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I did 4 races last night, 2 were marred by turn 1 murders, but the other 2 were decent races. I have yet to have minor contact so I can't comment on the netcode, but all the cars around me seemed very stable.

But in my final race, I did qualifying and all was fine, as soon as the server went to race, there was a buzzing in the sound ( ... =UUEbEIt-oAYWSr8zCgXI6fvQ ) and it went away as soon as i exited the server after the race ended. Yes I did have fraps running because I thought it would be fun to record a race, but fraps was running in the background for all of qualifying, the sound started as soosn as the server went to race mode, but before I started capturing and persistes after i ended capture, the buzz ended when I logged off the server. Has this been reported by anyone else, I am not on the AC forum at the moment.

I did not mind the booking system, I think you can have decent pick-up and play racing on a server with a short booking time and short qualifying. I did 2 races in a row on the same server with most of the same guys. It was 2 minutes booking, 8 minutes qualifying so as soon as the first race ended we just searched the server name again, re-booked, waited 2 minutes and were right back into qualifying. Some random grids would be nice, or grids based on PB or something to not require qualifying would speed things up...I like LFS's system better, but I can live with this one.

There's little things: more time is needed between sessions: many people missed the start of the race and were just sitting on the grid because there's only like 5 seconds between the end of qualifying and the starting procedure, and there needs to be more time after the race, if you are way behind the leader, the session can end and you have not even finished the race.
S3 licensed
When and Why was there a downturn...

The last major content update of one car and one track was estimated to be ready in early 2009...we are still waiting for that one car and one track.
S3 licensed
NOOOOOOO!!!! I was at work
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I have never agreed with anything said by LLM...but in this case, I agree ... the devs of LFS would rather this game die than allow the community to save the game (for free).
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Assetto Corsa is the latest and greatest, there is a lot of discussion in the off-topic forum (go to the main LFS forum page and scroll to the bottom and find the off-topic discussion) is still in development but is available through Steam Early Access

It has no multiplayer yet however
S3 licensed
2 weekends ago, the last major race in LFS was held (GT World Series Round 4: 24 Hours of Kyoto) and most of the active racing teams/drivers treated it as LFS's funeral. There is simply nothing left after Scavier had neglected this community over the past 5 years.

Saturday's can be pretty good on, so keep an eye on that server tomorrow. The Saturday racing can be pretty fun on cargame
S3 licensed
This was clearly the most difficult yet the most rewarding thing I have done in sim-racing. I came into this race with the knowledge that this will most likely be my last major international sim race. I am 100% aware that I lack the time, the motivation and the talent to actually race in premiere series and the only reason that I am here is because the car counts are low so a guy like myself is able to squeak into the back of the grid.

The lead up was very difficult for the #56 car, we had massive driver turn-over in the week leading up to the race. Of the 5 drivers, 3 were added to the roster in the final 4 days leading into the race. The change in driver line-up required a complete re-think of the race strategy and a re-build of the setup in the final hours. But knowing this was probably my last major race, I refused to give up and because Troy stuck with me from the start, and Yann, Lars and Matthias stepped to the plate in the final days, we were able to get #56 on the grid. The opening stints went almost perfectly, Troy slaved through the night, Yann and Matthias provided much needed relief in the morning. Not to forget Jarda who stayed on TS for almost the entire race providing laughs, knowledge, insight and almost singlehandidly allowed us to gain a lap on all the cars behind by screaming "DONT PIT DONT PIT DONT PIT!!!" into my ear as I dove for pit road behind the safety car.

This completed my LFS cycle: my first ever race with teammates was at KY2R in a XRR, and this perhaps last race was at KY2R in an XRR. The difference being that the first one was a negligible event that resulted in a DNF ... the last one was one of the most demanding races that sim-racing has to offer and a 4th place finish (and I even got to lead a lap).

For me, I do not know where I am going from here, I think the first order of business is a bit of time away from sim-racing as some changes are coming in my life that will require more attention. Once those get settled hopefully I can come back with fresh motivation. But regardless of where I go from here, I am happy with where I have made it to. My sim racing "career" was born in Nascar 3, I was raised in Nascar Racing 2003, but I have been proud to call Live For Speed my home (and the home is in a pretty good town under Mayor Palmer).

Thanks goes out to Brent and Rej who were the only people not to think I was crazy for playing a computer game in an organized series oh so many years ago and instead said "that sounds fun, can I do it too?", they became my first team-mates. Thanks to the guys at NBVRL (especially Peter, Jim, Brian and Don) for allowing me to mature and putting up with my sometimes youthful exuberance. Rej came to LFS with me with the desire to do one endurance race for the LOLz. Thanks goes to JB and Zoltan who agreed to stick with this pair of Canadians who had no idea what they had gotten into. Thanks to Yann, Troy and Lars: of all the teams you could have driven for, I still do not know why you chose mine ... and why you came back for more punishment. Just know that I learnt more from you guys in a few hours than I learned in 2 years trying to figure it out myself. And thanks to the guys at Savage for the experience and the structure to work within.

I came to LFS to try out one endurance race, just to see what it was all about, and it ballooned to all of this. It has been a privilege to race with and against this field of drivers and under the immensely professional organisation of NDR.
Last edited by jmeade, .
S3 licensed
Quote from jmeade :teamName: SAVAGE SimSports
attending: yes
class: GT2
car: XRR
number: 56
- {jmeade, Jared Meade, Canada}
- {troy, Kevin Leu, Switzerland}
- {GreyBull [CHA], Yann Laprevotte, France}
- {TypeRacing, Karl Raudsepp, Estonia}
- {zapphord, Lars Wylensek, Germany}
- {Æthelstan, Matthias Fieseler, Germany}

teamName: SAVAGE SimSports
attending: no
class: GT2
car: XRR
number: 65

ADD Driver: - {Æthelstan, Matthias Fieseler, Germany}
REMOVED Driver: - {Töki (HUN), Roland Osza, Hungary}
S3 licensed
Quote from jmeade :teamName: SAVAGE SimSports
attending: yes
class: GT2
car: XRR
number: 56
- {jmeade, Jared Meade, Canada}
- {troy, Kevin Leu, Switzerland}
- {GreyBull [CHA], Yann Laprevotte, France}
- {TypeRacing, Karl Raudsepp, Estonia}
- {zapphord, Lars Wylensek, Germany}
- {Töki (HUN), Roland Osza, Hungary}

teamName: SAVAGE SimSports
attending: no
class: GT2
car: XRR
number: 65

ADD driver - {zapphord, Lars Wylensek, Germany}
REMOVE driver - {prOmo_LTU, Laurynas Matonis, Lithuania}
S3 licensed
teamName: SAVAGE SimSports
attending: yes
class: GT2
car: XRR
number: 56
- {jmeade, Jared Meade, Canada}
- {troy, Kevin Leu, Switzerland}
- {GreyBull [CHA], Yann Laprevotte, France}
- {TypeRacing, Karl Raudsepp, Estonia}
- {zapphord, Lars Wylensek, Germany}
- {Æthelstan, Matthias Fieseler, Germany}

teamName: SAVAGE SimSports
attending: no
class: GT2
car: XRR
number: 65
Last edited by jmeade, . Reason : added Matthias, removed Toki
S3 licensed
I never got to know Tomek nor did I ever get to chat with him but I will never forget 2012 GT2WS at Blackwood.

He (got) spun on the pacelap had had to start near the back (directly in front of me). There was a turn 1 crash that I missed but Tomek got caught up in. I was running about 18th and Tomek got away from the crash in like 28th, probably 20 seconds behind the field. Well within 20 minutes, he has passed all 10 cars between us and arrived on my bumper. For one corner, he made a move up the inside, but I was able to hold him off around the outside and get a better exit. I beat him out of the corner and cleared him before the next corner. I just realized "OMG I just beat IMOL through a corner!!!" and my team mates freaked out because it was shown on stream. So I carried on, on the outside of my body I was telling myself: fight hard, don't give up, show him what I am made of, do not go down quietly...but deep down inside I was completely horrified!

I kept up the battle and the most memorable part of the next 2 laps was looking in the mirror, completely horrified, and just seeing that giant red 3id logo and hearing his horn blazing non-stop at me. With the horn blazing, I really wished I could stick my hand out the window and give him the finger...but knowing Tomek, that would just have fired him up even more.

...clearly, shortly after he got past me and drove off over the horizon...but those 2 laps were probably 2 of my most memorable laps I will ever have in LFS
S3 licensed
This is my view of the start: it was was quite exciting

...after that...well...2 punctures and a crash to desktop made things difficult, not to mention the shenanigans in the final few laps
Last edited by jmeade, . Gti night fun
S3 licensed
This is my first video using Vegas Pro (my first time with proper editing software), it is for comedy purposes only.

Showcasing a crazy and hilarious race from Saturday night on cargame

There are a few other LFS vids on my channel along with some auto-x and kart on board videos.

...have fun!
S3 licensed
happy birthday guys

...from 4 blokes :P
S3 licensed
So this is Crashmaas!
And what have you done...
Another's rolled over, but a new lap has begun...
So this is Crashmaas!
I hope you had fun
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Last edited by jmeade, .
S3 licensed
I'm in to try to defend my bonus round win from last year!
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S3 licensed
Oh the old black rum has a hold on me,
Like a dog wrapped 'round my leg!
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S3 licensed

...will probably miss race 2, I have somewhere to be at 20:00UTC
Last edited by jmeade, .
S3 licensed
Yeah, that is something I forgot to mention, the clutch seems to be non-existant. In all the cars I have driven, I have yet to touch the clutch petal, and I just flat throttle shift like you would a XRR. I really hope that some better clutch/transmission simulation arrive at some point
S3 licensed
My thoughts after 2 hours (1 hour last night, somewhat tired and drunk, and one hour this morning)

The game looks drop-dead-gorgeous. I am running consistent 55-60fps, on all high detail settings, medium AA. The AA needs work, lots of jaggies here and there and the game needs a gamma slider. I find the game right now to be too bright, everything looks white-washed almost, they need to darken it slightly and bring in more depth in the environment colours, maybe reduce some reflections. Even with these issues, I still think it looks great, and will be absolutely phenominal with some tweaks, and some adjust ability.

The sound is decent and I love the little details that LFS so desperately lacks. The cars sound somewhat flat but the little touches from the environment help with the immersion: you can hear people working in the pits with the crowd in the background, when you drive slowly on the track, you can ever so slightly hear the horns and cheers of the crowd (not quite realistic in a solo practice...but great for race weekends), when you run wide off the track, the the next straight you can hear the grinding and rattles of pebbles bouncing around inside the car and under-tray, and when you hit a hard curb you can hear just the grinding and clunking of metallic mechanical parts sounds like you just mashed a big metal machine into a huge boulder.

The driving physics feel pretty good (I have not driven all the cars yet), but the Lotus 49 reminds me so much of my times playing GPL, that super floaty, slippy yet fast and ravage beast. The Ferrari is also a pure beast. The old M3 feels like a more civilized XRT, and the new one feels powerful yet soft and squishy. The Force-feedback seems inconsistent to me, it feels quite numb most of the time then randomly tries to rip the wheel out of my hands, especially in a slide, i think the feedback should be more gradual to let you feel the car break loose...right now, you don't feel it in the wheel until the car is gone. I am also struggling with the input feel, I am not getting input lag but the input is very non-linear, very numb in the middle, then extreme inputs the more I turn. I like a very linear input, and I find this game to be very non-linear and there is no adjustment in the game that I can find.

Overall, it still needs some polish. But there is a great foundation at work here, they just need to clean it up. They need to address the AA, they need to address some UI configuration (wheel linearity, gamma), they need to liven up the car sounds, but the car physics feels very believable (I have never driven any of these cars or tracks in real life, so I have little to base my opinion off of, but it feels believable). I love LFS because I understand why things work well or why they go wrong. When I played NR2003, I would be left after so many crashes not understanding why I just crashed, watch the replay and still not understand why the car spun. I spent so much time in NR2003 saying "where is the car going, why is it doing this?", in LFS I always understand why things were happening, why i spun, why the car is doing something...AC has that same feeling, I know why I spun, I know where I made my mistake, next lap I make a correction and the car makes the corner better.

I have not played in the Logitech profiler yet nor have I fiddled with Catalyst Control center so improvements may be found there

The modding support will give the game near infinite life, if the multiplayer is good, this could easily become the unstoppable juggernaut in the sim-racing genre.

CPU: i7-2600k
OS: Windows 7 64x
RAM: 8Gig
GPU: Radeon HD6880
Wheel: G25
S3 licensed
A quick auto-x onboard with yours truly ... 524g&
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