol conventional drive for mass storage.
SSD: ... amp;Page=2#scrollFullInfo

For vid card, I was thinking of this: ... =ASUS%20HD7770-DC-1GD5-V2 but it is getting poor reliability reviews so I may find something similar...any suggestions

I am not required to purchase from NewEgg, i just wanted a good informative site with Canadian prices. I plan to choose the components then start to price compare from supplier vs supplier.

This will be my first time I have built my own computer. I have always used home built computers, but they were built by family members. I am confident I can do it, I have put computers together before. I just have never selected parts before.
Looking to replace or upgrade (where is my bottle neck)
S3 licensed
I guess I am wondering where my bottle neck is with my system. It was built in 2007 and I am trying to make up my mind if I want to build a new computer or upgrade what I have.

What I currently have:

Windows XP Pro SP2
Dual Core Pentium 4 3.4GHZ
Radeon X1550 512Mb
2Gb Ram

LFS is running:
Low graphics (lowest LOD and compressed textured, no detail in mirror)

With this setup I am running LFS relatively stable but in large packs or on open configs it gets iffy. I run LFS on low graphics I have the occasional FPS scare where things will drop to 15-25FPS for a few seconds where the load gets really heavy. I am trying to make up my mind if I want to just throw in some ram and maybe a video card or if I should go for a MoBo/CPU/SSD/Vid card (basically build a new system using my existing case and CD drives/network card/sound card)...or go whole hog and go all new.

I know this is tough without specifying a budget, but I mainly want to know where the bottle neck is. Is it just a lack of RAM, or video card, or is the whole CPU (which would most likely lead to a new MoBo) no longer adequate. Basically I am not doing heavy 3D modelling or video editing, I want to play LFS at medium-to-high graphics settings with confidence in a pack and/or on a open configuration. Can throwing some RAM at this computer bring me up to snuff, or do I need to start to look into replacing a lot of components?
Last edited by jmeade, . Reason : CPU is 3.4GHZ not 3.7 as I previously bad
S3 licensed
98 is good
S3 licensed
Last edited by jmeade, . Reason : no longer relevant...when Chris grows up, I think he wants to be a potato
S3 licensed
teamName: Angry Angus Racing
car: XRR
class: GT2-Am
number: 98
- {jmeade, Jared Meade, Canada}
- {rleb, Rejean LeBlanc, Canada}
- {wody21, Zoltán Gácsi, Hungary}
- {JayEyeBee, Jonathan Björnson, Canada}
S3 licensed
I like the idea and am interested (in fact my team is starting up a charity campaign later this summer also, see the link in my signature...but not to thread-jack...back on topic), but I think you may have more success with a shorter race. I would be willing 2-3-4-5$ to a cause for a 1 or 2 hour race, knowing the money went to a good cause. You may struggle to get teams to commit to a full-on 24 hour race.

That is the boat I am in, interested in helping but not sure If I can get my team comitted and set-up and adequately prepared for a full 24 hour race. You could probably raise just as much money (if not more) with a shorter race, its less commitment for the drivers, less server time, less admin work.

A 24 hour race is a cool idea, I have done them, enjoyed them and want to do more, but it may not be the best route for this cause. You may struggle to get a large entry list and no one wants to do a 24 race with only 5-8 cars, and that may happen.
S3 licensed
Angry Angus Racing,38,jmeade,Jared Meade,Canada
S3 licensed
That actually works for AAR, 3 of us are all Atlantic Canadian and live within a 3 hours drive of each other.

My Hungarian team mate may have an issue
S3 licensed
X.2.c says passing can occur at the drop of the green flag on the race start
X.2.d.2 says that if the start is aborted, we get 2 more attempts at a double file START

so after the aborted start, the 2nd time we came around I interpret that it is still a race start...thus passing is allowed
S3 licensed
Quote from MoMo92i :Endu isn't F1. Rolling start are for endu (I would suggest a Le Mans start but I dunno how to make drivers running to the car...)

Gentleman's Agreement: Everyone starts with their wheel boxed and 20 feet away from their computer desk. Start signal is given, everyone runs to the wheel, removes it from the box, runs to computer desk, hooks it up and drives away.

S3 licensed
Session of Incident: Race
MPR Timecode -OR- UTC Time of Incident 00:53:50
Lap and Location of Incident: Lap 43
Your Car Number 98
Other Car(s) Involved 11
Brief Description of Incident

#11 appears to have a puncture or major issue, he is driving right smack in the middle of the driving line entering the chicane. I approached 100km/h faster than he is going expecting him to clear the way and instead he dived into the chicane as normal and gives me no space to complete a pass. I honestly had no where to go, he should not be in the racing line in the middle of the toughest, narrowest part of the track 100km/h off the pace.
S3 licensed
98 is ok eh
S3 licensed
Quote from jmeade :Angry Angus Racing #38 / 90

...added skin for rleb, he is filling in the #90 for round 4
S3 licensed
Angry Angus Racing,38,jmeade,Jared Meade,Canada
Angry Angus Racing,90,rleb,Rejean LeBlanc,Canada
S3 licensed
Angry Angus Racing

The team has been around for quite some time but is relatively new to LFS. We were founded between a pair of karting buddies in 2005 who at the time raced Nascar Racing 2003 Season (the predecessor to iRacing) who moved on to LFS in the spring of 2011. We have since picked up another Eastern Canadian and a random Hungarian kid for good measure. We are still learning and growing but believe in trial by fire as we have participated in various New Dimension Racing series, Racing Minds 16Hour and the Masters of Endurance 24 Hours of Aston.

We seek to do more than just play a computer game and see our team as an outlet to do greater good. Rej and myself are heavily involved with the executive of the kart club, I run a local Radio Control Race club and help organize a local charity Soap Box Derby. You do not have to personally be involved in racing outside of LFS but I like the team to be a little more than just computer games.

We will take on another driver or 2. We are a easy-going team, I do not require a massive commitment (this is just a computer game after all, we never lose sight of that fact), I only ask that a driver gives their best effort and does not flake out at the last minute before a race. If you are a intermediate racer who wants to learn what being a part of a team is all about and wants to try some big events, we may be the right fit for you.

Manager: Jared Meade, jmeade, Canada
Asst Manager: Rej LeBlanc, rleb, Canada
Experienced LFS Consultant: Jonathan Bjornson, JayEyeBee, Canada
Fast Hungarian: Zoltan Gacsi, wody21, Hungary
S3 licensed
#98 Angry Angus Racing