As soon as you put in a "rule" regarding hitting, you then require an admin to watch that corner for 24 hours...or have someone monitoring an in-sim for 24 hours. That is its own problem. Then you have to ask what constitutes a "hit". Is it brushing it hard enough that causes it to disappear and be reset or do you have to send the post flying? If you do it by in-sim, what happens if you are fairly beside someone and they force you into the post, you then have to have an appeal/protest system for false pole hits?
In my opinion, you absolutely can not write a rule along the lines of "if you hit it a few times, you are ok...if you hit it a lot it is a penality". That will just cause a massive *poop* storm when the first penality or warning is applied, what constitutes a few, what constitutes a lot?
I think the by far easiest way to do it is to not have a rule and let the layout enforce its-self, if you can hit a post and keep going...then fine, if you go farther and brush a tire and get away with it...then soon as you cut enough, the tire bundle will punish you, maybe additional tires need to be added to make it more punishing
is there any consideration for running the race the same way the MoE race was done last year. Allow shift + p for upside down cars and maybe make it a hefty penalty (2-3 laps). I am thinking by looking at the MoE results last year, there would have only been 17 finishers in that race as 13 shift + p at some point of the race. This is a marque race for NDR, it is a marque race for LFS as a whole, the stream will have a large audience, do we only want 1/2 the cars running at the finish?
Personally I do not mind, we ran all 24 hours without a shift +p last year, we did the 2011 16 Hour in a UFR with only one. But I am not looking forward to getting hit by some fool on lap 1.
I am not a fan of the safety car for all the above mentioned reasons (running for 10 hours, building up a lead and losing it all...and the restart madness). I think the code 80 would be difficult to implement, but this is for the admins to comment on. With the code 80, when it is all said and done, it has no effect on the outcome of the race: the leader still has his lead, the guy is still 10 seconds from getting lapped etc etc, but the admins had to do a lot of work to make sure everyone obeyed and did not gain an advantage, it feels like a lost effort to me.
...I am still fairly inexperienced at this, i know what code 80 is, i have not really seen it at work, i have never seen it in LFS so if I am talking out of my ass, let me know. Just trying to contribute to the discussion
so forgive the nOOb question (I think i already know the answer...just want to confirm) I just want to confirm that the the standard GT1WS rule still stands that if you flip means you are out of the race.
I only have experience in these long race with the RM 16 Hour and the 2012 MoE 24 Hour, they both allowed shift+p...but as far as I know, for this round the standard GT1WS rules still stand and have no exception to allow for re-joins after flips.
Thank you so very much guys for what you have done for sim racing as a whole. Personally I have 11 years of casual sim racing under my belt, in 4 different sims, in I don't know how many different leagues. Despite the fact that in your races I am truly a back marker, your races have been the events I have gotten the most enjoyment, frustration, lost the most sleep over but have had the most fun and get the greatest pride from.
I am truly proud to be a racer and team manager in NDR leagues, they are amongst the top tier of sim-racing.
I just asked for the same reason that Dennis pointed out: that the rule does not directly address teams with 2 Am cars or 2 Pro cars, but as long as a precedent has been set, I am happy...just wanted to make sure before I re-work the strategy
Regarding the rule change with applications (teams can now enter more than 1 car per class). What are the rules regarding moving drivers between the two cars. I know if a team has 1 pro and 1 am car, you can freely move drivers between the cars...does the same apply for a team with 2 pro cars or 2 am cars. If I have 2 Am cars, can I freely move drivers back and forth between the cars between rounds?
Well for the record, My bios is no longer functioning. I wanted to look at a few things, I got into the bios and it immediately froze, the mouse would not move (it is a mouse driven BIOS), the keys would not move the cursor and the front page has temperature read-outs and CPU frequencies and clock frequencies that have always twitched and jittered a little bit (by which I mean the numbers would constantly chance ever so slightly. All those read-outs were non-changing.
I re-booted and it will boot Windows, so I re-booted again to re-try to get into the bios, I hit delete, half of the bios front page loaded and that it froze again. I can hit the re-boot button and it will boot windows, but I can not get the Bios to function
Ok, I have flashed the Bios up to version F6 (from F1), there have been 6 bios updates in the past 4 months for this thing.
I also ran speedfan on the second monitor as I raced (and glitched and timed out :P ) online and the video card has a solid 1.17V, I also had the Catalyst control Center running, the Vid card never went beyond 51*C and 30% activity.
It seems really hit and miss, I was on last night playing around a a server with 4-6 people with no problems, today I was spectating with no problems. Went back on this evening and spectated at cargame, I witnessed no glitching but in Network de-bug I had InitTime values ranging anywhere from +30 to -50. I then jumped onto the AirAttack FMB server and ran back into values of -100 all the way to -1000 and eventual time-out.
Desperately trying to see what I am doing differently each time I go on to see what is causing it to work and what is causing it to not work, i just can not find things I am doing differently
I went to Gigabyte (MoBo manufacturer) first, all I got was a barely understandable typed message by someone who clearly can't speak English telling me to make sure PEG was selected in the BIOS under "Initial Display" (which is already was), they told me to go the the video card manufacturer.
I am not necessarly blaming Sapphire, I did not know which direction to go. It seemed like a clock issue so I went to the MoBo first, they said "set your bios up this way, if that does not fix it, go to the video card company" ... so I did such and went to the Video card company and they seem to be a lot more interested in helping...the tech actually speaks English and is asking follow up questions. So I am hoping that maybe the Sapphire guys can help me out even if they can confirm that the MoBo is the issue.
There are several Bios updates for my MoBo...time to research flashing the Bios
I hate to bring this back and bother everyone again. I have yet to solve this issue (but have not put any time or effort into fixing it over the past 2 months...been very busy)
I have learned that my game runs perfectly fine when running on the integrated graphics processor, I removed the power connectors from the video cars and plugged my monitor into the on-board card and have played LFS just fine. I then switched back over the the video card, using the drivers that came with the video card on the included CD and experienced the same problems. I uninstalled those drivers and tired the newest drivers off of Sapphire's website and am still experiencing my issue.
Does this new information shed any light?
I have a support ticket open with Sapphire right now. I am work with their techs but the problem is most prevalent in LFS. In LFS, I lost 2-3 and up to 5 seconds each minute, in Nascar Racing 2003 Season I lost at max 0.3 seconds each minute
Team just do not come together immediately and enjoy immediate success. The way I built my casual team was to start with a personal friend. With a personal friend, you then have an actual TEAM (as in more than one driver) who is very likely stick with you. Next I managed to final another local driver whom I have never met, but felt compelled to work with us as he was a similar skill ability and from the same region of the world so he felt comfortable communicating with us right off the bat.
We have then managed to grab a few international drivers to bolster numbers based on the fact that as a team we ran in events as a team and gained a favorable reputation.
It is hard as a lone ranger to convince other people to pair up with you as a team, you are an un-proven entity. I would suggest starting with someone you know and then try to find someone with a common interest or from your region. By doing this, you have 3 drivers and will become recognized as a team after the 2 or 3 of you enter and finish some races.
Build from there. I have been going for 16 months now, and started with 1 friend, grabbed one other local guy (whom I have never met), and one international driver. And now 16 months later, am just beginning to grab a few more takes time, stick with it.
Team Name: Angry Angus Racing
Server (Y/N): No
Type: Race Team info: We have just finished our 2nd year of GT2 World Series, we are a consistent runner, respected by our competitors and a team based around organisation and planning. We have also competed in the 2011 Racing Minds 16 Hour Race (3rd in NGT class) and the 2012 MoE 24 Hours of Aston (11th in GT1 class).
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: We will get to know you before we throw you into a big race, but we do not have a formal testing procedure. Demo/S1/S2?: S2
Extra Info
Teamtag:[AAR] name can be however you want Best way to contact us: facebook group as linked above as our website or personal message to me on this forum What experience of drivers: Intermediate, not expecting to attract any aliens, but we are looking to run the GT1 World Series this winter and feel we need more drivers (we currently have 4) to run a series composed of 6-8-12-24 hour races. We would be a great for a driver who is new to endurance racing and is looking to break into the big international series.
Angry Angus Racing: A Somewhat Legitimate Racing Team Since 2005
Specializing in: 4 cycle Go-Karts, 1:18th scale RC Race Cars; Simulated Stock Cars, Touring Cars and Open Wheel Cars; Engineering, Design, Fabrication of components; Sponsorship planning and Livery Design; Driver Coaching.
Angry Angus Racing would like to start off by saying a massive thank you to the guys at NDR for another great year of GT2 World Series. We finished the series 19th overall, of 49 entries (probably would have been 17th if we had not been crashed out in round 1), and finished 8th of 27 in the newly formed amateur classification. We would also like to thank NDR for their enthusatic and active promotion of our Run For The Cure campaign that raised $286 towards defeating breast cancer. On that note, congratulations to ineX Racing for winning our team challenge as the most generous team and thus will have a special video produced in their honour.
We are looking forward to the GT1 World series this winter but feel we require more man-power for a series composed of 6-8-12-24 hour races. We would like to hear from any interested drivers, or even whole teams who are also facing man-power shortages going into this true test of endurance, we can work something out.